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1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……
汉语拼音:jiè fēn
《法苑珠林》卷五:“如是界分,众生居住,若来若去,若生若灭。” 宋 岳飞 《奏措置曹成事宜状》:“ 曹成 发人马……往 全 永 州,侵犯 广西 界分。”《水浒传》第二二回:“ 宋江 兄弟两个,不则一日,来到 沧州 界分。”
In light of the definition of substance and procedure, their rights can be divided into two parts: substantive rights and procedural a.
从实体与程序角度界分,这些权利分为实体性权利与救济性权利两大类。The theoretical basis of a private remedy originates from differentiating between rights and powers.
私力救济的理论基础源于权利与权力的界分。Chapter two is about general situation of this project and the reason for the spread of the trade protection theory.
第二章则以1929年为界分两阶段介绍了西方贸易保护理论在近代中国的研究概况、特点以及原因。This division, this separation exists all over the world.
这种界分,这种分裂,遍及全世界。Taihang Mountains in the city's rivers, Taiyue Mountain Ridge for the community, belong to the Yellow River and Haihe River Basin.
全市河流以太行山、太岳山中脊为界,分属黄河流域和海河流域。However, this division into laws of evolution and initial conditions depends on time and space being separate and distinct.
然而,演化律与初始条件之界分,乃囿于“时空分明”概念之内;My work is sometimes divided into four phases, with the latest (phase-4) being dated with SES and six or seven subsequent books.
我的作品有时被分为四个时期,最近的一个时期(阶段4)以SES以及之后的六七本书为界分。between the observer and the observed.
观察者和所观之物之间的界分。All divisions are illusory. You can know the false only. The true you must yourself be.
A basic boundary is the advanced knowledge between academic profession and the other professions.
Evidence of the illegal evidence flaws with this study and border points that is the key.
同时, 须在立法技术上严格界分授权性与强制性规范。
The legislation should be strictly distinguishing the tow different rules in technically at the same time.
All divisions are illusory. You can know the false only. The true you must yourself be.