




1. 个 [gè]2. 个 [gě]个 [gè]量词:三~月。洗~澡。单独的:~人。~性。~位。人或物体的大小:高~子。加在“昨儿”、“今儿”、“明儿”等后面,与“某日里”相近。个 [gě]〔自~儿(個)gěr〕自己。亦作“自各儿”。……



汉语拼音:gāo gè








  1. 身材高大。亦指身材高大的人。

    《官场现形记》第十三回:“ 文老爷 是个胖子、瘦子、高个、矮个,全然不知,全然不晓。” 谷峪 《王本巧》:“从野外又来了一个高个而且腿腰粗排的姑娘。”《文汇报》1992.7.3:“‘你没有工作?’还是那个高个儿问。”



  1. But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school. He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile.


  2. A woman was robbed of her money by a tall robber with long brown hair after she took money out of the bank.


  3. This tall, well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him.


  4. The tall boy liked to go up the steps two or three at a time.


  5. Now headrest is a challenge because you want it to adjust enough so that it will fit, you know, a tall guy and a short girl.


  6. A tall man stood up in the stands, walked out on the field, and came up to me.


  7. An out of breath Sara shows up to the warehouse and tells the gang that she was being followed by a tall black man.


  8. But I tell you a little secret. Fat people, skinny people, tall people, white people. . . they just as alone as us. . .


  9. Camera pans across the desert. At the edge of a cliff we hear and see GIBSON PRAISE being led by a tall man in a gray T-shirt.


  1. 高个比矮个

    Taller People Garner More Money and Professional Success

  2. 高个阴暗偏执男。

    Hey,tall,dark,and jaundiced.

  3. 高个阴暗偏执男。

    Hey, tall, dark, and jaundiced.

  4. 一个高个秃顶的人。

    A tall man, balding.

  5. 调高个税起征点。

    Personal income tax thresholdto be raised.

  6. 沙果冻是个高个男孩。

    Sha Guodong is a tall boy.

  7. 汉斯高个, 金发, 戴眼镜。

    Hans ist Gro, blond und mit Brille.

  8. 他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。

    He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.

  9. 我不介意有个高个女朋友。

    I don't mind having a tall girlfriend.

  10. 总而言之她确实是个高个美人

    So she is pretty significant in size.

  11. 你看到那个高个女士了吗

    Howard, do you see that large woman

  12. 注意一个戴黑帽的高个男人。

    Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.

  13. 她父亲是一个严厉的高个男人。

    Her father was a tall stern man.

  14. 注意那个戴黑帽的高个男人。

    Watch out for the tall man in a black hat.

  15. 一位身穿蓝衣的高个女子

    a tall woman, dressed in blue

  16. 那位高个男孩好像走调了。

    That tall boy seemed to be out of tune.

  17. 一位高个的男士在门口等你。

    A tall man is waiting for you at the gate.

  18. 她是个留着短发的高个女孩。

    She's a tall girl with short hair.

  19. 我看到两个高个男人, 你说哪一个?

    I see two tall men. Which one?

  20. 那个戴眼镜的高个男生是我的同学。

    That tall student who wears a pair of glasses is my schoolmate.

  21. 我女儿特别喜欢黑头发的高个男子。

    My daughter has a weakness for tall boys with dark hair.

  22. 我女儿特别喜欢黑头发得高个男子。

    My daughter has a weakness for tall boys with dark hair.

  23. 那高个女孩看上去比矮个的漂亮。

    The tall girl looks lovelier that the short one.

  24. 那高个女孩看下来比矮个得大度。

    The tall girl looks lovelier that the short one.

  25. 那高个女孩看下来比矮个的大度。

    The tall girl looks lovelier that the short one.

  26. 往右看。你看到那个高个男人了吗?

    No, no. Look to the right. Do you see that tall man?

  27. 他在他那一拨孩子里可是个大高个。

    He was considered to be a giant among boys in his field.

  28. 他在他那一拨孩子里可是个大高个。

    He was considered to be a giant among boys in his field.

  29. 精彩地表演镰刀式跳水的高个跳水运动员

    A high diver who excelled in performing the jackknife.

  30. 我们安排几个矮个男人站在高个男人身边。

    We brought together several short men and asked them to stand next to taller men.


  1. 问:高个儿拼音怎么拼?高个儿的读音是什么?高个儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高个儿的读音是gāogèr,高个儿翻译成英文是 tall person

  2. 问:高个子拼音怎么拼?高个子的读音是什么?高个子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高个子的读音是gāogèzi,高个子翻译成英文是 A high figure; a tall person.