




物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……



汉语拼音:hòu bian







  1. 事后;后来。

    《醒世恒言·张淑儿巧智脱杨生》:“后边 元礼 告假回来,亲到废寺基址,作诗弔祭六位同年。”《西游补》第七回:“后边我的威势猛了,志气盛了,造化小儿也做不得主了。”

  2. 犹后面。

    《儿女英雄传》第七回:“有等惯劫客商的黑店,合不守清规的庙宇,多有在那卧床后边、供桌底下设着地窨子。” 茅盾 《第一个半天的工作》:“就有一位紫棠脸的高个子挺胸凸肚从门外进来,茶房跟在后边。”



  1. One morning a woman is walking out of her front door, when she notices a strange little man at the bottom of her garden.


  2. The man had come from the valley, up the hill to the house which overlooked a gully and, beyond it, a whole range of mountains.


  3. When I told her it is a miniature dog, she giggled and said the children are hidden behind the trees.


  4. Each "letter" has an address on the front, a sequence code on the back, and a chunk of the data inside the envelope.


  5. "Granddad" himself, as Malasha in her own mind called Kutuzov, was sitting apart from the rest in the dark corner behind the stove.


  6. Betwixt the hut and the fence, on the back side, was a lean-to that joined the hut at the eaves, and was made out of plank.


  7. At times, it seems to be wider at the back than the front, and then it shifts.


  8. After those in the front were dragged aboard the boats, those in the rear were pulled up over the side, too.


  9. The timber swung slowly so that the bank was behind me and I knew we were in an eddy.


  1. 后面, 后边后边的部分

    A hind part.

  2. 垃圾箱在门后边。

    The trash bin is behind the doo.

  3. 校长办公室在后边。

    Principal's office is in the back.

  4. 他从门后边出来。

    He appeared from behind the door.

  5. 后边短些, 前面长些。

    Short behind, Long front.

  6. 后边短些,前面长些。

    Short behind, Long front.

  7. 后边酒吧也开放了

    the bar's open in the back.

  8. 后边的那个,请过来。

    You in the back, come here, please.

  9. 李梅坐在我后边。

    Li Mei sits behind me.

  10. 后边那些苹果什么价钱?

    How much are those apples at the back?

  11. 我后边的一颗牙痛。

    One of my teeth in the back hurts.

  12. 到后边儿排队去。

    You have to get back in line.

  13. 咱们敲后边的门试试。

    Let's try knocking at the back door.

  14. 开门的时候在门后边?

    Behind the door as it opens?

  15. 胳膊肘内侧, 膝盖后边

    The creases of the elbows or knees

  16. 你应当将帆后边打开。

    You should open the leach a little bit.

  17. 你应该将帆后边打开。

    Your should open the leach a little bit.

  18. 尼娜加塞儿排在利迪后边。

    Nina pushed in next to Liddie.

  19. 我决定站在大厅后边。

    I decided to stand at the back of the hall.

  20. 所以我在她后边跑着。

    So I ran behind her.

  21. 看见后边的镌书了吗?

    You see the engraving on it?

  22. 停车场在这建筑物的后边。

    The parking lot is at the rear of the building.

  23. 向后地向或朝向后边或后部地

    To or toward the back or rear.

  24. 他把铅笔放在耳朵后边。

    He stuck his pencil behind his ear.

  25. 我屋子后边有个小院子。

    My house has a small yard in the back.

  26. 我屋子后边有个小院子。

    My house has a small yard in the back.

  27. 水表就在厨房门的后边。

    The water meter is just beside the back door in the kitchen.

  28. 水表就在厨房门的后边。

    The water meter is just beside the back door in the kitchen.

  29. 水表就在厨房门得后边。

    The water meter is just beside the back door in the kitchen.

  30. 我们在你壁橱的后边发现的?

    We found in the back of your closet?


  1. 问:后边拼音怎么拼?后边的读音是什么?后边翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后边的读音是hòubian,后边翻译成英文是 back ; rear

  2. 问:后边拼音怎么拼?后边的读音是什么?后边翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后边的读音是hòubian,后边翻译成英文是 The back.

  3. 问:后边的拼音怎么拼?后边的的读音是什么?后边的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后边的的读音是,后边的翻译成英文是 hind

  4. 问:后边缘的拼音怎么拼?后边缘的的读音是什么?后边缘的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后边缘的的读音是hòu biān yuán de,后边缘的翻译成英文是 antemarginal

  5. 问:后边缘同步拼音怎么拼?后边缘同步的读音是什么?后边缘同步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后边缘同步的读音是hòu biān yuán tóng bù,后边缘同步翻译成英文是 back edge synchronization


后边拼音是hòu bīan,注音是ㄏㄡˋ ㄅㄧㄢ