







汉语拼音:fèi shén








  1. 耗费精神。

    《墨子·所染》:“不能为君者,伤形费神,愁心劳意。” 宋 袁燮 《陆宣公论》:“斯道甚易知易行,不费神,不劳力,在约之于心尔。” 鲁迅 《坟·从胡须说到牙齿》:“我们也无须再费神去查考。”

  2. 费心劳神。常用作请托或谢人关怀的套语。

    《儿女英雄传》第九回:“姑娘道:‘借重费神。只是我不领情,这东西与我无干,却是你的。’” 燕谷老人 《续孽海花》第四三回:“ 梦兰 立起来説道:‘谢谢 杨大人 跟 卢大人 费神,教我怎么样子报答呢!’” 叶圣陶 《一包东西》:“ 老李 说还有点事不就回去,一包东西费神先带走,等会儿自己去取。”



  1. Foreign investors, in short, should not bother trying to reconcile the SCI with regional or global peers. It remains a law unto itself.


  2. Mr Buffett acknowledged as much in his column for The New York Times and advised investors not even to try to time the market.


  3. Many European governments do not bother with a formal fund but use pay-as-you-go schemes, funding benefits out of future taxes.


  4. Steyer said he constantly feels the tug of waiting messages on his BlackBerry, even during morning hours that are reserved for family time.


  5. Her presence had not so much weight as to task thought, and yet enough to exercise it.


  6. I drove him home that day, driving as carefully as I could, and knew that he was weak when he never once bothered to comment on my driving!


  7. "I thought it was really cool, " he said. "His e-mails are really concise, so I really appreciate the thought he put into it. "


  8. No need to think too hard about what each of our movement means, just go with the feeling in watching the show, for that will be enough.


  9. But I would not wish you to take the trouble of making any inquiries at present.


  1. 你不必费神。

    You may spare yourself the trouble.

  2. 让您费神了,多谢,多谢!

    Thanks a lot for the trouble you've taken to help us!

  3. 你不必费神亲自来了。

    Don't trouble to come over yourself.

  4. 费神, 操心沉溺于琐碎小事

    To be preoccupied with trifles or petty details.

  5. 劳您费神看看这份报告。

    Would you mind going over the report

  6. 那件事值得那样费神吗?

    Is it worth all the trouble?

  7. 她从不费神去帮助他人。

    She never puts herself out to help people.

  8. 劳您费神把稿子看一下。

    Can I trouble you to take a look at this draft?

  9. 劳您费神把稿子看一下。

    Can I trouble you to take a look at this draft ?

  10. 她辞职了,不用我费神解雇她。

    She saved me the trouble of firing her by resigning.

  11. 挑选女人的衣服真是费神。

    It was hard picking out women's clothes.

  12. 我不得不说它很费神。

    I must say it's very demanding.

  13. 你何苦为这点小事费神呢?

    Why trouble yourself over such a trifle?

  14. 她不得不去照顾那个费神的孩子。

    She had to look after the demanding child.

  15. 我这篇稿子您费神给看看好吗?

    Would you mind going over this article for me?

  16. 不错,看来您从来不太费神思考问题!

    No, you have never taken the trouble to think at all.

  17. 这一切让我太费神了,也很痛苦。

    It was so exhausting, and I was so miserable.

  18. 请您费神帮我按一下门铃,好吗

    Would you be at the trouble to ring the bell for me.

  19. 她喜欢独处, 从不费神去帮助他人。

    She likes to keep herself to herself and never puts herself out to help others.

  20. 你这样地为我费神, 我真是感激不尽。

    It was sweet of you to go to all that trouble for me.

  21. 爱情是一坛温过美酒, 始终费神始终醉心!

    Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!

  22. 别费神收集材料了,我已给你准备好了。

    Don't stop to collect the materials; I have prepared them for you.

  23. 不过,我希望你现在可不要费神去打听。

    But I would not wish you to take the trouble of making any inquiries at present.

  24. 他直到此刻还没费神安排一下抢救队之事。

    He had not yet troubled to make arrangements to send down a rescue party.

  25. 艺术将不再惹人费神,其功能将纯粹为了庆典。

    Art would no longer be troubling, but purely celebratory in its functions.

  26. 我不想为这种所谓的健康吃法去费神。

    I can't be bothered with this healthy eating lark.

  27. 艺术将不在惹人费神,其功能将纯粹为了庆典。

    Art would be no longer be troubling, but purely, celebratory in its functions.

  28. 在这两种情况中,都不必费神去计算两组系数。

    In either case, one need not bother to calculate both sets of coefficients.

  29. 也没有费神去看看那根开花的拐杖到底怎么了。

    Nor did he trouble to see what had become of his flowering stick.

  30. 孩子进了幼儿园以后,你就不用那么操心费神了。

    It will be a load off your mind when your child enters kindergarten.


  1. 问:费神拼音怎么拼?费神的读音是什么?费神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:费神的读音是fèishén,费神翻译成英文是 put energy into

