


年纪小,初出生的:~儿。~虫。~苗。~年。小孩儿:~教(jiào )。~师。扶老携~。对儿童爱护:“~吾幼,以及人之幼。”……





汉语拼音:yòu líng






  1. 幼年。

    晋 曹毗 《对儒》:“奇发幼龄,翰披儒童。” 唐 孟郊 《送黄构擢第后归江南》诗:“幼龄思奋飞,弱冠游灵臺。”



  1. There has been a tendency for workers in different disciplines to define a plant as mature or juvenile.


  2. The recent discovery of an eel larva many times the size of the common one may furnish a basis for stories of sea serpents.


  3. The very young children, in contrast, represent the responses of immune systems that have no past history with H1N1.


  4. It helps young plants stay on the right track of development and aids seedling morphogenesis, but too much UV-B light can be toxic.


  5. The young growing leaf is a strong sink for upwardly moving assimilate.


  6. Over a wide range of doses, adolescent rats learned how to get cocaine more readily than adults and took more of the drug overall.


  7. Adolescent rats are also more susceptible to cocaine abuse than adult rats, and are more sensitive to lower doses.


  8. The pilot results were as follows: Juvenile was on the healthy condition, and SOC content and soil respiration rate were upper.


  9. Young forest management will be managed according to local conditions, with an emphasis on forest cultivation to improve forest quality.


  1. 幼龄大熊猫

    young giant panda.

  2. 幼龄荔枝园

    young litchi orchard.

  3. 幼龄橄榄园

    Young Chinese Olive Orchard.

  4. 杉木幼龄林

    young Chinese fir plantation.

  5. 亚热带幼龄茶园

    young tea plantation

  6. 幼龄厌食大鼠

    juvenile anorexia rats

  7. 岷江冷杉幼龄植株

    Abies faxoniana at initial stage

  8. 肉用后备幼龄牛

    store cattle

  9. 幼龄雌性小白鼠

    young female mice

  10. 许多幼龄儿童不会做加法。

    Many young children cannot add up.

  11. 许多幼龄儿童不会做加法。

    Many young children cannot add up.

  12. 幼龄期苦丁茶茶叶采摘初探

    The preliminary report on teapicking means of young age Ilex kudingcha

  13. 马尾松幼龄种群年龄结构研究

    A study on the age structures of young population of Pinus massoniana

  14. 幼龄蓝孔雀日粮代谢率试验

    Diet Metabolic Rate of Young Blue Peafowl

  15. 幼龄实生核桃树的改造技术

    Improvement of Young Seedling Walnut Tree

  16. 幼龄梅园套种南瓜栽培技术

    Cultural Techniques of Interplanting Pumpkin in Young Plum Garden

  17. 幼龄迅速生长的叶子是最敏感的。

    Young, rapidly growing leaves are most susceptible.

  18. 小肽对幼龄草鱼生长性能的影响

    The effect of small peptides on growth performances in grass carps

  19. 幼龄梨园套种杭白菊栽培技术

    Cultivation Technology of Interplanting Chrysanthemum in Young Pear Orchard

  20. 幼龄柞矮林林分结构及生产力评价

    Stands composition and productivity asscssment of young Oak coppice

  21. 幼龄柑桔的短截与促梢效应

    Effect of Cutting Short Young Mandarin Orange Trees on Promoting Shooting

  22. 幼龄桑园间作杂交桑的增产效果

    Increasing Production by Interplanting Hybrid Mulberry Tree in Young Stage Mulberry Field

  23. 枇杷幼龄树矮化控冠技术研究

    Study of Stunting and Coronal Control of Young Tree in Loquat

  24. 小肽的营养对幼龄建鲤生长的影响

    Effect of small peptide on growth of juvenile Jian Carp

  25. 控制幼龄苹果树徒长的修剪方法

    Topiary on young apple tree to prevent vain growth

  26. 所罗门群岛幼龄椰树的营养问题

    Nutrition du jeune Cocotier dans les iles Russell,

  27. 所罗门群岛幼龄椰树得营养问题

    Nutrition du jeune Cocotier dans les iles Russell,.

  28. 幼龄龙眼果园昆虫群落结构及其动态

    Structure and dynamics of insect community in young longan orchard

  29. 幼龄枇杷树形对产量形成的影响

    Influence of the Shapes of Young Loquat Trees on Yield Formation

  30. 冷箭竹更新幼龄芽种群的数量统计

    Quantity Statistics on the Bud Population of Young Arrow Bamboo after Natural Regeneration