







汉语拼音:zài lǐ








  1. 在审讯中。

    唐 韩愈 《曹成王碑》:“王之遭诬在理,念太妃老,将惊而戚;出则囚服就辩,入则拥笏垂鱼,坦坦施施。”

  2. 犹据理;于道理方面。

    《旧唐书·良吏传赞》:“圣人造世,才杰济时。在理致治,无为而为。” 朱自清 《中国歌谣》二:“其实说歌与舞起于节日的聚会,在理都不可通。”

  3. 有理,合乎道理。

    《红楼梦》第九九回:“ 李十儿 回説:‘……若説了,少不得老爷生气。’ 贾政 道:‘只要説得在理。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六一回:“ 广东 人的迷信鬼神,有在理的,也有极不在理的。”如:哪一方在理?谁是正确的呢?



  1. He made a good case, but I just wasn't interested; I was going home to Arkansas, and in the meantime preferred politics to the law review.


  2. As you can see, when you get your model associations straightened out, CakePHP will do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.


  3. Matt Yglesias makes a good point about this approach to monetary policymaking.


  4. We were expected to work all the time, which appears reasonable enough.


  5. Harrison Ford, of Star Wars and Indiana Jones fame, majored in philosophy at Ripon College, but dropped out shortly before graduation.


  6. That is certainly valid and should form the basis of any judgment of forecasts or policy decisions taken.


  7. This paper was based in Basic Theory of safety-ground duty, analysis the social basis of safety-ground duty.


  8. 2 former object: " devil, why didn't the Valentine's Day look for me, I won't be reasonable you person of this kind of conscienceless " .


  9. Where the protesters have a point is the way in which governments have meted out favourable treatment to certain insider groups.


  1. 她绝对在理。

    Definitely, she is in the right.

  2. 她绝对在理。

    Definitely, she is in the right.

  3. 这话很在理。

    This saying very in principle.

  4. 他讲得在理。

    There is truth in what he says.

  5. 这话说得在理。

    That's a perfectly reasonable statement.

  6. 她讲得很在理。

    She talks a lot of sense.

  7. 他的话在理,我坚决拥护。

    He is right, so I firmly support him.

  8. 这家伙说的有一点在理。

    This guy was making a little too much sense for me.

  9. 我们得承认, 他的话很在理。

    We have to admit, he has a point there.

  10. 在大多数军事分析家看来, 这些重新部署十分在理。

    To most military analysts, these redeployments make a lot of sense.

  11. 抵挡这么一柄钝剑, 诺顿得回应当然言之在理。

    Against such a foil, Ms Holmes Norton could hardly help sounding reasonable.

  12. 抵挡这么一柄钝剑, 诺顿的回应当然言之在理。

    Against such a foil, Ms Holmes Norton could hardly help sounding reasonable.

  13. 他恨不得我们时时刻刻都在工作,这看上去也的的确确在理。

    We were expected to work all the time, which appears reasonable enough.

  14. 这的确在理, 也应成为任何预测判断或政策决策的依据。

    That is certainly valid and should form the basis of any judgment of forecasts or policy decisions taken.

  15. 我在理发店理的发。

    I got my hair cut at the barber's.

  16. 我在理发店理得发。

    I got my hair cut at the barber's .

  17. 我在理发店理了发了。

    I had my hair cut at the barber's.

  18. 此外,这种鞋没有良好的步行的理在不断得到的方式。

    Also, such shoes are no good to walk in as the cleat constantly gets in the way.

  19. 导数运算在有理函数积分中的应用

    Application of derivative operation in rational function integral

  20. 整系数多项式在有理数域上的不可约性

    A Discussion of the Irreducibility of the Integer Polynomial in the Rational Field

  21. 这里是自然女神的闺房, 她每天就坐在这里理妆。

    It is nature's saloon, where she has sat down to her toilet.

  22. 整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的几个判定定理

    Some Critical Theorems of the Irreducibility of the Integer Polynomial in the Rational Field

  23. 不在者永远理亏。

    The absents is always shaky stand.

  24. 不在者永远理亏。不在者被说坏话。

    The are always in the wrong.

  25. 在那里, 理一次发要收10元。

    The charge 10 yuan for a haircut there.

  26. 蓝斯,别在酒吧里面理头发。

    Dont play with your hair at the bar, Lance.

  27. 在那里,理一次发他们要收10元。

    They charge 10 yuan for a haircut there.

  28. 在你们国家理个发要花多少钱?

    How much does it cost to get a haircut in your country?

  29. 当然,有理不在声高。

    Loudness is not necessarily persuasive.

  30. 我是外理,理货间在哪里啊?

    I am a tallyman, where is the tally room


  1. 问:在理拼音怎么拼?在理的读音是什么?在理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在理的读音是zàilǐ,在理翻译成英文是 right; sensible; reasonable

  2. 问:在理教拼音怎么拼?在理教的读音是什么?在理教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在理教的读音是,在理教翻译成英文是 Zailiism

  3. 问:在理智上拼音怎么拼?在理智上的读音是什么?在理智上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在理智上的读音是,在理智上翻译成英文是 intellectually




拼音:zàilǐ 词性:形容词 基本解释 [reasonable; right; sensible] 有理;符合道理 此话在理 详细解释 1. 在审讯中。 唐 韩愈 《曹成王碑》:“王之遭诬在理,念太妃老,将惊而戚;出则囚服就辩,入则拥笏垂鱼,坦坦施施。” 2. 犹据理;于道理方面。 《旧唐书·良吏传赞》:“圣人造世,才杰济时。在理致治,无为而为。” 朱自清 《中国歌谣》二:“其实说歌与舞起于节日的聚会,在理都不可通。” 3. 有理,合乎道理。 《红楼梦》第九九回:“ 李十儿 回说:‘……若说了,少不得老爷生气。’ 贾政 道:‘只要说得在理。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六一回:“ 广东 人的迷信鬼神,有在理的,也有极不在理的。”如:哪一方在理?谁是正确的呢?