







汉语拼音:shuǐ bǐ







  1. 一种书画兼用的毛笔。笔头一般用两种毛做成:里面是羊毛或兔毛,以便保存水分;外面裹以狼毛,使笔锋劲挺。

    明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·写山水诀》:“夏山欲雨,要带水笔。山上有石,小块堆在上,谓之矾头。用水笔晕开,加淡螺青,又是一般秀润画,不过意思而已。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·物部四》:“兔毫入北地,一经风霜即脆,故 长安 多用水笔。”

  2. 自来水笔。

    欧阳予倩 《不要忘了》第四景:“军官甲急取水笔写急电,交军官丁去发。” 赵树理 《李有才板话》六:“ 家祥 有水笔, 小元 没有,觉着小口袋上空空的。”



  1. I picked up a few his right of fountain pen, and be jubilant followed his mother go ahead.


  2. The letters and cards are in the form of poems, sonnets and stories, decorated with watercolour and pen and ink sketches.


  3. Sounds pretty retro, but I guess fountain pens and ink get over the throwaway pen thing.


  4. Not email, a real piece of paper on Fog Creek letterhead, which I sign myself in actual ink.


  5. The digital ink pen you used has stored an electronic copy of what you wrote.


  6. Above all information with A4 paper print copy, with a black pen, signed and sealed is clear and complete.


  7. Tanshui estuary; mangrove; Kandelia candel (L. ) Druce; habitat; geomorphologic perspective.


  8. Sign the cover letter with a blue or black ink pen.


  9. Another student went to church with "Resist religious intolerance" written on each forearm in magic marker.


  1. 对着水笔傻笑。

    Laugh at the pencil.

  2. 一次用一枝水笔。

    one marker at a time.

  3. 他用蓝水笔写字。

    He write in blue ink.

  4. 墨水笔制造商

    pen maker.

  5. 墨水笔绘图机

    pen plotter.

  6. 用铅笔/ 墨水笔

    in pencil/ ink

  7. 沾水笔。彩色墨水技法

    Introduction to drawing with pen and color ink

  8. 墨水笔绘记录器

    ink writing recorder

  9. 墨水笔收藏者俱乐部

    Club des Collectionneurs de plumes

  10. 请用黑墨水笔填写空格。

    Please fill in the blanks with a black pen.

  11. 错误处用红墨水笔标出。

    Mistakes are scored in red ink.

  12. 请用蓝黑墨水笔填写清楚。

    Please write clearly in blue or black ink.

  13. 派克钢笔万国旗墨水笔

    Parker National Flags Fountain Pen

  14. 用墨水笔或打印填写所有项目

    Type or Print All Entries in Ink

  15. 派克新卓尔纯银金夹墨水笔

    Parker Sonnet Pure Siliver Gold Nip pen

  16. 而她的信却是用红墨水笔写的。

    The letter was written in red ink.

  17. 用蓝色或黑色水笔在求职信上签名。

    Sign the cover letter with a blue or black ink pen.

  18. 他们用不褪色的水笔在门上乱画。

    They wrote on my door in indelible pen.

  19. 奶奶过去经常墨水笔来填这些空格。

    Grandma used todo them in ink.

  20. 不要使用水笔而要用铅笔填涂答题纸。

    DON'T use a pen on the answer sheet. You should use a pencil.

  21. 淡水河口红树林水笔仔生育地地形观点。

    Tanshui estuary mangrove Kandelia candel Druce habitat geomorphologic perspective.

  22. 该做哪个拼字图 该用哪只水笔写答案。

    which anagrams to do and which markers to write their answers with.

  23. 纸色谱法测定彩色水笔油墨的色素组分

    Paper Chromatographic Determination of Pigments in Ink of Colour Pen.

  24. 如果你方有水笔现货,请给我们寄些样品。

    If you have Fountain Pens in stock, please send us some samples.

  25. 请用黑色墨水笔填写,要求全部用大写字母。

    Please complete in BLACK INK using BLOCK CAPITALS, providing as much information as possible.

  26. 取下水笔笔尖,然后适当的加工,就会得到

    Took off the tip from a refill, with proper filing, you would get.

  27. 注可用水笔, 广告彩, 粉彩, 杂志剪贴不要用画纸!

    Thirdly, draw the images on plain paper and cut it out.

  28. 请用黑色墨水笔或原子笔,以正楷填写申请书。

    Please complete the form in block letters and in black ink.

  29. 你回答了我的祈求, 至少我确实有了一枝墨水笔。

    You answered my prayer. anyway, I got a fountain pen.

  30. 请用黑色墨水笔或原子笔,以正楷填写各项。

    Please complete every item in block letters and in black ink.


  1. 问:水笔拼音怎么拼?水笔的读音是什么?水笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水笔的读音是shuǐbǐ,水笔翻译成英文是 stiff-bristled writing brush; pen

  2. 问:水笔仔拼音怎么拼?水笔仔的读音是什么?水笔仔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水笔仔的读音是,水笔仔翻译成英文是 Kandelia obovata