


原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……





汉语拼音:yīn yóu







  1. 理由;由头。

    唐 元稹 《苦乐相倚曲》:“ 汉成 眼瞥 飞燕 时,可怜 班 女恩已衰。未有因由相决絶,犹得半年佯暖热。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“ 朱源 扯 瑞虹 背后私认他面貌,又与 陈小四 无异;只是姓名不同,好生奇怪。欲待盘问,又没个因由。”《红楼梦》第七四回:“或借着因由,合二门上小幺儿们打牙撂嘴儿,外头得了来的,也未可知。” 鲁迅 《<故事新编>序言》:“至于只取一点因由,随意点染,铺成一篇,倒无需怎样的手腕。”

  2. 因缘,缘分;因果。

    唐 王建 《望定州寺》诗:“回看佛阁青山半,三四年前到上头。省得老僧留不住,重寻可更有因由?”《警世通言·庄子休鼓盆成大道》:“﹝ 老子 ﹞向 庄生 指出夙世因由,那 庄生 原是混沌初分时一个白蝴蝶。” 明 寓山居士 《鱼儿佛》第一出:“自到金门,一心念佛,免不得是盲修瞎鍊,却也悟得宿世因由。”

  3. 原委;原因。

    宋 孙光宪 《北梦琐言》卷八:“宰臣问 沆 :‘与主上有何阶缘?’ 沆 乃具陈因由。” 元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第四折:“你也去访个因由,要打我好生寃屈。”《水浒传》第四九回:“ 顾大嫂 道:‘伯伯,你不要推聋粧哑!你在城中岂不知道他两个是我兄弟?--偏不是你的兄弟?’ 孙立 道:‘我并不知因由。是那两个兄弟?’” 朱自清 《燕知草序》:“这自然有许多因由。”

  4. 办法。

    宋 黄机 《酹江月》词:“春愁几许?似春云蔼蔼,连空无数。隐约眉尖偏易得,没箇因由分付。”



  1. That God has called us for a purpose and for a reason and that we are called to be able to give praise and thanksgiving to Him.


  2. But a small part, protected by a heat shield made of carbon-phenolic resin, survived and landed in the desert near Woomera.


  3. Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.


  4. The boom-bust explanation does not exonerate greed, shortsightedness, or misguided government policies. But it does help explain them.


  5. Berlinski uses the argument in his book, and Collins credits it with turning him from atheism to evangelical Christianity.


  6. Skin fine, the cause is due to lack of water, so always drink plenty of water, eat more fruits and fresh vegetables.


  7. This paper briefly explains the reasons for writing, thought content and literary achievement of the poems of frontier fortress.


  8. Whatever the case, political action aimed at correcting this situation is urgently required at both the national and international level.


  9. My lord, I knew and felt that you are at the top of my front, and I also know there are some reasons for the people's currently destiny.


  1. 了结诉讼因由

    satisfaction of the cause of action.

  2. 社会罪恶因由思考录。

    Meditations on the causes of society's evils.

  3. 没有合理因由而擅离职守

    absence without reasonable cause

  4. 着令提出反对因由的命令

    order to show cause

  5. 世上所有事情都有因由。

    There's a reason for everything.

  6. 任何理论的建立,都不是没有因由的。

    It is needed to establish any theory.

  7. 大学生网络成瘾的因由, 危害与防治

    The Reasons, Disadvantages and Measures for the University Students Crazy for the Web

  8. 当代唐宋词研究繁荣因由探析

    The Analysis of the Reasons of Prosperity in the Study of Contemporary Tangsong Ci

  9. 电视新闻话语失语的发生及其因由

    The Mistakes in News Broadcasting on TV and the Causative Factors for That

  10. 英语阅读效率的制约因由及克服措施

    The Restriction and Solvement to the English Reading Efficiency

  11. 个中因由,可能连他们自已也不明白。

    Maybe they don't know why they are themselves.

  12. 争斗爆发的因由、场面的混乱让人叹为观止。

    It's amazing how these brawls erupt and how completely mad the whole scene looks.

  13. 问题4。保罗写腓利门书的因由是什么

    Q.4 what was the purpose that paul wrote the letter to philemon

  14. 警惕没有任何因由的极简美学主义决定。

    Be wary of minimalism as an aesthetic decision without cause.

  15. 问题4。保罗写腓利门书得因由是什么

    Q. 2 what was the purpose that paul wrote the letter to philemon.

  16. 你能否详细解释一下这个平衡背后的因由?

    Could you elaborate on the reasoning behind this balancing?

  17. 他能够透过这一结果发现其因由。

    He was able to get the cause behind the effect.

  18. 上帝的施政并无缺点, 也无任何足以引起不平的因由。

    There was no defect in God's government, no cause for disaffection.

  19. 主呼召我们必有因由, 我们被呼召, 就要称颂和感谢祂。

    That God has called us for a purpose and for a reason and that we are called to be able to give praise and thanksgiving to Him.

  20. 订户或中大任何一方可不论因由随时终止本协议。

    Either Subscriber or CUHK may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time and effective immediately.

  21. 乌拉圭国歌有七十节, 这事实或可说明乌拉圭常备军的因由。

    There is seventy stanza in uruguay national anthem, which fact may account for the uruguay stand army.

  22. 我不会为个人利益或图谋而干扰、阻碍任何诉讼因由。

    I will not obstruct any cause of action for personal gain or malice.

  23. 论文艺发展的因革复变律汉武帝时期丞相频更因由之分析

    On Literary Developing Law of Inheritance and Innovation Analysis of the Causes for the Frequent Changes of Prime Ministers in the Reign of Emperor Wudi


  1. 问:因由拼音怎么拼?因由的读音是什么?因由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:因由的读音是yīnyóu,因由翻译成英文是 reason; origin; cause




拼音:yīnyóu 基本解释 1. [reason;origin] [口]∶理由;由头 有因由 2. [predestined relationship]∶因缘;缘分 夙世因由 3. [cause]∶原委;原因 有原多因由 详细解释 1. 理由;由头。 唐 元稹 《苦乐相倚曲》:“ 汉成 眼瞥 飞燕 时,可怜 班 女恩已衰。未有因由相决绝,犹得半年佯暖热。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“ 朱源 扯 瑞虹 背后私认他面貌,又与 陈小四 无异;只是姓名不同,好生奇怪。欲待盘问,又没个因由。”《红楼梦》第七四回:“或借着因由,合二门上小幺儿们打牙撂嘴儿,外头得了来的,也未可知。” 鲁迅 《<故事新编>序言》:“至于只取一点因由,随意点染,铺成一篇,倒无需怎样的手腕。” 2. 因缘,缘分;因果。 唐 王建 《望定州寺》诗:“回看佛阁青山半,三四年前到上头。省得老僧留不住,重寻可更有因由?”《警世通言·庄子休鼓盆成大道》:“﹝ 老子 ﹞向 庄生 指出夙世因由,那 庄生 原是混沌初分时一个白蝴蝶。” 明 寓山居士 《鱼儿佛》第一出:“自到金门,一心念佛,免不得是盲修瞎鍊,却也悟得宿世因由。” 3. 原委;原因。 宋 孙光宪 《北梦琐言》卷八:“宰臣问 沆 :‘与主上有何阶缘?’ 沆 乃具陈因由。” 元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第四折:“你也去访个因由,要打我好生寃屈。”《水浒传》第四九回:“ 顾大嫂 道:‘伯伯,你不要推聋粧哑!你在城中岂不知道他两个是我兄弟?--偏不是你的兄弟?’ 孙立 道:‘我并不知因由。是那两个兄弟?’” 朱自清 《燕知草序》:“这自然有许多因由。” 4. 办法。 宋 黄机 《酹江月》词:“春愁几许?似春云蔼蔼,连空无数。隐约眉尖偏易得,没箇因由分付。”