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In fact, Owen is the only one who has knocked Reyes out of the tournament.
事实上,在欧文是唯一一个谁也撞倒雷耶斯出赛。For me personally it was an incredibly proud moment to win 109 caps for my country.
对我个人而言,代表我的祖国出赛109场是个难以想象的荣耀时刻。Therefore, for future of our tomorrow village, i suggest the representative should be vernon zhong to participate the competition.
所以为了我们明日乡的未来,我建议这个榴梿王子的比赛呢,代表应该由仲天骐他来代表出赛。Moving Wang up is a sign that the Yankees still aren't terribly confident in Mike Mussina, who had been penciled in for the Sunday start.
将王往前移也显示出球团对老穆的表现没有信心,他原本是被安排自星期天出赛。Note: Rider will no more allowed to attend other groups if once competed in group of open.
注意︰所有曾参与公开组别的选手,皆不可在分龄组及其他组别中出赛。After playing only five games, he missed that last season, when he suffered a stress fracture on his left ankle.
上赛季仅出赛五场后,就因左脚踝骨裂无缘其余赛事。He pinned a Republic of China flag on his chest when he appeared at the U. S. Major League All-Star game.
他在胸前别上中华民国国旗在美国职棒大联盟明星赛出赛。At the signal, the luger pulls on handles in the track to propel himself out of the gate.
信号一响,滑雪者拉下赛道上的把手使得自己驶出赛门。Wade played in 51 games last season, never seeming to be consistently at full strength until the Olympics in August.