


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……





汉语拼音:wéi xué






  1. 做学问;治学。

    《老子》:“为学日益,为道日损。” 唐 韩愈 《上考功崔虞部书》:“夫古之人四十而仕,其行道为学既已大成,而又之死不倦,故其事业功德,老而益明,死而益光。” 许地山 《东野先生》:“他从不苟且,为学做事都很认真。”



  1. Being a student studying evolution, it feels like a pilgrimage to be able to see the Beagle Channel.

  2. If you were I, I would not be bothered by English.

  3. Keep discipline mild, and aim it towards learning such socialization skills as sharing in a polite and caring way.

  4. Philosophical Activity: Philosophy Being Ontological Basis of "Learning"

  5. At the Fujian Buddhist Academy, Dharma Master personally teaches the "Four-Part Monastic Precepts" class.

  6. Time the today pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long.

  7. Young YAO Nai was deeply moved, and changed his focus from simply rhetoric to textual criticism of Confucian classics and history.

  8. It is designed for swimming learners, and maintains the center of gravity always downward and muzzles upward, and the balance is excellent.

  9. No wonder British teenagers have stopped bothering with foreign languages.


  1. 为学不怕年高。

    It is never too old to learn.

  2. 老子为道为学思想

    the morality and the knowledge tendency thoughts of Laozi

  3. 苏轼论为学之道

    Viewpoint of SU Shi on Scholarly Research

  4. 为学在思,为艺在心。

    Leaning is thinking, Skill by heart.

  5. 他从学理改为学文。

    He changed from science to art.

  6. 学贵质疑方始为学

    To Learn to Doubt and Ask Questions Is A Precious Attribute of a Student and an Indispensable Condition for Starting to Learn

  7. 为学美术的人开设的学校。

    A schoolhouse with special facilities for fine arts.

  8. 人之为学,不可自小,又不可自大。

    When learning something, one should not be self-abased nor self-important.

  9. 让学生懂得为学做人的大道理

    Enable Students to Know the Main Principles of Learning and Behaving

  10. 仅为学英语之用,请切勿模仿!

    For English Learners Only. Please Do Not Imitate!

  11. 拟申请为学年度第学期硕士学位候选人。

    Apply for Academic Year Semester's master degree candidacy.

  12. 他们为学前儿童举办了一期暑期夏令营。

    They run a summer camp for pre-school children.

  13. 读书为学的用途是娱乐, 装饰和增长才识。

    Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.

  14. 难怪英国的青少年们已经不必为学外语而烦恼。

    No wonder British teenagers have stopped bothering with foreign languages.

  15. 好老师教学生学会生活以及为学而活的道理。

    Good teacher teach students to learn to live and live to learn.

  16. 今年已为学英语的学生出版了一套新的系列读物。

    A new series of readers for students of English has been published this year.

  17. 以学为师, 以德为范, 以心育才

    To be learned to teach, virtuous to moralize, and to cultivate with a loving heart

  18. 理解故事的真正寓意, 做到学为所用

    Comprehend the real implied meaning of the story, attain to learn for use

  19. 理解故事得真正寓意,做到学为所用

    Comprehend the real implied meaning of the story, attain to learn for use.

  20. 为你学会使用筷子, 干杯!

    To your progress in chopsticks, cheers!

  21. 现代混沌学为本体非决定论提供了科学证据吗?

    Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism?

  22. 她从学法律转为学医。

    She moved from studying law to studying medicine.

  23. 我为你学了一门新的语言

    I learned a new language for you.

  24. 你会为自己学会自立感到写意的。

    You'll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet.

  25. 我们无法将心理术语翻译为神经学的术语。

    we cannot translate our mentalistic talk into the language of neurology.

  26. 你是否会忘记,曾有一个天使为你学会放弃!

    I will give up the whole paradise for you!

  27. 用这样得方法可以把几何学问题转变为静力学问题。

    In this way the geometry problem can be transformed into a statics problem.

  28. 用这样的方法可以把几何学问题转变为静力学问题。

    In this way the geometry problem can be transformed into a statics problem.

  29. 地狱里还有一个为概率学学生准备的特别部门。

    There is a special department of Hell for students of probability.

  30. 这家公司已使这位著名的流行歌手签约为音乐会学唱。

    The firm has signed up the famous popular singer for the concert.

