


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……


1. 拆 [chāi]2. 拆 [cā]拆 [chāi]把合在一起的弄开:~信。~洗。~卸。~字。〔~白〕方言,流氓骗取财物。分散,毁掉:~散。~台。~迁。拆 [cā]方言,排泄(大小便):~烂污(喻不负责任)。……



汉语拼音:jiě chāi







  1. 犹解劝。


  2. 犹消散。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·褚遂良》:“移时,腹中痞块,隐隐作解拆声。”



  1. 网络
  2. unpack

  1. 拆解式托盘

    disposable pallet.

  2. 固废拆解业

    solid waste dissembling industry.

  3. 废旧变压器拆解埸

    useless old transformers

  4. 他喜欢拆解东西。

    He liked to take things apart.

  5. 进口固废拆解业

    imported solid waste disassembly trade

  6. 它们都将被拆解成废铜烂铁。

    They are all to be broken up for scrap.

  7. 拆解这个公司是对伟人的侮辱。

    Dismantling this company would be an insult to a great man.

  8. 换句话说,从商业逻辑上拆解了数据。

    In other words, it untangles data from business logic.

  9. 拆解工具现在必须推入卡环内。

    Disassembly tool must now be pushed into the circlip.

  10. 澳大利亚的墨尔本号则被拆解。

    Australia's carrier, the Melbourne, has been scrapped.

  11. 废旧电子电器绿色拆解产业化的条件

    Conditions of the Industrialization in Dismounting the Waste Electronic Apparatus

  12. 教练帮助他拆解了对手的一些棋局。

    His coach helped him analyse some of the games of his rival's.

  13. 我将会从上至下讨论和拆解问题。

    I will dissect the problem from top to bottom.

  14. 万一有冰冻,则融化,拆解和检查内部部件。

    In case of freezing thaw, disassemble and inspect internal components.

  15. 另一项重要的未知数,是全球化拆解的程度。

    Another important unknown is the extent to which globalisation unravels.

  16. 免费上门更换并在顾客处拆解错发部件。

    Free replacement delivery and scrapping of the wrongly supplied parts at the customer's premises.

  17. 采用织物上拆解的纬纱评价无梭织造的性能

    Studies on unraveled weft yarn from fabric for evaluating shuttleless weaving performance.

  18. 这里是美国唯一一个组装和拆解武器的兵工厂。

    The plant is the only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility in the US.

  19. 让正被结束的人类去拆解和解决他们的业力。

    Allow the humans that are completing to unravel and settle their karma.

  20. 旧电器拆解业对职业人群及普通居民的健康影响

    Health Effects of Dismantling Waste Electrical Appliances on Occupational Population and Residents

  21. 废电器拆解业对农村社会经济环境影响的公众评价

    Public assessment on the influence of waste electric equipment dismantling on rural areas.

  22. 为此我们拿了一对这样的产品来作一个简单的拆解。

    To this end, we took a pair of such products to make a simple dismantling.

  23. 这场结束促使业力去把人类舞蹈拆解到结束的状态。

    This completion causes karma to unravel in the human dance into a state of completion.

  24. 理解性教学凭籍其强大的拆解力向教学认识论发出挑战。

    Understanding teaching relying on its dismantling power challenges the teaching epistemology.

  25. 这个奇妙装置是平台的一部分!我不可能在月光下拆解它!

    This contraption is part of the platform! There's no way under the moon I can dismantle it!

  26. 拆开, 解开纺织物

    To undo or ravel the knitted fabric of

  27. 我解开蝴蝶结,拆开小盒子的包装。

    I untied the bow and unwrapped the small box.

  28. 酶法水解在消旋体拆分中的应用

    Resolution of Racemate by the Hydrolysis with Enzyme

  29. 松开,解开散开成为组成的线拆开或磨损

    To become separated into its component threadsunravel or fray.

  30. 几种外消旋环氧化合物的水解动力学拆分

    Hydrolytic Kinetic Resolution of Several Racemic Epoxides