




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:kuì bù gǎn dāng








  • 【解释】:感到惭愧,承当不起。
  • 【出自】:清·郑燮《刘柳村册子》:“紫琼崖道人,慎郡王也,赠诗:‘按拍遥传月殿曲,走盘乱泻蛟宫珠。’愧不敢当,然亦佳句。”
  • 【示例】:却做梦也想不到受了两位国家领导人的夸奖,实在~!
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. I continue to read your Guestbook messages and am humbled by your praise for my work.


  1. 愧不敢当。

    I really don't deserve such an honour.

  2. 因你到我舍下, 我不敢当。

    Therefore I did not presume to come to you.

  3. 您这么夸我,我可不敢当。

    I feel flattered to be praised by you like this.

  4. 您这么夸我,我可不敢当。

    I feel flattered to be praised by you like this.

  5. 你们的盛情, 我真不敢当。

    I really do not deserve your kindness.

  6. 没人敢当他的面讲。

    No one dared say that to his face.

  7. 量你不敢当我得面讲。

    I dare you to speak to my face.

  8. 量你不敢当我的面讲。

    I dare you to speak to my face.

  9. 你敢当面对她那么说吗?

    I dare you to tell her that to her face.

  10. 谁也不敢当面对他说那些。

    No one dares to say that to his face.

  11. 安妮双全可不敢当, 喜欢倒是真的。

    Annie I dont deserve that, but I do like them.

  12. 男人不是应该是敢做敢当?一言九鼎?

    You are not a guity man!

  13. 他说他们对他这样好他确实不敢当。

    He said that he really didn't deserve they should be so kind.

  14. 这样的夸奖我不敢当,这样的责备我也不敢当。

    I deserve neither such praise nor such censure.

  15. 不敢当, 我的中文不至于你说的那么好。

    No way, My Chinese isn't as good as you say.

  16. 我主的母亲前来探望我, 我怎么敢当呢

    And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come unto me

  17. 你过奖了。我不敢当。你这样称赞我,真是不敢当。

    You flatter me. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve such praise.

  18. 首先, 我觉得大哥太夸奖我了, 真的不敢当。

    First of all, I think Jackie speaks too highly of me. I honestly don't deserve it.

  19. 你要敢做, 你就得敢当, 你就得敢于负起责任。

    If you dare to do something, you should also dare to shoulder the responsibility.

  20. 你明知道自己是对的,为什么不敢当面对你的老板说呢?

    Why don't you stand up to your boss when you know you are right!

  21. 你如此高的赞美,我真不敢当,和你比我可是差远了。

    You praise me this way, I really don't deserve it.You are much better than me.

  22. 刚才的介绍我愧不敢当,坦白说,我都差点不认识自己了。

    That introduction was so generous that candidly I didn't recognize myself.

  23. 我敢肯定当你去看他的时候 就注意到了。

    I'm sure you noticed that when you came to visit.

  24. 你敢保证当你拔出那东西的时候他不会醒?

    How do you know he won't wake up when you yank that thing out?

  25. 他不敢承认他当过解放军的俘虏。

    He didn't dare to admit that he had been a prisoner of the PLA.

  26. 但我敢打赌说当明天验尸官的报告出来了

    but Im willing to bet when the coroners report comes back tomorrow.

  27. 的要是再敢用胡箩卜当鱼饵, 我就扁死你!

    if again dare use hu radish, I as baits doppler flat dead you!

  28. 最后一次是什么时候当你敢直抒胸臆?

    When was the last time you had a gut feeling about someone

  29. 当你不敢肯定拼写时, 就查阅一下词典。

    Consult your dictionary when you are unsure of your spelling.

  30. 当他不敢坦然地正视她时,她知道他在撒谎。

    She knew he was lying when he couldn't look her in the eyes.

