







汉语拼音:lái lì







  1. 经历;履历。

    宋 王明清 《摭青杂说》:“人不知来歷,亦不肯娶我。” 宋 周密 《武林旧事·四孟驾出》:“仍先一日封闭楼门,取责知委,不许容著来歷不明之人。” 刘宾雁 《一个人和他的影子》:“别看档案不过是一个纸口袋,它却装着你的来历,你的身份,是关于你本人存在的凭证。”

  2. 指记载经历、履历的书面材料。

    《快心编二集》第六回:“ 丁严 三人参见过,递上来歷。”

  3. 来由;原委。

    宋 朱熹 《答吕子约书》:“ 张元德 训道为行,固为疎阔, 子约 非之,是也;然其所説行字,亦不为全无来歷。”《水浒传》第十五回:“ 吴用 道:‘既没官司禁治,如何絶不敢去?’ 阮小五 道:‘原来教授不知来歷,且和教授説知。’” 清 李渔 《凰求凤·随计》:“昨日替他祈禳,那法师亲到阴间查他得病的来歷。”

  4. 指人的身份或背景。

    清 李渔 《意中缘·悟诈》:“兄弟,照他这等説来,像是有些来歷的,你便进去説一声。”



  1. Mosquitoes and flies from occurring in the sewer, in addition to mosquitoes, and how much was not very bright.

  2. Do you know where the money comes from? If it is illicit money, you hided it up, you might offence the law.

  3. The statue of Dianna at Ephesus was made of wood and was believed to have been of miraculous origin .

  4. The elderly to younger peoples money, then people began to visit relatives and friends, each on New Year's blessing to one another.

  5. After Yao Qianyu heard from friends, Yao Qianyu did not marry, and the children. She always unwilling to say.

  6. I entered into a long discourse with him about the Devil, the original of him, his rebellion against God.

  7. I had never considered this theory before, that ice was a riddle whose origin demanded to be solved, a potential form of drink pollution.

  8. Most of these watches are more complicated than college calculus and have more history than you could learn in a lifetime.

  9. The Robbers Cave experiment, a classic study of prejudice and conflict, has at least one hidden story.


  1. 邮亭的来历

    The Origin of the Modern Post Kiosk

  2. 他是什麽来历?

    What are his origins ?

  3. 这剑有来历。

    This sword has a history.

  4. 月份名称的来历

    The Name of the Months

  5. 我的来历不对

    My history wasn't right.

  6. 拥抱情人节什么来历?

    Hug Day Where does it come from

  7. 灵感是有来历的。

    The inspiration came in an unusual way.

  8. 他上衣的奇怪来历

    the strange history of his coat

  9. 他丈夫是什么来历?

    What's the husband's story?

  10. 这辆卡车来历不明。

    This truck is of unknown origin.

  11. 至于这个舞蹈的来历。

    As for the history of this dance.

  12. 狸猫换太子的来历

    On the Origin of An Empress Substituted a Leopard Cat For a Crown Prince

  13. 这就是我们的歌的来历

    And that's how we got our song.

  14. 盾牌座的来历很精彩。

    Scutum has a fascinating history.

  15. 盾牌座得来历很精彩。

    Scutum has a fascinating history.

  16. 这就是我们的歌的来历。

    And that's how we got our song.

  17. 在典当行询问的来历。

    Go see Mamma Hogg at the Medical Center.

  18. 来历不明的飞行物,飞碟

    Unidentified flying oBject

  19. 来历不明得飞行物,飞碟

    Unidentified flying oBject.

  20. 你不问我的来历吗?

    You're not going to ask about me?

  21. 据说这就是春节的来历。

    This is said to the origins of Chinese New Year.

  22. 她这人有点来历不明!

    She's a bit of a mystery!

  23. 你知道情人节的来历吗?

    Do you know something about the origin of Valentine's Day?

  24. 这就是月光奏鸣曲的来历。

    This was the origin of the Moonlight Sonata.

  25. 南园五先生来历考论

    The Origin of South Garden Five Gentlemen

  26. 导游正在介绍敖包的来历。

    The tour guide is telling us the history of aobao.

  27. 你知道这房子的来历吗

    Well,are you aware of its history?

  28. 播放影片, 讲述圣诞来历。

    Broadcast a part of the film about Jesus.

  29. 你知道这房子的来历吗?

    Well, are you aware of its history?

  30. 你知道这房子的来历吗?

    Well, are you aware of its history?


  1. 问:来历拼音怎么拼?来历的读音是什么?来历翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来历的读音是láilì,来历翻译成英文是 past


来历,汉语词汇。注音:lái lì多义词。可以指汉语词汇来历,也可以指东汉人物来历。