






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:zài suǒ bù xī








  • 【解释】:决不吝惜(多用在付出大的代价)。
  • 【示例】:当祖国需要我们的时候,即使赴汤蹈火,我们也在所不惜。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;形容不吝啬


  1. "Yes, even if it costs me my life, " said the dwarf. "Will you please tell me how the spell can be broken? "


  2. d. They are prepared to take the initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so. They have courage and do not give in easily.


  3. You look out for yourself. If it means screwing over everyone else, so be it.


  4. He might not refuse, were Death himself waiting to strike him instantly, once he had looked with mortal eye on things rightly kept hidden.


  5. They are concerned about managers doing things that drive up the share price quickly at the expense of a firm's lasting health.


  6. 'I tell you, I'm going to find this place now, if I stay out all night.


  7. However, a spiritual seeker should have no qualms about sacrificing life for the sake of Dharma.


  8. But farmers in Thailand and elsewhere appear to be willing to wait for higher prices, and to default on contracts if necessary.


  9. For Jasper, there would be no limit to who or what he would destroy for Alice.


  1. 亲自上阵也在所不惜

    even if I have to do it myself.

  2. 我们纵然肝脑涂地, 在所不惜。

    We would be ready to die the cruelest death for our principles without any grudge.

  3. 即使血洗天下我也在所不惜!

    If you would only have loved me!

  4. 为了国家赴蹈火也在所不惜。

    He would go through fire and water for his country.

  5. 你是拿破仑,我你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜!

    If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you!

  6. 为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。

    No price is too high for winning their support.

  7. 那些支持者知道他难免出错,他们在所不惜。

    even though they knew that Hathaway might be fallible.

  8. 流血牺牲尚且在所不惜, 何况仅仅流点汗。

    Needless to say perspiring, we are not afraid of shedding blood or sacrificing ourselves.

  9. 豁出性命也在所不惜,所以我们一定要出发

    The die is cast.So we have to go

  10. 他决心查出真相,虽冒生命危险在所不惜。

    He was determined to find out the truth even at the risk of his life.

  11. 这就要求我心甘情愿奉献,即使受苦也在所不惜。

    This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts.

  12. 为了全人类的解放,即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。

    To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice. even that of our lives.

  13. 如果我可以自己开车把你送出城,我在所不惜。

    If I gotta drive you out of town myself, I'm gonna do it.

  14. 他们狂呼怒吼着,准备着去战斗、战死也在所不惜。

    An angry crowd who shouted and screamed, who were ready to fight and to die in battle.

  15. 他决心到那里去,即使是冒生命危险也在所不惜。

    He was determined to get there even at the risk of his life.

  16. 义无返顾的飞向你,就算失去生命也在所不惜。

    Flying to you without concern for loss of life.

  17. 一个绝对诚实的人,因诚实而蒙受损失,也在所不惜。

    A person of absolute honesty never worries about losses incidentally incurred for being honest.

  18. 一个绝对诚实的人,緃因诚实而蒙受损失,也在所不惜。

    A person of absolute honesty never worries about losses incidentally incurred for being honest.

  19. 爱上了,跟着感觉走,无怨无悔,飞蛾扑火在所不惜!

    Love, follow the feeling, no regrets, not to hesitate to fire!

  20. 然而,作为修行人,为了佛法而舍弃生命也应在所不惜。

    However, a spiritual seeker should have no qualms about sacrificing life for the sake of Dharma.

  21. 他们做事会采取主动,即使这样做要冒风险,也在所不惜。

    They are prepared to take the initiate, even when there is a risk in doing so.

  22. 如果你是拿破仑星座生日, 我就是你约瑟芬, 为你在所不惜!

    If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you!

  23. 吉姆打算在下次赛跑中拼命跑,纵然累死也在所不惜。

    Jim intends to go for broke in the next race, even though the effort may kill him.

  24. 就是把我最后一块钱拿出来买那本杂志我也在所不惜。

    I would have parted with my bottom dollar to buy that magazine.

  25. 小心照看好自己如果这意味着搞垮其他所有人,也在所不惜

    You look out for yourself. If it means screwing over everyone else, so be it.

  26. 吉姆打算在下一次赛跑中拼命跑, 纵然要累死也在所不惜。

    Jim intends to go for broke in the race, even though the effort may kill him.

  27. 当人性因贪婪而扭曲到极点,连扮小狗大便都在所不惜!

    A crabby geriatric who lives in a seaside villa and is gradually withering away from cancer, she treats her servants like dogs.

  28. 她要抓住塔拉,哪怕让这里的每个人都累断脊梁,也在所不惜!

    She would hold Tara, if she had to break the back of every person on it.

  29. 成败利钝在所不计

    Irrespective of success or failure

  30. 请在所选框中打勾



  1. 问:在所不惜拼音怎么拼?在所不惜的读音是什么?在所不惜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在所不惜的读音是zàisuǒbùxī,在所不惜翻译成英文是 will not grudge; will be regardless of the cost...



词目:在所不惜 发音:zài suǒ bù xī 释义:在:处于。表示处于某种情况,决不吝惜,(多用在付出大的代价)。 出处:元·无名氏《娇红传》:“乐极生悲,俗语不诬。妾病不能扶持,生愿不谐,死亦从兄,在所不惜也。” 示例:果能撄城固守,区区民房,原~。 ★清·金念劬《避兵十日记》 近义: 在所不辞,在所不计。 反义: 一毛不拔,斤斤计较,锱铢必较。 英文:will not grudge

用 法:动宾式;作谓语;形容不吝啬 。