







汉语拼音:duì jiāo






对焦 [duì jiāo]
  1. 对准焦点。




  1. He never leaves home without some kind of camera, even if it is only an automatic point-and-shoot digital camera.


  2. the driving device is small and easy to be miniaturized; and the zooming and the focusing are driven at high speed.


  3. None of the M-series cameras has autofocus, and Leica prides itself on building manual-focusing technology that's accurate and easy to use.


  4. A dynamoelectric focusing imaging device relates to the focusing imaging device of a camera used for scientific researches.


  5. If I'm photographing moving people and kids, of course I'll prefer the AF lens, but if I'm hugging a tripod, the King is still the King.


  6. I could be within a pretty short tolerance of having it be in focus by the time I had it to my eye.


  7. As you know, Filippa is nice Cyber-shot stick phone, which has 5-Mp camera with AF and xenon light.


  8. Some models allow auto focus in live view mode (without the mirror flips), but this is often a fairly slow process.


  9. A modern alternative is to use a camera with a very high-performance autofocus system and a zoom lens.


  1. 全数字对焦

    full digital focus.

  2. 自动对焦系统

    autofocus system

  3. 紫外对焦控制

    ultraviolet focusing control

  4. 是否需要先对焦?

    Do I have to pre focus first ?

  5. 自动对焦的照相机

    a camera with automatic focus.

  6. 那架相机容易对焦吗?

    Is that camera easy to focus?

  7. 我的相机是自动对焦的。

    My camera have automatic focus.

  8. 改善了自动对焦显示功能

    Autofocus focus indication functionality improved

  9. 镜头上停止自动对焦的按钮

    Lens af stop button function

  10. 握持住相机, 对准景物对焦。

    Hold the camera and focus on the subject.

  11. 你可以放大15倍来精确对焦。

    You can magnify the scene up to 15 times for precise manual focusing.

  12. 我有一架自动对焦的照相机。

    I have a camera with automatic focus.

  13. 如不调整, 视力对焦就不可能精确对焦。

    Therefore visual focusing cannot be accurate without adjustment.

  14. 观察取景器同时转动光圈环进行对焦。

    While looking through the viewfinder, focus by turning the focusing ring.

  15. 幸而有一些解决对焦难题的方法。

    Fortunately there are several solutions to this focusing dilemma.

  16. 提高实时取景模式下的自动对焦精度。

    Improves AF accuracy during Live View shooting.

  17. 提高实时取景模式下得自动对焦精度。

    Improves AF accuracy during Live View shooting.

  18. 视力上得缺陷使他不能准确对焦。

    A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.

  19. 视力上的缺陷使他不能准确对焦。

    A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.

  20. 对焦快速及其难以察觉的快门时滞。

    It focuses very fast and the shutter lag is unnoticeable.

  21. 非球面检测中偏心光束对焦系统设计

    Automatic Focusing System Design of Eccentric Beam in Aspheric Surface Measuring Technology

  22. 目前有两种自动对焦的设计任务进行。

    There are two current AF design tasks going on.

  23. 其结果,将光学透镜12设置在对焦位置。

    As a result, optical lens12 is set at a focusing position.

  24. 这样拍摄效果会很模糊,你应该先对焦。

    To shoot this way won't do.You need to focus first.

  25. 这样拍摄效果会很模糊,你应该先对焦。

    To shoot this way won't do. You need to focus first.

  26. 轻按这个按钮对焦, 然后再一直推下去。

    Press the button slightly to focus and then push it all the way.

  27. 偶尔在低光环境下在长焦端对焦错误

    Occasional focus errors at long end of zoom in low light

  28. 我们可以慢放,我们可以对焦 时间的流淌和潮汐

    We can slow down and we can tune in to the ebb and flow of time.

  29. 你要做的就是把取景框对准你要对焦的点。

    You pick this point by placing the focus box on the subject.

  30. 把相机搁在你认为不错得位置, 检查对焦。

    Place your camera at the desired position, check focus.


  1. 问:对焦拼音怎么拼?对焦的读音是什么?对焦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对焦的读音是duìjiāo,对焦翻译成英文是 To adjust the focus of a lens to make a clear pictu...

  2. 问:对焦距拼音怎么拼?对焦距的读音是什么?对焦距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对焦距的读音是duìjiāojù,对焦距翻译成英文是 adjust the focus


