


武装部队:~威。~服。行(xíng )~。~功。~犬。~备。~纪。~衔。~阀。~令状。异~突起。溃不成~。军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。泛指有组织的集体:劳动大~。……


教导,教诲:~诫。~蒙(教育儿童)。~迪(教诲开导)。教(jiào )~。培~。可以作为法则的话:家~。典式,法则:不足为~。解释词的意义:~诂(解释古书中的字、词句的意义。亦称“~故”、“诂~”、“故~”)。~读(日文借用汉字写日语原有的……



汉语拼音:jūn xùn







  1. 军事训练的省称。



  1. He did not know her name, were all 45 female students, he a military training instructor, how can, in just half a month to remember it?


  2. Although military training very tired, let me benefit, I began to live like this.


  3. He came to this country at nine unable to speak any English and eventually became valedictorian of his class and governor of Boys State.


  4. He said Stalnaker's seizures are the result of a head injury he suffered about 10 years ago during a military training exercise.


  5. Xiong thus suggests that it should be up to schools to conduct military training in a way that best suits their students.


  6. Although we just have had two days of the military training till now, it is a time to be real. It was raining for two days.


  7. What's different this year, new students will participate in military training a week and then begin classes between the non-delay.


  8. We passed the kind of military servicemen should also be indomitable fighting spirit and indomitable fighting spirit.


  9. I felt tired and military training was serious! But I knew who I was, what I wanted to do and what I needed to do though military training.


  1. 大学生军训

    freshman military training.

  2. 军训主任教官

    Military Training Director.

  3. 学生军训队

    cadet corps.

  4. 普遍军训制

    universal military training.

  5. 我高中军训老师。

    My high school military training head teacher.

  6. 贵阳幼师要军训么?

    Does Guiyang division want military training?

  7. 军训蔬果切雕

    Cutting and Sculpturing Vegetables and Fruit.

  8. 你也接受过军训?

    You have had prior military training?

  9. 我刚刚结束了军训。

    Flora I just finished my military training.

  10. 今天是军训的第一天。

    Today is the first day of military training.

  11. 上星期我们进行了军训。

    We had a military training last week.

  12. 军训果蔬加工实习

    Fruit and Vegetables Processing Practice

  13. 弟弟刚军训回来,黑瘦黑瘦的。

    Back from military training, my brother is black and slim.

  14. 弟弟刚军训回来,黑瘦黑瘦的。

    Back from military training, my brother is black and slim.

  15. 新加坡武装部队军训学院总部

    SAFTI Military Institute HQ

  16. 今年政府不再强调学校军训。

    This year the government deemphasized military training at schools.

  17. 军训使人能适应长途行军。

    Military training fits men to make long marches.

  18. 海军海上学员军训团联络官

    Naval Sea Cadet Corps Liaison Officer

  19. 他是射避军训的逃跑者。

    fugitives from the seatshops.

  20. 提高大学生军训质量的思考

    Considerations of Raising the Quality of Military Training for College Students

  21. 他完成军训任务要回部队了。

    He completed training mission to return to force.

  22. 你可以从军训中学到很多。

    You can draw on those things you experienced in the military training.

  23. 每一位大学生都要参加军训。

    Military training is required for every college student.

  24. 如果没有军训,我会觉得不完整。

    I would feel a bit incomplete without it.

  25. 我主张全体学生都应受军训。

    I maintain that military training should be given to all students.

  26. 浅谈学生军训中的思想政治工作

    Comment On the Ideological and Political Work During the Military Training of the Students.

  27. 通过军训,我们学到了军事知识。

    Through military training, we learned military knowledge.

  28. 我主张所有的学生都接受军训。

    I maintain that military training should be given to all students.

  29. 高校学生军训模式的探索与研究

    Researches in the Model of Military Training in University

  30. 而这些,都是我们军训后的生活。

    These are our life after military training.


  1. 问:军训拼音怎么拼?军训的读音是什么?军训翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军训的读音是jūnxùn,军训翻译成英文是 military training; military practice

  2. 问:军训级拼音怎么拼?军训级的读音是什么?军训级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军训级的读音是jūn xùn jí,军训级翻译成英文是 Cadet Class

  3. 问:军训部拼音怎么拼?军训部的读音是什么?军训部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军训部的读音是jūn xùn bù,军训部翻译成英文是 Military Training Department

  4. 问:军训学员拼音怎么拼?军训学员的读音是什么?军训学员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军训学员的读音是jūn xùn xué yuán,军训学员翻译成英文是 Military Training Cadets

  5. 问:军训处助理处长拼音怎么拼?军训处助理处长的读音是什么?军训处助理处长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军训处助理处长的读音是jūn xùn chù zhù lǐ chù zhǎng,军训处助理处长翻译成英文是 Assistant Director of Training

  6. 问:军训 (中国大陆)拼音怎么拼?军训 (中国大陆)的读音是什么?军训 (中国大陆)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军训 (中国大陆)的读音是,军训 (中国大陆)翻译成英文是 Military education and training in China...


