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汉语拼音:shù pí
《南齐书·陈显达传》:“﹝ 显达 ﹞攻之四十日,虏食尽,噉死人肉及树皮。”《元史·顺帝纪》:“又 长庆寺 有龙缠绕槐树飞去,树皮皆剥。” 杨朔 《海罗杉》:“一棵是海罗杉,另一棵是凿树,并排长着,树皮结着老疤,挂满苍苔。”
I mean at least when I've seen her with clothes on, I could imagine her body was like covered in boles or something.
我是说,当我看见她穿着衣服的时候,我至少可以想象她身上覆盖着树皮之类的。"I must just try that, " said the boy, and went to a tree, tore off the bark with his axe, and rubbed it with one end of the plaster.
“我得先试试,”小伙子说罢走到一棵大树前,用斧子砍掉一小块树皮,然后用那玩意儿的一头在破损处摩擦了一下。Next he took soft clay, molding it to the shape of the bark and smoothing it with his hands.
接着,他弄来了一些松软的粘土,把他制成树皮的形状,并用手把它们磨得非常光滑。But you can of course use a tool like this also to strip bark off trees or roots, so that you could eat them as well.
但是,显然你也可以使用这样的工具来剥树皮或树根来吃。What flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a gnarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered?
还有哪种花能像它一样脆弱,花朵在一棵变形的老树中生根发芽,树干盘根错节,树皮嶙峋。But I could just about make out the dark figure in front of me when Libby gave a soft bark.
不过,我可以只作出了关于在我面前的黑影时,利比介绍了软树皮。And then, from there, he climbed directly up the bark until he got to the top of the tree.
接着,从那里他直接从树皮爬了上去直到他到了树顶。To the wind the prevention: early spring old bark, winter destroy sunflower, corn testament, spray pesticide plant high-efficiency.
防治法:早春刮去老树皮,冬季毁灭向日葵、玉米遗株,喷洒高效低毒农药。large genus of tropical American trees that yield a bast fiber used for cordage and bark used in tanning; milky juice yields caoutchouc.