







汉语拼音:mǎn bù







  1. 亦作“ 满佈 ”。犹布满。

    观鲁 《山东省讨满洲檄》:“父老试思我 山东 ,自 夏 商 以来,代有望国。 汉 时桑麻,衣被天下,经师满佈人间,较之今日 江 浙 ,犹似过之。” 茅盾 《子夜》十一:“当下 冯云卿 的灰白脸上就满布喜气,他连疲倦也忘了。” 徐迟 《精神分析》:“要是到了 瑞士 ,雪山风景,里面满布了洋房,然后你带一个艳丽的肉体,在那里喝咖啡,喝香槟,吃牛排,吃肥鸡。”

  2. 见“ 满布 ”。



  1. By the light of torches, we was the black Hulk lying out a little way from the mud of the shore, like a wicked Noah's ark.


  2. Rolling his shoulders back, he felt her reaching out to him in that simple phrase, and his tired, wrinkled face sparkled.


  3. When I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you.


  4. In an infinite universe filled with stars , every line of sight should eventually meet the surface of a star.


  5. and here in a silk dress, is the lady of the manor, gazing from her balcony at the beautiful starry night and the lovely sleeping lake.


  6. the full cloth picture spacious concentration camp, penetrates the lens all to be able to feel the deep complaint.


  7. He looked deathly pale, his head drooping to the side and his mouth frothing .


  8. Now it seems the answer could be connected to a starry disc at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy.


  9. The author used the technique of the sketch for we painted his lean, riddled with wrinkles and the appearance of a knot in one's heart.


  1. 满布烟尘的烟囱

    chimneys black with smoke

  2. 整个报告满布错误。

    The whole report is riddled with errors.

  3. 一双满布皱纹的手

    A pair of withered hands

  4. 春色满布临海的平原

    Spring is on the Coastal Plain

  5. 天空满布着灰色的云层。

    The sky was barred with gray clouds.

  6. 天空满布着闪烁的星星。

    The sky was studded with twinkling stars.

  7. 天上与堤上满布着海鸥。

    They fill the sky and cover the pier.

  8. 海岸上满布失事船只得残骸。

    The shores are strewn with wrecks.

  9. 海岸上满布失事船只的残骸。

    The shores are strewn with wrecks.

  10. 有满布黄昏的红雀翼羽。

    And evening full of the linnet's wing.

  11. 弧形桥和满布藤蔓的房屋

    Arch Bridge and Moss Covered House

  12. 直到群星满布, 在天空眨眼窥探。

    Till stars are beginning to blink and peep.

  13. 最后的狮子在满布尘埃的喷泉咆哮

    And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain

  14. 他们是撒谎者,历史书也是谎言满布。

    They are liars, full of history books is also a lie.

  15. 正因黑暗满布,我们才应寻找光明。

    It is because there is so much darkness that we must search for the light.

  16. 我们早上拔营时,发现四周满布兽迹。

    When we broke camp in the morning, we found animal tracks all around us.

  17. 北海上空满布乌云, 而且下起雨来。

    In the North Sea all was unbroken cloud and rain.

  18. 胸片示两肺满布分散斑片状阴影。

    Xray film of the chest showed discrete, scattered, patchy shadows au over Both lungs.

  19. 约翰在满布灰尘的斜坡上吃力地往上爬。

    John toiled up the dusty ascent.

  20. 在烟雾满布的城中,房屋看起来都很脏。

    The houses look dingy in a smoky city.

  21. 然后鬼魂在满布雾气的夜空中消失不见。

    Then the ghost disappeared into the mist of the dark sky.

  22. 一排排帐篷连接的马戏团和满布天空的星星

    The circus tent was strung with every star in the sky

  23. 天空满布着闪烁的星星。天上有成千上万的星星。

    Monday comes after Sunday. The sky was studded with twinkling stars.

  24. 肮脏的人群满布在这种恐怖活动的现

    Making his way through the tainted crowd, dispersed up and down this hideous scene of action, with the skill of a man accustomed to make his way quietly, the messenger found out the door he sought, and handed in his letter through a trap in it.

  25. 黑暗满布, 快把真光照亮, 使忧伤者变欢畅

    Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, making the sorrowing glad.

  26. 满布铁绣,灰尘的老底片,终得重见天日的机会。

    Old films, covered with rust and dust, have their chance to see the light of day again.

  27. 在作战开始日数周前,该地已满布战斗机。

    Even several weeks before the day it became jammed with fighter craft.

  28. 那条尘埃满布的小道,向下通到一座山谷。

    The dusty track descends to a valley.

  29. 那条尘埃满布得小道,向下通到一座山谷。

    The dusty track descends to a valley.

  30. 请勿在满布灰尘,肮脏的场所使用或存放本装置。

    Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas.