




1. 华 [huá]2. 华 [huà]3. 华 [huā]华 [huá]美丽而有光彩的:~丽。~艳。~彩。~贵。~章。~表(亦称“桓表”)。~盖。精英:精~。含英咀(jǔ)~。开花:~而不实。春~秋实。繁盛:繁~。荣~富贵。奢侈:浮~。奢……







汉语拼音:xīn huá shū diàn






新华书店 [@@@@@年@@@@@月在延安成立的图书发行机构◇又在华北、华中、山东等抗日根据地陆续成立。@@@@@年后各大解放区的新华书店负担出版、印刷、发行业务。@@@@@年@@@@@月实行出版、印刷、发行分工专业化后,专营图书发行业务。#####]
  1. @@@@@年@@@@@月在延安成立的图书发行机构◇又在华北、华中、山东等抗日根据地陆续成立。@@@@@年后各大解放区的新华书店负担出版、印刷、发行业务。@@@@@年@@@@@月实行出版、印刷、发行分工专业化后,专营图书发行业务。



  1. Xinhua bookstore; chain operation; business process reengineering; organization structure.


  2. Mould manufacturing products well-presented, smooth lines, very suitable for library and xinhua bookstore environment configuration.


  3. Apart from his Cabinet on Xinhua Bookstore, you will be giving a to the States and Shanghai Consulate.


  4. Sightseeing , the busy downtown Chongqing lots of Chongqing store located here, Xinhua Bookstore, Chongqing is the largest commercial lots .


  5. On Xinhua Bookstore sales tax exemption or refund should be issued on the special tax for dot construction and establishment.


  6. In Kaiping, a detailed map with all the sights is available at the local Xinhua bookshop.


  7. In the case of Gansu Xinhua Bookstore, book sales have been unsatisfactory is a big problem.


  8. As a result, the reform becomes imperative way out for Xinhua Bookstore.


  9. Excluding a few exceptions in some ethnic minority areas, 97 percent of Xinhua bookstores have become enterprises.


  1. 海淀新华书店

    Haidian XinHua Bookstore

  2. 由新华书店发行

    distributed by Xinhua Bookstore

  3. 新华书店总店公司

    Xinhua General Bookstore Co

  4. 新华书店劲松分店

    Xinhua Book Store Jinsong Branch

  5. 新华书店购书归来

    Bought Some Books from Xinhua Book Store

  6. 新华书店的连锁经营研究

    Research on the Chain Operation of Xinhua Bookstore

  7. 此书购于北京新华书店。

    The book was bought in the Beijing Xinhua Bookstore.

  8. 新华书店面对的挑战与对策

    Challenges Faced by Xinhua Bookstore and How to Deal with It

  9. 能不能告诉我怎样去新华书店?

    Can you tell me how to get to Xinhua book store?

  10. 能不能告诉我怎么去新华书店?

    Can you tell me how to get to the Xinhua book store?

  11. 我从新华书店买的这本书。

    I buy this book from Xinhua Bookstore.

  12. 对不起, 请问到新华书店怎么走?

    Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the Xinhua Store?

  13. 新华书店总店物流配送中心奠基

    Foundation of the Delivery Centre of China Xinhua Bookshore

  14. 新华书店门口也有这样一块牌子

    Welcome To Xinhua Bookstore Again!

  15. 父亲和我昨天到新华书店去过。

    Father and I went to Xinhua Bookstore yesterday.

  16. 基层新华书店目标管理与工效挂钩

    Connecting Target Management with Efficiency in a Local Xinhua Bookstore

  17. 教材发行体制改革与新华书店应对

    Reforms of Textbook Distributing System and Strategies of Xinhua Bookstores

  18. 全国新华书店推行连锁经营的思考

    Considerations on Selling through Chain Shop for Xinhua Book Shop across China

  19. 只能到新华书店购买,没有下载的。

    Can buy to Xin Huashu inn only, did not download.

  20. 西四新华书店商界书刊音像发行中心

    Business Circles Audiovisual Issuing Centre

  21. 你去当地的新华书店就可以买到。

    The Xin Huashu inn that you go to place can be bought.

  22. 请告诉我去潍坊新华书店怎么走好吗

    Can you tell me the way to Weifang Xinhua Bookstore.

  23. 试论基层新华书店如何打造核心竞争力

    How Can Xinhua Bookstores Obtain the Key Competence for Competition

  24. 新华书店连锁经营中的顾客关系战略浅析

    An Analysis on Relationship between Bookstores and Its Customers

  25. 新华书店得财税优惠政策能否不打折?

    Can We Fully Carry Out the Preferential Policies in Finance and Tax Formulated for Xinhua Bookstore?

  26. 新华书店的财税优惠政策能否不打折?

    Can We Fully Carry Out the Preferential Policies in Finance and Tax Formulated for Xinhua Bookstore?

  27. 我昨天在新华书店看到这本书了。

    I saw it yesterday at the Xin Hua bookstore.

  28. 新华外文书店股份有限公司首都机场新华书店

    Xinhua Foreign Language Stock Co., Ltd., Capital Airport Xinhua Bookstore

  29. 我走进新华书店,那里有我要买的书。

    I went into Xinhua Bookstore where I would obtain Crazy English.

  30. 计提资产减值准备对新华书店的影响

    On Effects of Deducting Assets on Xinhua Book Shop


  1. 问:新华书店拼音怎么拼?新华书店的读音是什么?新华书店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新华书店的读音是,新华书店翻译成英文是 Xinhua Bookstore