


武装部队:~威。~服。行(xíng )~。~功。~犬。~备。~纪。~衔。~阀。~令状。异~突起。溃不成~。军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。泛指有组织的集体:劳动大~。……


1. 纪 [jì]2. 纪 [jǐ]纪 [jì]记载:~年。~元。~行(xíng)。~实。~念。~传(zhuàn )体(中国传统史书的一种体裁,以人物传记为中心叙述史实,“纪”是帝王本纪,“传”是其他人物的列传)。~事本末体(中国传统史书的……



汉语拼音:jūn jì







  1. 军队的纪律。

    谷斯范 《新桃花扇》第九回:“我的部下,上到总兵参将,下到把总、走卒,我敢说个个都是严守军纪的。”



  1. On the left the man of north-west France had assembled in good order, ready to sacrifice their lives for the king.


  2. Little Tsai hid his head, looking a little ashamed of himself, for his hunger had made him forget army discipline.


  3. It's another to feel a sense of horrifying disappointment in a military so out of discipline that we became the bad guys.


  4. The detestable maxim, Live on the enemy! produced this leprosy, which a strict discipline alone could heal.


  5. After he had received his commission, he found military discipline so relaxed that he was able to indulge his literary tastes.


  6. Loyal and disciplined, this elite heavy cavalry unit accompanies the general wherever he goes on the battlefield.


  7. The discipline had to be tightened all through the division.


  8. Austere officers demand meticulous conformity with military regulations.


  9. The Muslim Swordsmen are highly religious men . Highly disciplined and trained, these troops fear little and are masters of ambushes .


  1. 军纪教育周

    Week of Military Discipline Education.

  2. 军纪监察组

    Military Discipline and Ethics Section.

  3. 你们懂军纪吗?

    Do you know military discipline?

  4. 军纪监察组组长

    Chief of Military Discipline and Ethics Section

  5. 无人敢冒犯军纪。

    No one dares to violate military discipline.

  6. 无人敢冒犯军纪。

    No one dares to violate military discipline.

  7. 士兵受军纪约束。

    Soldiers are governed by military discipline.

  8. 军人应遵守军纪。

    A soldier should obey the military discipline.

  9. 严格执行军纪的军官

    A rigid military disciplinarian.

  10. 督察室军纪监察组

    Military Discipline and Ethics Section, Inspection Office

  11. 战时军纪的价值定位

    Value Orientation of the Military Discipline in War Time

  12. 全师都要加强军纪。

    The discipline had to be tightened all through the division.

  13. 非常严格遵守军纪的上尉

    a captain who is very gi

  14. 不惩治他会败坏军纪。

    It would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished.

  15. 士兵在枪林弹雨中严守军纪。

    The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire.

  16. 我们各有一套不同得军纪。

    We have a different kind of discipline.

  17. 我们各有一套不同的军纪。

    We have a different kind of discipline.

  18. 军事司法由军事法院和军纪法院行使。

    Military justice is exercised by military courts and military disciplinary courts.

  19. 三,军纪松懈,特别是打败仗时。

    Slack military discipline, especially in moments of defeat.

  20. 勇不可恃, 可恃者唯将令与军纪。

    Good order and discipline in any army are to be depended upon more than courage alone.

  21. 严峻的军官要求谨遵军纪。

    Austere officers demand meticulous conformity with military regulations.

  22. 这个军官是军纪森严, 这个士兵则唯命是从。

    The officer was militarily severe, the soldier obedient.

  23. 洛夫特是刚强冷酷而又遵守军纪的。

    Loft was rigid and cold and military.

  24. 洛夫特是刚强冷酷而又遵守军纪得。

    Loft was rigid and cold and military.

  25. 保持严格军纪的严格遵照军事规则或惯例的

    In strict accordance with military regulations or practices.

  26. 一个训练新兵军队步伐和军纪的士官。

    A noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline.

  27. 如请求引渡所涉的犯罪限于违反军纪。

    If the offence for which extradition is requested is confined to breach of military duty.

  28. 该独裁者运用军纪为新警察体制奠定了基

    The dictator used military discipline to lay the cornerstone of a new police system.

  29. 科技强军、依法治军全师都要加强军纪。

    Strengthen the army by relying on science and technology, run the armed forces by law The discipline had to be tightened all through the division.

  30. 该独裁者运用军纪为新警察体制奠定了基础。

    The dictator used military discipline to lay the cornerstone of a new police system.


  1. 问:军纪拼音怎么拼?军纪的读音是什么?军纪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军纪的读音是jūnjì,军纪翻译成英文是 military discipline

  2. 问:军纪处分拼音怎么拼?军纪处分的读音是什么?军纪处分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军纪处分的读音是jūn jì chù fēn,军纪处分翻译成英文是 Disciplinary Action

  3. 问:军纪训练拼音怎么拼?军纪训练的读音是什么?军纪训练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军纪训练的读音是jūn jì xùn liàn,军纪训练翻译成英文是 Disciplinary Training

  4. 问:军纪处分通告拼音怎么拼?军纪处分通告的读音是什么?军纪处分通告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军纪处分通告的读音是jūn jì chù fēn tōng gào,军纪处分通告翻译成英文是 Disciplinary Action Notice




拼音:jūnjì 英文:[discipline] 基本解释 [discipline] 军队的纪律 嘉奖了这些身经百战的部队的军纪 引证解释 指军队的纪律。 谷斯范 《新桃花扇》第九回:“我的部下,上到总兵参将,下到把总、走卒,我敢说个个都是严守军纪的。”