







汉语拼音:yán míng









  1. 指赏罚分明。

    《吴子·励士》:“ 武侯 问曰:‘严刑明赏足以胜乎?’ 起 对曰:‘严明之事,臣不能悉。’”

  2. 严肃而公正;严格而明确。

    《后汉书·李固传》:“ 清河王 严明,若果立,则将军受祸不久矣。” 元 李文蔚 《圯桥进履》第三折:“号令严明领大军,纷纷杀气靄征云。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第五章:“一个惊心动魄的场面,竟因为 中国 人高度的冷静和理智,严明的纪律而挽救了。”

  3. 谓准确而分明。

    《水浒传》第九一回:“星光之下,望城上旗帜森密,听城中更鼓严明。”《东周列国志》第三四回:“三军用命,铃柝严明。 睢阳 各路城门,把守得铁桶相似。”



  1. On the left the man of north-west France had assembled in good order, ready to sacrifice their lives for the king.


  2. To establish a strong command system to strengthen coordination, scientific control, and strengthen responsibility and strict discipline.


  3. Many Chileans still wonder how such a highly disciplined force could have resorted to such appalling violence.


  4. gualified politically and competent militarily and that have a fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistic support.


  5. Well trained, well disciplined and well equipped, it had a high morale.


  6. They also hanker for advisers to provide a customized , disciplined investment process similar to what most large institutions command .


  7. The incident shows that after 20 years of civil war, Somalia, the lack of discipline, command and effective national regular army.


  8. We deeply understood that the aim was the source of energy and strict discipline was the rule of behaviour.


  9. but any other statements are specifically prohibited.


  1. 严明的纪律。

    rigorous discipline.

  2. 他们纪律严明。

    They have good discipline.

  3. 严明群众纪律

    strictly enforce discipline in relation to the masses.

  4. 军事纪律严明

    have a fine style of work, maintain strict discipline.

  5. 经理赏罚严明。

    The manager was strict and fair in meting out rewards and punishments.

  6. 这支军队纪律严明。

    The army is strict in discipline.

  7. 我们的战士纪律严明。

    Our soldiers are strict in discipline.

  8. 他法令严明,赏罚必信。

    His law is strict, the award and punishment must believe.

  9. 她们会听从严明的纪律

    They respond to structure provided with a firm hand.

  10. 他们纪律严明地一齐射击。

    They fired in disciplined volleys.

  11. 在炮火下, 士兵们纪律严明。

    The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire.

  12. 厂长一定要赏罚严明。

    The factory director must be strict and impartial in meting out rewards and punishments.

  13. 广大群众坚决要求严明法纪。

    The broad masses stuck out for the vigour of the law.

  14. 厂长一家要赏罚严明。

    The factory director must be strict and impartial in giving out rewards and punishments.

  15. 士卒不混乱,纪律就严明了。

    When the soldiers are not disordered, discipline will be well maintained.

  16. 我父亲是一个纪律严明的人。

    My father was a strict disciplinarian.

  17. 略论党建中严明党的纪律的必要性

    On Necessity of the strict and impartial party discipline in the Party Building

  18. 他给自己的队员们强加了一些严明的纪律。

    He imposes strict discipline on team members.

  19. 我们应该永远得体地,纪律严明地进行斗争。

    We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.

  20. 我们应该永远内涵地,纪律严明地进行斗争。

    We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of profoundness and discipline.

  21. 裁判是篮球比赛的法官。最重要的是公正严明。

    Official is the judge in basketball game. Fairness is most important.

  22. 第二,强调执法严明、处罚严厉,严法治国。

    Second, to emphasize the enforcement strict, punishment is tough, is an strict law country.

  23. 所以说,人类的成功发展离不开严明的纪律。

    So, human's success depends on strict discipline.

  24. 标志就象一把托盘天平,象征公平,公证,严明。

    Like a salver steelyard, stand of fair, notarization and bright.

  25. 认真履行评审人员职责, 严格遵守评审纪律, 公正严明。

    fulfill review staff responsibilities, strictly abide by the disciplines, impartial.

  26. 我们学校纪律严明,因为校长对此要求甚严。

    There was never any problem with discipline at my school because the headmaster ruled with a rod of iron.

  27. 那是马克休斯的队伍,那会是一直纪律严明的队伍。

    It's Mark Hughes's team and he will have them organised and disciplined.

  28. 当然,民防不能代替纪律严明的专业警察部队。

    Certainly, civil defence is no substitute for a disciplined, professional police force.

  29. 你别想试探新主任, 他是位纪律严明的人。

    You needn't think you can try anything on with the new director, he's strict disciplinarian.

  30. 这支特种部队的纪律非常严明, 行动绝对服从命令。

    The special army unit was so well disciplined that it obeyed orders without question.


  1. 问:严明拼音怎么拼?严明的读音是什么?严明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:严明的读音是yánmíng,严明翻译成英文是 firm but fair; be firm but fair



“严明”是个多义词,它可以指严明(长沙大学艺术系教授), 严明(沈阳药科大学教授), 严明(湖北经济学院副教授), 严明(原广东省顾委办公厅主任), 严明(哈尔滨灵狮润阳文化传媒创办人), 严明(中共贵阳市纪律检查委员会机关党委书记), 严明(原华为人力资源副总监), 严明(国民党军整编九十师中将师长), 严明(南京艺术学院流行音乐学院教师), 严明(配音演员), 严明(江苏省人民检察院党组副书记、副检察长), 严明(台湾“国防部长”), 严明(洛阳市扶贫开发办公室副调研员), 严明(南方都市报摄影师), 严明(南京工业大学副教授), 严明(汉语词汇), 严明(上海师范大学人文学院教授)。