







汉语拼音:shéi rén







  1. 何人;哪一个。

    《吕氏春秋·贵信》:“凡人主必信。信而又信,谁人不亲?” 唐 王建 《簇蚕辞》:“已闻乡里催织作,去与谁人身上著。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“ 晦翁 断了此事,自家道:‘此等锄强扶弱的事,不是我,谁人肯做?’”川剧《五台会兄》:“ 杨延德 :谨遵师命。(内马叫)师父! 五台山 清静的禅院,谁人的马叫?”



  1. Where can I find this in Malaysia or Singapore? How much will it cost approximately?


  2. The former Hongkong, who do not know this street, how much show ingenuity culture, let the world clap that strange?


  3. Walking in the dark on the road, who do not want a warm, a light, an open window, a feeling of home.


  4. Mommy, the tall blond man dressed like an angel. That's the man that pulled me out of the car, chaussure pas cher!


  5. Finally he came to the tower and opened the door to the little room where Little Brier-Rose was sleeping.


  6. Who said the board listened to Piper's desolate, inadvertently wet the sleeves on?


  7. MULDER: Hey Scully, if you could be somebody else for a day, who would it be?


  8. Later the holes was filled with lime and mud, and the lime and mud hardened into a cast of the shell.


  9. No doubt love is intangible, but who can possibly deny its existence?


  1. 忒拜七门谁人铸造?

    Who built the seven gates of Thebes ?

  2. 您的大名谁人不知!

    Everybody knows your name, don't they?

  3. 谁人能够提出这些呢?

    Who else could have proposed these things?

  4. 谁人能够实行这些呢?

    Who else could have put them into effect?

  5. 谁人知我莲的心事?

    Who knows the worry of the lotus?

  6. 冬天, 谁人与你同醉?

    Winter, who will you get drunk with?

  7. 冬天,谁人与你同醉?

    Winter, who will you get drunk with?

  8. 你在聆听谁人的声音?

    Whose voice are you hearing?

  9. 结婚花束由谁人接到?

    Who caught the wedding bouquet?

  10. 你们奉谁人的名受洗?

    In whose name were you baptised?

  11. 有可能谁人雇用了他。

    It's possible that whoever hired him.

  12. 是谁人在远处不断哀号?

    Was hat sich eben da bewegt ?

  13. 谁人可申请临时酒牌?

    Who may apply for a temporary liquor licence?

  14. 谁人会修读心理辅导学?

    Who should study Counselling Psychology?

  15. 谁人不宜接受流感防疫注射?

    Who should not receive influenza vaccination?

  16. 谁人才能禁绝它把美丽毁伤?

    Or who his spoil to beauty can forbid.

  17. 嘿。看看在下面的谁人女孩。

    Hey, look at the girl up there.

  18. 蓓蒂结婚花束由谁人接到

    Betty Who caught the wedding bouquet.

  19. 历尽沧桑的情景,谁人来可怜

    The extreme adversities of which none has yet to sympathize.

  20. 谁人进球被裁判判为越位。

    The goal was called offside by referee.

  21. 谁人在踏车上跑得最快。

    Who could run the fastest on the treadmill.

  22. 谁人背后无人说, 哪个人前不说人?

    Who can keep from talking about others? Who can keep from being talked about by others?

  23. 谁人之手将这额头往后打塌?

    Whose was the hand that slanted back this brow ?

  24. 爱迪生盖茨这种疯子谁人能比?

    Edison gates this madman than anyone can?

  25. 谁人能够创造这样的廉洁政治呢

    Who else could have formed such a clean and incorruptible government

  26. 谁人能够创造这样得廉洁政治呢

    Who else could have formed such a clean and incorruptible government.

  27. 谁人捐赠雷门灯笼给浅草寺?

    Who donated the KAMINARIMON paper lantern to ASAKUSA temple ?

  28. 谁人在你得体育事业中影响最大?

    Who has been the influential person in your sporting career?

  29. 谁人在你的体育事业中影响最大?

    Who has been the influential person in your sporting career ?

  30. 刘英正是来接你的谁人女小孩。

    Liu Ying was the very girl to meet you.


  1. 问:谁人拼音怎么拼?谁人的读音是什么?谁人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谁人的读音是shéirén,谁人翻译成英文是 Who.