











汉语拼音:yù yǎn yù liè







  1. They face a lot of competition, and right now they seem to be ratcheting up the price competition.


  2. In recent years, listed companies use various means to do RPT for a variety of motives, and RPT seems to get worse and worse.


  3. For the natural liu Yang to her madly, but cannot marry her mother resolute opposition, two wars again lift, intensified.


  4. Even so, the nationalisation debate is likely to rage on for at least the next two years, scaring away much-needed potential investors.


  5. Senator Davis said the North was responsible for the growing split, because the North was trying to get complete control of the South.


  6. Speculation mounted that it would soon offload Nikko Cordial Securities, its Japanese broking unit, which it bought only a year ago.


  7. So, alas, would a more nuanced view on public-service reform, since much of the party never signed up to the Blairite agenda.


  8. Anger over the accident and over the lack of a substantial explanation for it so far has grown throughout the week.


  9. As law-firm layoffs mount, fear of unemployment appears to be speeding up the resurgence of power clothes, even among the youngest recruits.


  1. 争宠大战愈演愈烈。

    And the battle for Mike's affection got ugly.

  2. 我们就开始抗议 愈演愈烈

    And we fight back, and it gets really ugly.

  3. 争斗愈演愈烈, 数十人受伤。

    Dozens of people were injured as fighting flared up.

  4. 然而, 玄乎之风也愈演愈烈。

    However, titular mystification continues to intensify.

  5. 两国之间的争夺愈演愈烈。

    The rivalry between the two countries is becoming increasingly acute.

  6. 愈演愈烈的冷战可能导致热战。

    The increasing tension of a cold war could lead to a hot war.

  7. 在内部, 重复建设现象愈演愈烈。

    Internally, the phenomenon of redundant construction intensified.

  8. 政府暴行愈演愈烈, 改革提议匪夷所思

    Renewed brutality is spiced with outlandish reform proposals

  9. 事实上,这些罪行有愈演愈烈的趋势。

    The fact that these crimes are now reported is itself a step forward.

  10. 警方没能遏止愈演愈烈的酒类走私。

    The policy failed to stay the spread of smuggled alcohol.

  11. 警方没能遏止愈演愈烈的酒类走私。

    The policy failed to stay the spread of smuggled alcohol.

  12. 警方没能遏止愈演愈烈得酒类走私。

    The policy failed to stay the spread of smuggled alcohol.

  13. 当局似乎无力阻止愈演愈烈的暴力活动。

    The authorities seem powerless to stem the rising tide of violence.

  14. 但是不正当行为似乎有愈演愈烈之势。

    But the level of illicit activity seems to be rising.

  15. 大选在即,主要政党间的论战愈演愈烈。

    As the election approaches the war of words between the main political parties becomes increasingly intense.

  16. 干旱和洪水随着气候的改变也愈演愈烈。

    Droughts and floods made worse by climate change.

  17. 腐败之势愈演愈烈, 却鲜有人加以制止。

    More rot, and fewer people to stop it.

  18. 随着窃听丑闻愈演愈烈, 该股不降反升。

    As the scandal gets worse, the stock rises higher.

  19. 奴隶反抗主人的情况也不少见,而且愈演愈烈。

    List of North American slave revolts.

  20. 在政客们大打嘴仗的同时,暴力事件愈演愈烈。

    Meanwhile, as the politicians haggle, the violence worsens.

  21. 现在,联盟终于开始重视这个愈演愈烈的问题了。

    Finally, the league appears to be taking the increasing problem seriously.

  22. 足球比赛中恣意闹事现已达愈演愈烈的地步。

    Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemicproportions.

  23. 几个月的时间内,人民与警察的冲突愈演愈烈。

    As the months passed, confrontations between police and civilians intensified.

  24. 自从去年10月份以来,暴力活动就有愈演愈烈之势。

    Violence has flared elsewhere in the north Caucasus since October.

  25. 近年来, 我国农业用地土壤污染问题愈演愈烈。

    In recent years, our country agriculture land soil pollution question was increasingly fierce.

  26. 这使得美国金融体系中缺乏信任的状况愈演愈烈。

    This allowed lack of trust in the US financial system to fester.

  27. 否则愈演愈烈的人道危机很可能会引发新的动乱。

    Otherwise, the worsening humanitarian crisis is very likely to trigger new disorders.

  28. 骈文用典,自此愈演愈烈,至于梁陈,则几于句句用典。

    After them, the use of allusion was popularized.

  29. 由于粮价飙升引发的不安情绪在亚洲愈演愈烈

    Disquiet grows in Asia over the soaring price of rice

  30. 足球比赛中恣意闹事现在已经达到愈演愈烈的地步。

    Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions.


  1. 问:愈演愈烈拼音怎么拼?愈演愈烈的读音是什么?愈演愈烈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愈演愈烈的读音是yùyǎnyùliè,愈演愈烈翻译成英文是 to become increasingly intense




拼音: yùyǎnyùliè,注音字母: ㄧㄩˋ ㄧㄢˇ ㄧㄩˋ ㄌㄧㄝ ˋ英文翻译:grow in intensity