




1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……



汉语拼音:xiōng yī






  1. 贴身的内衣。

    茅盾 《昙》三:“感得胸口像有重物压着,她又扯断了胸衣上收口的丝带。”



  1. mistakes were disastrous . " see that , " joe said , holding up a filmy corset - cover that he could have crumpled from view in one hand.


  2. So often, we forget to moisturize and protect our chest, which is often exposed to the sun because of low-neck and v-neck clothing.


  3. His mother, Batya, owned a corset store; his father, Abraham, was a pattern maker in the garment trade.


  4. The upper part of a garment, extending from the shoulders to the waistline, especially the bodice of a woman's dress.


  5. Dignity is like a bra: it supports a woman and makes her look elegant. However, if she knows it intentionally, she just looks vulgar.


  6. a woman's costume with a tight bodice and an overskirt drawn back to reveal a colorful underskirt.


  7. Jennifer : What about this jogging top? Does it look too much like a bikini top?


  8. Halter neckline: A neckline with a strap or built up bodice in front, continuing round to the back of the body.


  9. Mechlin lace was arranged in a cascade down the front of the bodice.


  1. 她的胸衣。

    Her bra.

  2. 休闲运动胸衣

    leisure sports bras

  3. 塑料紧身胸衣

    corset busk of plastics.

  4. 紧身褡, 妇女胸衣

    foundation garment

  5. 束带紧身胸衣

    belted corset.

  6. 不束带紧胸衣

    unbelted corselet.

  7. 露背背心式胸衣

    bare back vestee

  8. 运动胸衣研究现状

    A review of sports corset research

  9. 外科或内科用胸衣

    corset , surgical or medical

  10. 女人胸衣状癌, 铠甲状癌

    corset cancer

  11. 买胸衣的部门哪里?

    Where is corset department ?

  12. 橡胶胸衣,非外科用

    corset, rubber, nonsurgical.

  13. 前面穿绳紧身胸衣

    frontlaced corset

  14. 衬底妇女紧身胸衣

    A foundation garment.

  15. 买胸衣的部门在哪里?

    Where is your corset department ?

  16. 也许我的胸衣太紧张?

    Perhaps my corset's too tight?

  17. 也不要黑色紧身胸衣。

    And no black bustier.

  18. 也不要黑色紧身胸衣。

    And no black bustier.

  19. 扣住紧身胸衣的胸针。

    The brooch that clasped her bodice.

  20. 紧身胸衣胸衣或裙子的腰身

    The bodice or waist of a dress.

  21. 我再也不给胸衣拍照了。

    I will not snap bras.

  22. 用白花边作衬托的黑胸衣。

    a black bodice relieved with white lace

  23. 她总喜欢穿一件紧身胸衣。

    Anyway, she used to wear this bustier.

  24. 运动胸衣刹那间变得性感起来。

    Sports bras had suddenly got sexy.

  25. 紧身胸衣是当时的一大创新。

    An innovation was the corset, separate from the skirt.

  26. 紧身胸衣是当时得一大创新。

    An innovation was the corset, separate from the skirt.

  27. 巴斯克衫妇女穿的紧身胸衣

    A womans closefitting bodice.

  28. 女胸衣肩带滑落的原因及改进

    Exploration and ameliorative method on brassiere girdle sliding

  29. 女胸衣压力舒适性的客观评测

    Objective test and evaluation on pressure comfort for brassiere

  30. 紧身胸衣原为女式在无袖紧身短胸衣。

    A short, sleeveless bodice, formerly worn by women.


  1. 问:胸衣拼音怎么拼?胸衣的读音是什么?胸衣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸衣的读音是xiōngyī,胸衣翻译成英文是 corselette

  2. 问:胸衣类商店拼音怎么拼?胸衣类商店的读音是什么?胸衣类商店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸衣类商店的读音是,胸衣类商店翻译成英文是 corsetry