




物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……



汉语拼音:qián bian








  1. 前面。

    《红楼梦》第七四回:“只得索性忍了这口气便也不答言,一径往前边去了。”《儿女英雄传》第二七回:“ 安太太 这里也要到前边张罗事情去,便约 褚大娘子 过去吃饭。” 艾思奇 《辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义》第五章:“前边我们指出,从自由资本主义发展到帝国主义,是一种部分质变,看不到这一点是错误的。”



  1. Ahead of her, at the top of a hill on the left, was some sort of building, standing back from the road.


  2. The prostate spot may be felt on the front side of the rectum, that is, the side closer to the penis or to the front side of the body.


  3. As I said, it's much bolder and better than I expected.


  4. At times, it seems to be wider at the back than the front, and then it shifts.


  5. To which the king replied eagerly, "This is an excellent suggestion, Let us now choose an old horse to lead us in the front. "


  6. To overtake the sun, er lang shen haste makes waste, a mishap, the front of that mountain carrying-pole eye is shouldering the fork.


  7. Katarzyna Nowak, a researcher at Princeton who was one of the authors of the piece in Science, seems to agree.


  8. Each "letter" has an address on the front, a sequence code on the back, and a chunk of the data inside the envelope.


  9. All the other dogs were harnessed and the only empty place was now the one at the front.


  1. 向前边锁率

    forward linkage.

  2. 前边和尾边

    lead and leave edges.

  3. 前边就是宿营地。

    The campsite is right ahead.

  4. 房子前边的树

    the trees in front of the house.

  5. 邮局就在前边。

    Just go straight forward and you'll find the post office.

  6. 键盘键盘上部与前边。

    Keyboard Top and front edge of keyboard.

  7. 我想坐在前边。

    I'd like a seat in the front.

  8. 呃, 在火车站前边怎么样?

    Erm, how about in front of the station?

  9. 闪电链在他们前边,

    Chain Bolt to left of them

  10. 前边所提到的事

    the things mentioned above

  11. 你走我们前边, 我们殿后。

    You go ahead of us and we'll bring up the rear.

  12. 请看前边,不要动。

    Look straight ahead and don't move.

  13. 我站在你们的前边。

    I'm standing in front of you.

  14. 接下来, 伴娘走到前边,

    Then, the maid of honor walked down to the front of the room.

  15. 他挤到人群的前边。

    He pushed himself to the front of the crowd.

  16. 前边,在问讯台的旁边。

    In the front, and beside the Inquiry Desk.

  17. 我们教室前边有块大。

    Theres a big blackboard in the front of our classroom.

  18. 她们正坐在我的前边。

    They are sitting before me.

  19. 旅客休息室在餐厅的前边。

    The passenger lounge is forward of the dining saloon.

  20. 他挤到人群的前边去。

    He pushed his way forward and came to the front of the crowd.

  21. 个子矮的孩子坐在前边。

    The shorter children are to sit at the front.

  22. 是护胸铁甲的前边一部分。

    The front part of a cuirass.

  23. 往前, 前边空地方多着呢。

    Move up, there is plenty of room at the front.

  24. 请把头发帘弄到前边来。

    I'd like to cut some bangs.

  25. 前边的卧室里没法住人。

    The front bedroom was impossible to sleep in.

  26. 我们得到前边找个修车厂。

    We have to go ahead to find a garage.

  27. 顾客在柜台前边排成一队。

    The customers lined up at the counter.

  28. 我来带着这个女郎,在前边。

    I'll take the Sheila and ride ahead.

  29. 她们仍然站在坟碑的前边。

    They all stood still in front of the tomb.

  30. 她的头发是从前边往后梳的。

    Her hair was swept back from her face.


  1. 问:前边拼音怎么拼?前边的读音是什么?前边翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前边的读音是qiánbian,前边翻译成英文是 in front; ahead

  2. 问:前边拼音怎么拼?前边的读音是什么?前边翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前边的读音是qiánbiān,前边翻译成英文是 in front of; former

  3. 问:前边联结拼音怎么拼?前边联结的读音是什么?前边联结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前边联结的读音是qián biān lián jié,前边联结翻译成英文是 front side connection

  4. 问:前边联轴节拼音怎么拼?前边联轴节的读音是什么?前边联轴节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前边联轴节的读音是qián biān lián zhóu jié,前边联轴节翻译成英文是 front side coupling



词目:前边 拼音:qiān biān 注音:ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄅㄧㄢ 基本解释: 前面。

《红楼梦》第七四回:“只得索性忍了这口气便也不答言,一径往前边去了。”《儿女英雄传》第二七回:“安太太 这里也要到前边张罗事情去,便约褚大娘子过去吃饭。”艾思奇《辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义》第五章:“前边我们指出,从自由资本主义发展到帝国主义,是一种部分质变,看不到这一点是错误的。”