


跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……







汉语拼音:suí xiǎng lù



  1. Reflections on Becoming a Mother Waiting to become pregnant

  2. Some Thghouts about the Development of Public Libraries


  1. 色彩教学随想

    Random Thoughts on the Teaching of Colour Courses.

  2. 模拟电子技术教学随想

    Technology of Analog Electronics Teaching along with Thinks

  3. 但我想录下我球员的声音。

    But I need to record my team's voices.

  4. 亚洲舞台美术设计教育作品展随想

    Asia Stage Artistic Design Works Exhibition Caprice

  5. 大调随想回旋曲,作品129,失落一便士的愤怒

    Rondo a Capriccio in G major, Op.129, Rage Over a Lost Penny

  6. 我会带我的课本及录音机。我想录点东西来自我练习。

    And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder. I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own.

  7. 我们可以一起玩玩,随你想做什么。

    We can hang out or or do whatever you want.

  8. 只要为她卖命一年,之后随你想去什么杂志社。

    You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want.

  9. 以我对你的了解,随你想做什么都可以,只要不让我失望即可。

    I know who you really are and do as you please, just don't let me down.

  10. 他们动作飞快,想尽量多录一点。

    They've been going hell for leather, trying to record as much as they can.

  11. 好吧,你想留下随你,我走了。

    All right. You stay here if you want to. I'm leaving.

  12. 你不想谈,随你。

    You don't wanna talk?Fine.

  13. 你不想谈,随你。

    You don't wanna talk? Fine.

  14. 你不想谈,随你。

    You don't wanna talk? Fine.

  15. 拿兵器的对他说,随你心中所想的行罢。

    And his armor bearer said to him, Do all that is in your heart.

  16. 不想,就随它去吧

    No, we leave it alone.

  17. 我想,谈话已经录了音,所以我还是别把话引错为好。

    I think the conversation has been recorded, so I had better not misquote it.

  18. 你们想明天来看我录节目吗?

    You guys wanna come and watch me tape the show

  19. 沉思录经过冥思苦想的演讲,尤指以崇教或哲学为主题的

    A contemplative discourse, usually on a religious or philosophical subject.

  20. 你想走回家,随你便。

    If you want walk home be my guest!

  21. 要是你想出丑,那随你的便吧!

    If you want to make a fool of yourself, you do that!

  22. 我不想随随便便找个男朋友。

    I don't want to get a boyfriend for the wrong reason.

  23. 你想要怎么样的人生随你的便。

    It is up to you how you want to handle your life.

  24. 音乐的节奏让每个人听了都不禁想随之起舞。

    The rhythm of the music made everyone want to dance.

  25. 他迫不及待地想趁着这次机会随他的公司一起搬到纽约。

    He leaped at the chance to move to New York with his company.

  26. 他迫不及待地想趁着这次机会随他的公司一起搬到纽约。

    He leaped at the chance to move to New York with his company.

  27. 我们还按我们的计画办事,他们想怎麽使坏就随他们便吧。

    We'll carry on as arranged and they can do their worst.

  28. 我想买些录影带。

    I would like to buy some video cassette tapes.

  29. 我想买一些录影带。

    I would like to buy some videocassette tapes.

  30. 您想来点随餐酒吗?

    Would you care for some wine with your meal?




