




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:dàn rán








  1. 犹漠然,淡漠。

    《大戴礼记·哀公问五义》:“若天之司,莫之能职,百姓淡然,不知其善。” 唐 元稹 《叙诗寄乐天书》:“性不近道,未能淡然忘怀。” 茅盾 《多角关系》四:“ 唐太太 也淡然微笑。”

  2. 淡泊,不趋名利。

    《南史·王峻传》:“ 峻 为侍中已后,虽不退身,亦淡然自守,无所营务。” 唐 吴筠 《黔娄先生》诗:“淡然常有怡,与物固无瑕。”

  3. 形容颜色浅淡。

    唐 杜甫 《冬到金华山观》诗:“四顾俯层巔,淡然川谷开。” 宋 周密 《癸辛杂识续集·乌贼得名》:“世号墨鱼为乌贼……盖其腹中之墨可写伪契券宛然如新,过半年则淡然如无字。”



  1. A lightly smiles: CEOs had a long talk with me, ready to promote me to assistant general manager, I do not intend to leave out.


  2. Sure, he kills a bunch of kids, but I never wanted to get busy with a Jedi until I saw him with his shirt off.


  3. Some people, some things, some love, never get out of a trap, the past over the eyes, leaving only a little.


  4. Nowadays when I can be very cool about a million dollars, I feel like a nice big steak. '


  5. The girl knew as well, and she felt proud, contented. But the look on her face was cool and fastidious.


  6. I didn't want to lose the kind, gifted boy with an easy smile and ready sense of humor who loved Gandhi as a 6-year-old.


  7. Teacher's Day in the United States known as "Teacher Appreciation Week" , they are very indifferent attitude of Teacher's Day.


  8. all the shy, already Danran no deposit, is replaced by a more infatuated with such a feeling.


  9. Yesterday, with a total fresh smell waves, despite the open window, smelling the aroma is still indifferent.


  1. 淡然地回答

    answer drily

  2. 淡然的态度

    disengaged manner.

  3. 淡然去面对一切!

    Danran to face all!

  4. 他对此淡然处之。

    He took it lightly.

  5. 他对此淡然处之。

    He took it lightly.

  6. 淡然去面对一切!

    Danran to face all!

  7. 他不能淡然处之。

    He could never bear it casually.

  8. 她淡然一笑。

    She smiled thinly.

  9. 他淡然一笑。

    He gave a thin smile.

  10. 失意泰然, 得意淡然。

    Of thy sorrow be not too sad, of they joy be not too glad.

  11. 失意泰然,得意淡然。

    Of thy sorrow be not too sad , of they joy be not too glad .

  12. 面对困难,他淡然处之。

    He was unruffled in the face of difficulty.

  13. 面对困难,他淡然处之。

    He was unruffled in the face of difficulty.

  14. 她对她的失望淡然处之。

    She made light of her disappointment.

  15. 他只淡然一笑。

    He only smiled indifferent.

  16. 她朝我们淡然地微笑。

    She smiled distantly at us.

  17. 会变得强烈还是淡然,

    Will be more lonely ere it will be less

  18. 你们去哪里我淡然的说。

    Wherere you goingI asked without much excitation.

  19. 他对自己的苦难经历淡然处之。

    He made little of the ordeal he'd been through.

  20. 他淡然地接受了所有的苦难。

    He stoically accepted all suffering.

  21. 面对复杂得形势,他却淡然处之。

    Facing the complicated situation, he took everything coolly.

  22. 面对复杂的形势,他却淡然处之。

    Facing the complicated situation, he took everything coolly.

  23. 他淡然接受孤形只影的生活。

    He resigned himself to living alone.

  24. 当出现了一个问题,只要淡然处之。

    When a problem is presented to you, simply take it in stride.

  25. 所以, 学会了习惯性的冷漠与淡然。

    Therefore, we will gradually learn to become apathetic and indifferent towards everything.

  26. 你说你雾里看花, 我却淡然笑之又笑。

    You said you perplex of couse, but I laugh and laughed.

  27. 然而诸神却不让他淡然退出。

    The gods, however, will not allow him to fade into obscurity.

  28. 也许因了这份淡然,我收获了很多很多。

    Perhaps because of the indifferent, I gain a lot a lot.

  29. 想念,却淡然,波澜不惊,是苦了自己。

    Miss, but indifferent, placid, and it is hard themselves.

  30. 超越了生死,对世俗利益就能淡然处之了。

    Transcends life and death, the secular interests of the Department can be dismissed.


  1. 问:淡然拼音怎么拼?淡然的读音是什么?淡然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡然的读音是dànrán,淡然翻译成英文是 indifferent

  2. 问:淡然处之拼音怎么拼?淡然处之的读音是什么?淡然处之翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡然处之的读音是dànránchǔzhī,淡然处之翻译成英文是 be unruffled

  3. 问:淡然地拼音怎么拼?淡然地的读音是什么?淡然地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡然地的读音是,淡然地翻译成英文是 indifferently


