







汉语拼音:yuán yóu








  1. 缘由;来由。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“凡有一二百件,传相祖述,寻问莫知原由。”一本作“ 源由 ”。《英烈传》第七回:“那人即同三个人拦路就拜, 太祖 慌忙扶起,问他们来见的原由。” 清 李渔 《怜香伴·缄愁》:“你把得病的原由,説来我听着。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部十七:“ 老卢家 对火装烟,就小声地一五一十,把 老王太太 暴躁的原由,根根梢梢,告诉了他们。”



  1. Wu-zi Xu was about to tell the reason, suddenly, a woman's voice came from outside. It was Zhuan Zhu's mother. She was home now.


  2. Because the cause for all, the pause you think you see is really concentration on the steel.


  3. The reason why the early abortion is often lacking, the performance corpus luteum thyroid performance beneath, chromosome special, etc.


  4. This was the project, originally conceived by the British colonial administration, for a dam on the Volta River.


  5. Why: This one is such a tough call, as there aren't any really solid date movies out in theaters at the moment.


  6. The report did not give any other details about the incident, including why the worker was beaten.


  7. She traced her irrationalfear of birds back to something which had happened to her as a child.


  8. Beneath the surface of the 100 Days lurks a deeper issue. The president and his people seem to be control freaks.


  9. I have wished to understand the hearts of men . I have wished to know why the stars shine .


  1. 出于某种原由我无法解释。

    For some reason I can't explain.

  2. 什么原由驱使你到那里去?

    What reason impelled you to go there?

  3. 而我们想要理解它的原由

    We'd like to understand that.

  4. 本文探究这些事物的形成原由。

    This article explores how these things came to be.

  5. 我只想你知道这是的原由。

    I just want you to knowhow all this started.

  6. 张国焘放弃另立中央原由探析

    Reasons for Giving up Opening Another Centre by ZHANG Guotao

  7. 她详尽说明了问题的情况及原由。

    She explained all the hows and whys of the issue.

  8. 信贷紧缩不会毫无原由地发生了。

    The credit crunch is not passing by without a trace, however.

  9. 论明清俗曲兴盛发展之原由

    A Discussion about the Reason that the Folksong had been Developed Prosperously in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  10. 第二组抗原由蛋白质和核蛋白组成。

    The second group of antigens consists proteins and nucleoproteins.

  11. 然后讨论了迁移孕育发生的缘故原由。

    Then it discusses the reason that causes transfer.

  12. 今天,本庭的原由将会对你保密。

    Today, the reason for this tribunal will be a secret from you.

  13. 庆祝这共同的原由,不管天气是好是坏。

    To celebrate for the same cause, no matter the weather.

  14. 他认为有必要说明一下他来这儿的原由。

    He felt it necessary to explain why he had come.

  15. 这就是为什么我们说做人要诚实的原由。

    That's why we say it pays to be honest.

  16. 最后, 还是夫人得奶妈问出了事情得原由。

    Finally, her old wet nurse got the story out of her.

  17. 最后,还是夫人的奶妈问出了事情的原由。

    Finally, her old wet nurse got the story out of her.

  18. 不消他们说,那也是我怕当爹的原由。

    Everything they said is exaclty why I was worried about having a kid.

  19. 请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸的缘故原由?

    Could you tell the main reason crankcase explosion?

  20. 请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸得缘故原由?

    Could you tell the main reason crankcase explosion ?

  21. 刊登在生物学快报的一项报告会解释其中原由。

    A study in the journal Biology Letters explains how.

  22. 原由几个古法属殖民地王国组成,1960年独立。

    Originally made up of several ancient kingdoms colonized by France, it became independent in1960.

  23. 限制免责条件的范围的另一原由是证明的困难。

    Another reason limiting the scope of the excusing conditions is difficulty of proof.

  24. 我不明白在出售仓库的决定后面有什么原由。

    I do not understand the rationale behind the decision to sell the warehouse.

  25. 咨询委员会要求进一步澄清这项要求的理由和原由。

    The Advisory Committee sought further clarification on the basis and rationale for the request.

  26. 我国古代女医的成就及其人员稀少的原由探析

    Achievements of Ancient Female Doctors and Reasons for Their Scarcity

  27. 它们是一个国家之所以充满吸引力和生机的原由。

    They are a reason that nation is filled withing attraction with the source ofvitality.

  28. 因为种种缘故原由, 每一小我私人赴会都来晚了。

    Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons.

  29. 除了我得师傅林道长, 没有人能知道其中得原由。

    If anybody would know, it would be my Teacher, the great sorcerer Lin.

  30. 除了我的师傅林道长,没有人能知道其中的原由。

    If anybody would know, it would be my Teacher, the great sorcerer Lin.




拼音:yuányóu 词性:名词 基本解释 [reason;cause] 缘由;来由 详细解释 缘由;来由。 北齐颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“凡有一二百件,传相祖述,寻问莫知原由。”一本作“ 源由 ”。《英烈传》第七回:“那人即同三个人拦路就拜, 太祖 慌忙扶起,问他们来见的原由。” 清李渔《怜香伴·缄愁》:“你把得病的原由,说来我听着。”周立波《暴风骤雨》第二部十七:“ 老卢家 对火装烟,就小声地一五一十,把 老王太太 暴躁的原由,根根梢梢,告诉了他们。”