







汉语拼音:yóu lái








  1. 自始以来;历来。

    《易·坤》:“臣弑其君,子弑其父,非一朝一夕之故,其由来者渐矣。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·德行》:“ 王子敬 病篤,道家上章应首过,问 子敬 :‘由来有何异同得失?’” 唐 杜甫 《上韦左相二十韵》:“岂是池中物,由来席上珍。”《红楼梦》第一二○回:“由来同一梦,休笑世人痴!” 赵朴初 《南京访梅园新村》诗:“几榻摩挲思战鬭,由来大业出艰难。”

  2. 来由;原因。

    《宋书·武帝纪中》:“吾处怀期物,自有由来。” 梁启超 《二十世纪之巨灵--托辣斯》四:“而此现象,不先见於 英 ,而先见於 美 ,有由来也。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·论新文字》:“主张罗马字拼音和拉丁化者两派的争执,其实并不在精密和粗疏,却在那由来,也就是目的。”



  1. The origin of this Chinese-American dish is a bit of a mystery.


  2. Static routing also fails completely to adapt to network outages and failures along the route due to the fixed nature of the route.


  3. Now, I introduce you the origin of the famous western ciy, and hope that this can favor you to understand the city for a reference!


  4. The name derives from FORmula TRANslation; it was the most widely used high-level language for scientific and engineering computations.


  5. The name of this ugly tool is usually attributed to a town in France.


  6. Taxpayers trying to cope with such surreal situations need to understand how they came to be.


  7. In another post at another time, I'll list some of the myths around creative productivity that are the foundations of this resistance.


  8. Let me offer you another building block to try to understand China, maybe it's not such a comfortable one.


  9. The thesis consists of four chapters: Chapter one raises the origin of the question of arbitrators'liability.


  1. 这就是巫舞一体得由来。

    That's why Wu and Wu were always connected.

  2. 苏州租界界址由来考辨

    Textual Criticism for the Process of Fixing the Address of Soochow Concession

  3. 关于一分为三由来的探讨

    On the Source of the Idea One Divides into Three

  4. 明代建文朝被革除得由来?

    Why was the Jianwen Period of the Ming Dynasty Abolished?

  5. 虽然是节日,却有着悲痛得由来。

    It a festival a sad story.

  6. 祝大家节日快乐!各国国庆日得由来

    Happy Independence Day! The origin of national days

  7. 这种担忧虽由来已久,但看上去有些过虑。

    Such fears, while perennial, look overblown.

  8. 这个背景就是猪流感解决方案神秘叵测得由来。

    This is where the solution to the swine flu mystery comes in.

  9. 这是我得笔名得由来。接下来, 我要讲得是栀子花得故事。

    That's how my name comes. Following i will tell you a story of gardenia.

  10. 这也是全民医药网对百度提出诉讼得由来。

    This also is the origin that net of medicine the whole people offers suit to Baidu.

  11. 但这两项行动标志着这由来已久的敌对再次升级。

    But the two actions mark a big escalation of the traditional hostilities.

  12. 中秋节时,校报刊登了他的一篇关于中秋节由来的文章。

    Around moon festival, he posted an article on our school's newspaper about the history of moon festival.

  13. 我为自己的爱尔兰血统感到骄傲。它是我幽默感之由来。

    Bressler believes that the findings might hint at why humans have evolved a sense of humour at all.

  14. 你甚至可能听到有关一个就餐传统由来的不同版本!

    You may even hear different versions of how a particular dining tradition originated!

  15. 麦兜名字得由来麦兜是一只右眼上有个胎记得小猪。

    McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye.

  16. 据信关于土地问题由来以久的争议也引发了许多冲突。

    Longrunning disputes over land are thought to underlie many of the clashes.

  17. 毫无来由地哭泣。

    Crying for no apparent reason.

  18. 这是没来由的。

    This is coming outta nowhere.

  19. 这里头有一点来由。

    Thereby hangs a tale.

  20. 他讲了他学针灸的来由。

    He explained how he came to study acupuncture.

  21. 把你如此做的来由告知我。

    Tell me the reason why you did it.

  22. 就因为这没来由的紧张恐慌

    I had this irrational fear.

  23. 他讲了自己学针灸的来由。

    He explained how he came to study acupuncture.

  24. 莫找捏词失败,只找来由成功。

    No excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success.

  25. 我爸爸经常没来由地对我发脾气。

    My father is always angry with me for no reason.

  26. 我爸爸经常没来由地对我发脾气。

    My father is always angry with me for no reason.

  27. 但没来由的恐慌也会造成破坏。

    But unjustified panic also causes devastation.

  28. 沈迷於杀人, 来由子弹射击得请求

    Addicted to killin and the appeal from the cap peelin

  29. 沈迷於杀人, 来由子弹射击的请求

    Addicted to killin and the appeal from the cap peelin

  30. 毫无来由地感觉到深刻的内在悲伤。

    Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason.


  1. 问:由来拼音怎么拼?由来的读音是什么?由来翻译成英文是什么?

    答:由来的读音是yóulái,由来翻译成英文是 origin

  2. 问:由来已久拼音怎么拼?由来已久的读音是什么?由来已久翻译成英文是什么?

    答:由来已久的读音是yóuláiyǐjiǔ,由来已久翻译成英文是 For a long time.



事情发生的原因 历来;自始以来;从发生到目前 由来已久