




1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……



汉语拼音:chū chù







  1. 谓出仕和隐退。

    汉 蔡邕 《荐皇甫规表》:“修身力行,忠亮阐著,出处抱义,皦然不污。” 唐 韩愈 《与崔群书》:“无入而不自得,乐天知命者,固前修之所以御外物者也。况足下度越此等百千辈,岂以出处近远累其灵臺邪!”《古今小说·葛令公生遣弄珠儿》:“ 萧何 治狱为 秦 吏, 韩信 曾官执戟郎。蠖屈龙腾皆运会,男儿出处又何常。”

  2. 行进和静止。

    宋 梅尧臣 《翠羽辞》:“ 秦 女乘鸞遗翠羽,落在人间与风舞。风休不归谁作主,此郎拾取妆金缕。郎家主妇爱且怜,繫向裙腰同出处。” 宋 陆游 《雨复作自近村归》诗:“可怜鳩取招麾速,谁似云知出处齐。”

  3. 词语、典故等的来源和根据。

    《魏书·儒林传·李业兴》:“ 异 曰:‘圆方之説,经典无文,何以怪方?’ 业兴 曰:‘圆方之言,出处甚明,卿自不见。’” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷二:“ 晋 张望 诗曰‘愁来不可割’,此‘割愁’二字出处也。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·诗法》:“作诗用虚字,殊不佳。中两联填满方好。出处纔使 唐 已下事,便不古。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第一幕:“‘德言工容’不是我瞎编,是圣人说的,有出处。”

  4. 源头。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·穀水》:“ 徐广 《史记音义》曰:‘ 黽 或作 彭 , 穀水 出处也。’” 宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷下:“然 河 之本源,未见出处。”

  5. 产地;来源。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·小人》:“有术人携一榼,榼中藏小人……至 掖 , 掖 宰索榼入署,细审小人出处。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五回:“有一天,来了一个人,买了几件鼻烟壶、手鐲之类,又买了一掛朝珠,还的价钱,实在内行;批评东西的毛病,説那东西的出处,着实是个行家。” 许地山 《美底牢狱》:“我想所有美丽的东西,只能让它们散布在各处,我们只能在它们底出处爱它们。”

  6. 出路;出去的地方。

    梁斌 《播火记》第一卷十五:“﹝ 李霜泗 ﹞平静下来,慢搭搭地说:‘可是,去,也有好处,将来有了个出处。’” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·澄河边上》:“ 澄河 不太深,主要是下暴雨水来得太急,开一点口子,水一有了出处,流头就缓了。”



  1. If you know of any others be sure to share them in the comments.


  2. It's not hard to see where the word comes from (slacker + activism = slacktivism), and obviously, it's usually not meant as a compliment.


  3. She said: "The proposed book took an enormous amount of my work and added virtually no original commentary of its own. "


  4. The word "okay" is known and used by millions of peoples all over the world. However, language experts do not agree on where it came from.


  5. Over the next few days some people respective dredge various relations, it found out the documents.


  6. An amusing bit of copy would circulate until no one could be sure of its origin.


  7. But the dictionaries now lean toward a sect of Greek philosophy as the source of the word, and in particular the place where it was taught.


  8. Though she had emerged from the most unfathomable depths of social shadow, she bore on her brow the sign of the anonymous and the unknown.


  9. Mr. Spelich declined to comment on the source of the request, and Apple did not reply to a request for comment.


  1. 墙面凸出处

    wall convex.

  2. 出处可疑的

    of doubtful provenance.

  3. 查明引文出处

    find out the source of a quotation.

  4. 出处不明的引言

    an unaccredited quotation.

  5. 内罗毕派出处

    Nairobi Outpost.

  6. 他不知道其出处。

    He had no idea of its provenance.

  7. 找出引文的出处

    trace quotations to their original sources

  8. 这首诗出处不详。

    The authorship of this poem is not known.

  9. 你的说法出处何在?

    What is your authority for that statement?

  10. 一幅出处可疑的画

    a picture of doubtful provenance

  11. 我问她东西的出处。

    I asked her for the provenance.

  12. 我问她东西得出处。

    I asked her for the provenance.

  13. 其中大部分内容出处不详。

    Much of it is of unknown origin.

  14. 一是谈倪瓒的书学出处。

    First, talk about the source of Ni Zan of the book.

  15. 上面这段声明的出处是?

    The source of this statement

  16. 你应该给出引文的出处。

    You should quote your authorities.

  17. 暗示某事来自某一个出处

    To suggest that something come from a source

  18. 你必须找出引文的出处。

    You must dredge up the sources of the quotations

  19. 我们竭力想查明谣言的出处。

    We try to run down the rumour.

  20. 你知道这个典故的出处吗?

    Do you know the original source of this allusion?

  21. 如有转载请注明出处,谢谢!

    If you link this blog, Please note linkage, Thanks!

  22. 出处及作者及译者及注解者问题

    Question of source and Author

  23. 考查本质安全一词的出处。

    The source of essential safety is textually researched.

  24. 对产品出处的了解很关键。

    An understanding of the provenance of the product is key.

  25. 作者没有注明参考文献的出处。

    The author does not give references.

  26. 凸出处小的突出物或结节。

    A small projection or protuberance.

  27. 选取从某一出处获得或取得

    To derive or obtain from a source.

  28. 对它的真正出处还存有疑问。

    There was doubt about its real provenance.

  29. 很多英语习语的出处是圣经。

    The Bible is one of the sources for English idioms.

  30. 很多英语习语的出处是圣经。

    The Bible is one of the sources for English idioms.


  1. 问:出处拼音怎么拼?出处的读音是什么?出处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出处的读音是chūchù,出处翻译成英文是 source



【词目】 出处

【拼音】chūchù( 另读chūchǔ )

【英译】[take up the pose and go into retirement;source;authorship]

【含义】古指出任及退隐。这时“出处 ”读 chūchǔ