




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:shū zhōng






  1. 枢要中心。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·时序》:“蔚映十代,辞采九变,枢中所动,环流无倦。”



  1. 网络
  2. pivot

  1. 脑是神经系统得中枢。

    The brain is the center of the nervous system.

  2. 细胞核是细胞的信息中枢。

    The nucleus is the information center of cell.

  3. 他们既没有神经细胞也没有神经中枢。

    They have neither nerve cells nor a nerve centre.

  4. 你仍然是我们家的神经中枢。

    You still wear the girdle in the family.

  5. 大脑杏仁体是痛苦记忆的神经中枢。

    Cerebrum almond body is the nerve center of painful memory.

  6. 大脑中并没有一个专门的瘙痒中枢。

    There is no one itch center.

  7. 法兰克福是德国经济的神经中枢。

    Frankfurt is the economic nerve centre of Germany.

  8. 建筑物外部布线也归为通信系统中枢。

    The outside building cable is also referred to as the communication system backbone.

  9. 通过概念的层推, 笔者认为书脊就是书的脊梁, 中枢。

    From the reasoning of conception, the author considered book spine as the chine and back bone of book.

  10. 然后,用全感官性爱唤醒他们沉寂已久的快感中枢。

    Then, use sensual lovemaking to reawaken their dormant pleasure centers.

  11. 一颗子弹留在他的脑子里, 损伤了支配行为的神经中枢。

    A bullet had lodged in his brain, causing damage to the centres controlling movement.

  12. 龙是一个曾投生在大中枢太阳中、由人类投铸的大物种。

    Dragons were once a large species incarnate within the Great Central Sun and cast humans.

  13. 脾主气机之枢, 中土之脾在情志活动中起着调衡作用。

    The spleen governs the pivot of qi dynamism and is the center of emotional activity whichgives rise to a regulatory action.

  14. 神经中枢组

    neurotransmitter cooncentration.

  15. 中枢级研究船

    Kushan Hub Class Research Ship

  16. 听神经中枢束

    central tract of auditory nerve

  17. 颅神经中枢束

    central tract of cranial nerves

  18. 三叉神经中枢束

    central tract of trigeminal nerve

  19. 年网络中枢战会议光盘

    Conference on Network Centric Warfare CDROM

  20. 该第一枢接端插入该容室中。

    The first pivot end is convex.

  21. 正在地上得那只脚可不就是中枢脚么?

    The moment foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot.

  22. 正在地上的那只脚可不就是中枢脚么?

    The moment foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot.

  23. 感觉统合在中枢性协调障碍中的应用

    Application of sensory integration in central coordination disorder

  24. 一脚抬起的一刹那, 另一脚就变成中枢脚。

    The moment one foot is raised, the other is to become the central foot.

  25. 枢接构架中, 拉力构件得力规定为正。

    Tensile member forces in pinjointed frames are designated positive.

  26. 建中靖国元年,除同知枢密院事。

    Jianzhong Yasukuni first year , in addition to subprefect Privy Council matter.

  27. 对喉咙中枢作冥想,便能相应终止饥渴。

    By fixing the attention upon the throat center, the cessation of hunger and thirst will ensue.

  28. 电磁轨道炮导轨和电枢中的焦耳热分析

    Rail and Armature Joule Heating of an Electromagnetic Rail Gun

  29. 中枢组织胺在家兔神经源性肺水肿形成中的作用

    Role of central histamine on the onset of NPE in rabbits

  30. 跳步急停后,任何一只脚都可以成为中枢脚。

    After we made a jump stop, any foot can be a pivot foot.