




1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……



汉语拼音:píng fēn








  1. 根据成绩评定分数。


  2. 评定的分数。如:他以最优的评分,获得博士学位。



  1. They have to make public what factors are included in their ratings and reveal how much weight they gave to cost in any composite score.


  2. After comparing the students' ratings with teachers' value-added scores, researchers have concluded that there is quite a bit of agreement.


  3. Ranger: You girls sure you've in shape for the trail? The Sierra Club gives it a nine out of ten for difficulty.


  4. Therefore, the simplified AIH scoring system does not seem to be a reliable diagnostic tool in children.


  5. This method is computationally simple, intuitive in nature, easy to implement and with higher semantical resolution.


  6. This study also defines the practice from that of subjects, classification, and score points for the attention of the preliminary studies.


  7. She said countries like India and Malaysia, which figure high on the score are heterogeneous in terms of languages and people.


  8. Another part of the assignment that was easy to grade was the requirement that they provide JUnit tests that cover all of their code.


  9. Two girls scored highly in every category. They were 'easy to reason' with, 'helped around the house' and generally 'liked each other'.


  1. 信用度评分

    credit scoring.

  2. 体型外貌评分

    Conformation score.

  3. 危重病例评分

    critical illness score

  4. 评分尤为动人。

    The score is particularly evocative.

  5. 阿普伽氏评分

    Apgar score

  6. 评分四星半

    Four and half stars!

  7. 他评分很宽。

    He marked the paper leniently.

  8. 断乳体型评分

    weaning conformation score.

  9. 患者症状评分。

    The McGill pain questionnaire, and the International Prostate Symptom Score.

  10. 功效评分法

    effectiveness factor method.

  11. 牛津残障评分

    Oxford handicap scale

  12. 小儿危重病例评分

    Pediatric critical index score

  13. 球员比赛评分微调。

    Player match ratings micro tweaked.

  14. 而我给你评分

    sitting in it, and I'm grading you.

  15. 骨龄评分法

    Method for assessing bone age

  16. 我会给试卷评分。

    I will grade the paper.

  17. 颈部功能障碍评分

    score of NDI

  18. 我们老师评分很严。

    Our teacher marks strictly.

  19. 考试和评分情况如何

    How about testing and grading

  20. 评分要求运输部2004年。

    FOI request to Department of Transport 2004.

  21. 阿普加评分还是零

    Apgar still zero.

  22. 实现自动阅卷与评分

    Using Founder Author to Realize Automatically Reading Test Paper and Grading

  23. 爆炸伤伤情创伤评分

    Trauma scorings of explosive injury

  24. 阁下对本网得评分?

    What grade would you give to RingtoneBoutique in genreal

  25. 阁下对本网的评分?

    What grade would you give to RingtoneBoutique in genreal

  26. 有不同的评分制度吗?

    Are there any different systems of grading ?

  27. 有不同得评分制度吗?

    Are there any different systems of grading ?

  28. 评分四星半,真的吗

    Four and a half stars. What?

  29. 投标甄选准则及评分制度

    Tender selection criteria and marking scheme

  30. 进行课堂监考,判卷评分。

    To administer and grade standardized exams for classes.


  1. 问:评分拼音怎么拼?评分的读音是什么?评分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分的读音是píngfēn,评分翻译成英文是 give a mark; grade; score

  2. 问:评分法拼音怎么拼?评分法的读音是什么?评分法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分法的读音是píng fēn fǎ,评分法翻译成英文是 method of point rating

  3. 问:评分者拼音怎么拼?评分者的读音是什么?评分者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分者的读音是píng fēn zhě,评分者翻译成英文是 rater

  4. 问:评分因素拼音怎么拼?评分因素的读音是什么?评分因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分因素的读音是píng fēn yīn sù,评分因素翻译成英文是 evaluation factor; factor in grading

  5. 问:评分规则拼音怎么拼?评分规则的读音是什么?评分规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分规则的读音是píng fēn guī zé,评分规则翻译成英文是 code of points; scoring code

  6. 问:评分者信度拼音怎么拼?评分者信度的读音是什么?评分者信度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分者信度的读音是píng fēn zhě xìn dù,评分者信度翻译成英文是 scorer reliability

  7. 问:评分点之间信度拼音怎么拼?评分点之间信度的读音是什么?评分点之间信度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分点之间信度的读音是píngfēndiǎnzhījiān xìndù,评分点之间信度翻译成英文是 inter-center reliability

  8. 问:评分者之间信度拼音怎么拼?评分者之间信度的读音是什么?评分者之间信度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分者之间信度的读音是píngfēnzhězhījiān xìndù,评分者之间信度翻译成英文是 inter-scorer reliability

  9. 问:评分者自身信度拼音怎么拼?评分者自身信度的读音是什么?评分者自身信度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评分者自身信度的读音是píngfēnzhě zìshēnxìndù,评分者自身信度翻译成英文是 intrarater reliability



读音:píngfēn [grade] 评定分数 给作业评分 [mark] 评定的分数 他以最优的评分,获得博士学位 1.根据成绩评定分数。《人民日报》1977.10.18:“在国际体操比赛中,究竟根据什么标准进行评分的呢?一般来讲,运动员完成一套动作的满分是十分。裁判员根据动作的难度、编排和完成情况进行评分,并对每出现一个小毛病都要从零点一起扣分。” 2.评定的分数。如:他以最优的评分,获得博士学位。 3.评定的标准体系。如:世界红酒界最权威的帕克评分,中国茶烟酒界最权威的李克评分。