


1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……









汉语拼音:shuài yóu jiù zhāng







  • 【解释】:率:遵循;旧章:老法规。一切按照老规矩办事。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·大雅·假乐》:“不愆不忘,率由旧章。”
  • 【示例】:他果然听了姚老先生之言,诸事~,不敢聚行更动。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;用于没有创新


  1. na.
  2. follow precedents;act in accordance with established rules;follow the beaten track;follow the established pattern;follow the old practice;observe the old rules

  1. 大桶以出现在你的发票上的适用的率由你也是应付的。

    VAT is also payable by you at the applicable rate as shown on your invoice.

  2. 这项费率由国会分别对各预算年作核准。

    This rate is approved by the Parliament separately for each budget year.

  3. 非比例再保险得保险费率由双方当事人议定。

    The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed.

  4. 非比例再保险的保险费率由双方当事人议定。

    The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed.

  5. 新征费率由一九九七年五月二日起实施。

    The new rate was implemented with effect from May 2, 1997.

  6. 流速由斜率模拟。

    Rates of flow are represented by the slopes.

  7. 利息率应由双方协商。

    The rate of interest shall be as agreed between the parties.

  8. 并由有经验者率众起舞

    The dance is led by experienced performers.

  9. 征收率的调整由国务院决定。

    Any adjustment to the leviable rate shall be deter mined by the State Council.

  10. 服务中断由服务器端错误率衡量。

    Downtime is measured based on server side error rate.

  11. 由成核率数据拟合饱和蒸汽压力

    Estimation of Saturated Vapor Pressure from Nucleation Data

  12. 由节拍器记时的随意最大呼吸率

    voluntary maximum breathing rate timed by metronome

  13. 高犯罪率确实是由众多因素造成的。

    It is true that the high crime rate is the result of a multitude of factors.

  14. 衰减的斜率是由滤波器的阶数所决定的。

    The slope of attenuation is determined by the order of the filter.

  15. 其徵收率,由行政院视经济环境定之。

    The rate of imposition is prescribed by the Executive Yuan in view of economic circumstance.

  16. 这是两倍以上得投票率和奖金由去年得。

    This was more than twice the turnout and prize pool from last year.

  17. 这是两倍以上的投票率和奖金由去年的。

    This was more than twice the turnout and prize pool from last year.

  18. 由破裂压力资料反求储层的有效渗透率

    Formation Effective Permeability Inversion by Fracturing Pressure Data

  19. 它们由大大地改变角膜曲率的方法来调节。

    They accommodate by greatly changing the curvature of the cornea.

  20. 旅馆业本身的荷载系数由开房率来表示。

    The hotel business has its own load factor in the form of the occupancy rate.

  21. 准予抵扣的项目和扣除率的调整, 由国务院决定。

    The adjustment of credit items and deduction rate shall be determined by the State Council.

  22. 其收费率及收费实施办法,由植物检疫机关定之。

    The rates and fee schedule shall be established by the plant quarantine authority.

  23. 它的演变的基本性质是由它自己的波动率来表明的。

    all the essential qualities of its evolution are characterized in its own rate of vibration.

  24. 最后结果总是由事件得组合方式得统计率所确定得。

    The final result is always dominated by the statistical probability of the way the events combine.

  25. 最后结果总是由事件的组合方式的统计率所确定的。

    The final result is always dominated by the statistical probability of the way the events combine.

  26. 人们由寻找特定物种的存在渐渐趋于注重物种灭绝率。

    Looking for the presence of particular species also tends to focus on extinction rates.

  27. 地球的反射率主要是由云和雪覆盖的部分决定的。

    The reflecting power of the earth is primarily dictated by the proportion of and snow cover.

  28. 地球的反射率主要是由云和雪覆盖的部分决定的。

    The reflecting power of the earth is primarily dictated by the proportion of cloud and snow cover.

  29. 因为保险费率随保险范围而定, 额外保险费由买方支付。

    Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyer'S account.

  30. 藉由有效率的团队合作,无论是组织的内部或外部皆同。

    and do that by working effectively with others inside of the organization and outside.




拼音:shuài yóu jiù zhāng

解释:率:遵循;旧章:老法规。一切按照老规矩办事。出处:《诗经·大雅·假乐》:“不愆不忘,率由旧章。”事例:他果然听了姚老先生之言,诸事~,不敢聚行更动。 ★清·李宝嘉《文明小史》第一回