







汉语拼音:tòng kū







  1. 痛哭。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十一:“ 彦 见之,抱母慟哭,絶而復苏。” 宋 王安石 《叹息行》:“官驱羣囚入市门,妻子慟哭白日昏。” 清 吴伟业 《圆圆曲》:“慟哭六军俱縞素,衝冠一怒为红颜。” 马烽 西戎 《吕梁英雄传》第十六回:“ 周丑孩 一见父亲成了这般光景,一下扑过去伏在身上,放声恸哭起来。”



  1. crowd, wailing and beating her breast, he begged the officers to be allowed to speak one word in her ear.


  2. Cry with him if the moment requires it, or share a laugh and a smile likewise. Let him tell you about his process.


  3. He began to wail like a man at a bier .


  4. We're going to be eaten. Wailed Spanner. By a prickly purple space monster the size of a planet.


  5. LJ walks to his mother's casket and breaks down.


  6. And as names were read out, there was a wailing at the back of the court from the relatives of the dead.


  7. The huge teeth snapped shut behind them. It wants to eat us. Wailed Spanner. We've got to get away.


  8. The breath went out of her in a wail, her body shook with violent sobbing .


  9. Now let me be honest here: I wailed for months before I figured out how to trade the rocks for the joy, and found the silver lining thing.


  1. 为死者恸哭, 哀号

    Lament a dead person by wailing

  2. 为死者恸哭,哀号。

    Lament a dead person by wailing.

  3. 女子哀悼中的恸哭。

    the ululations of the mourning women

  4. 外界谁听见我恸哭?

    Is anybody out there hearing me?

  5. 婴孩会哭而不恸哭。

    A baby cries and never weeps.

  6. 像动物般的哀嚎,恸哭。

    Keening like an animal.

  7. 恸哭, 哀号, 尤指为死者

    To wail in lamentation, especially for the dead.

  8. 恸哭她那被谋害的儿子。

    keening over her murdered son

  9. 世界将恸哭,如丧偶之妻!

    The world will wail thee, like a makeless wife.

  10. 她无法控制情绪而开始恸哭。

    She couldn't control her feeling and began to weep.

  11. 母亲恸哭死在战争中的儿子。

    The mother was crying over her son killed in the war.

  12. 女人们围坐在棺材旁高声恸哭。

    The women sat around the coffin keening loudly.

  13. 上天听到他恸哭也会颤栗。

    Shuddered to hear his lament.

  14. 我们在半夜里听到她恸哭。

    We heard her laments at midnight.

  15. 恸哭和上下跳动使他精疲力竭。

    The wailing and jumping up and down exhausted him.

  16. 他像抚棺恸哭那样嚎啕起来。

    He began to wail like a man at a bier.

  17. 恸哭一种高声的悼念死者的哀号。

    A loud, wailing lament for the dead.

  18. 人类的耳朵对恸哭的声音最为敏感。

    The human ear appears most sensitive to the sound of keening.

  19. 我们可以听见她关着门在恸哭。

    We could hear her laments through the closed door.

  20. 她在她母亲的葬礼上恸哭了好一阵。

    She keened for a long time at her mother's funeral.

  21. 在台湾, 人们惋惜恸哭, 举行了大罢工。

    In Taiwan itself, people wailed and bemoaned and went on general strikes.

  22. 他们经过时,响起了令人哀怜的恸哭。

    As they pass by, a piteous wailing is heard.

  23. 当天还有恸哭的亲属聚集在特拉维夫机场。

    Crying relatives also gathered Friday at the Tel Aviv airport.

  24. 遇难官兵的母亲紧抱孩子照片和骨灰盒,嚎啕恸哭。

    Mothers of the sailors wailed as they clasped their sons' photos and the urns containing their ashes.

  25. 但他仍在恸哭, 他的腿乱踢乱蹦, 不肯安静下来。

    But still he wailed, and kicked with his legs, and refused to be comforted.

  26. 她恸哭失声, 整个身子都随着剧烈的抽泣发起抖来。

    The breath went out of her in a wail, her body shook with violent sobbing.

  27. 我以为那可怜的人终将恸哭一场,因为他是那样焦虑。

    I thought the poor man would break down into tears at last, as he was so put about.

  28. 妈妈哭得更恸了。她把我搂在怀里。

    But she sobbed all the harder and hugged me to her bosom.

  29. 西台恸哭记

    The Xi Tai Tong Ku Ji.

  30. 悲伤的恸哭声

    a plaintive wail.


  1. 问:恸哭拼音怎么拼?恸哭的读音是什么?恸哭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恸哭的读音是tòngkū,恸哭翻译成英文是 to wail; to weep bitterly



“恸哭”是个多义词,它可以指恸哭(游戏音乐), 恸哭(词语解释), 恸哭(贯井德郎作品), 恸哭(同名游戏)。