








1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……



汉语拼音:jiǔ niú yī máo








  • 【解释】:九条牛身上的一根毛。比喻极大数量中极微小的数量,微不足道。
  • 【出自】:汉·司马迁《报任少卿书》:“假令仆伏法受诛,若九牛亡一毛,与蝼蚁何以异?”
  • 【示例】:此在县官,特~耳,而可使一邑数万家免于穷困游离。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语、定语;比喻微不足道


  1. Although he was one of the wisest men that ever lived, yet he felt that he knew but very little.


  2. I did a lot of work today, but I have so much to do it was just a drop in the bucket.


  3. The cost of feeding and clothing a child is nothing compared with the cost of educating him or her in a competitive city like Beijing.


  4. He said his study was a small piece amid a growing body of literature "regarding the neural consequences of overeating" .


  5. I'd like to buy a new ear, but I'm afraid what I have saved is just a drop in the bucket. I'll have to save much more money.


  6. S. trademark or service mark costs $325. It's a drop inthe bucket compared to trying to defend it later.


  7. This would be far less costly for the foundation, he argues, than buying the land outright.


  8. For a millionaire , the cost of a luxury car is a drop in the bucket .


  9. Yet environmentalists object to the building of one small nuclear plant, which, compared with a windfarm, is tiny.


  1. 这对他来说只是九牛一毛。

    This is just a drop in the bucket of what he owns.

  2. 这对他们来说,不过九牛一毛。

    It's only a hair off a bull's back to them.

  3. 你在调戏我么?这只是九牛一毛。

    Are you kidding me? This is just my travel kit.

  4. 这点损失对他来说, 只不过是九牛一毛。

    For him the loss was only a drop in the ocean.

  5. 新减税额只是九牛一毛。偶诚望有更大幅度得削减。

    The new tax cuts a drop in the ocean. I'd like to see bigger ones.

  6. 新减税额只是九牛一毛。偶诚望有更大幅度的削减。

    The new tax cuts a drop in the ocean. I'd like to see bigger ones.

  7. 同播出的实际开支相比较,他那点酬金不过是九牛一毛。

    His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.

  8. 对一位百万富翁来说, 买一辆豪华车的花费只是九牛一毛。

    For a millionaire, the cost of a luxury car is a drop in the bucket.

  9. 能给我一毛钱?

    Can you spare a dime?

  10. 我们一毛也没拿。

    We never took a dime.

  11. 那些玩意一毛钱一打。

    Those are a dime a dozen.

  12. 福星街红房子,一毛钱。

    The red building in Fang Lane. Ten cents.

  13. 一毛硬币边缘轧有齿沟。

    A dime is milled.

  14. 接待员这是代姆, 值一毛。

    This is a dime, worth ten cents.

  15. 他坚持着说他一毛钱也没有。

    He insisted he had no dinero.

  16. 滑稽工场卡通城五分一毛商店

    Gag Factory Toontown Five Dime

  17. 却无人问津,一毛钱也没赚到?

    but no one's paying attention and it doesn't make a dime?

  18. 洛杉矶老一辈的脱产,然后一毛也没有。

    The Wold Wide Web is like a spider web.

  19. 她到这时候,才摸出来一毛钱。

    It was only at this point that she managed to find ten cents.

  20. 机会从来都是不到一毛钱,平均。

    Their chances of ever making a dime are less than average.

  21. 所谓一毛钱, 也就是一美元的十分之一。

    A dime piece of money whose value is one tenth of a dollar.

  22. 所谓一毛钱,也就是一美元得十分之一。

    A dime piece of money whose value is one tenth of a dollar.

  23. 你可以在国外生活一整天不花一毛钱?

    Can you get through a whole day in a foreign country without spending a dime

  24. 我的钱包掉了,身上连一毛钱都没有。

    I lost wallet and all the money.

  25. 我得钱包掉了,身上连一毛钱都没有。

    I lost wallet and all the money.

  26. 负责人答道, 那样的人一毛钱可以找一打。

    Answered the producer, People like that are a dime a dozen.

  27. 错!拉丁字符与阿拉伯字符没有一毛钱关系。

    Wrong! Latin characters have NOTHING to do with arabian characters.

  28. 三个海碗的席吃着, 就出一毛钱的人情?

    Eat a feast with three king size bowls and give only ten cents ?

  29. 为了兴趣而作。没有人能拿到任何一毛钱

    Do it for fun. No one gets paid a cent, or a Euro or a Yen.

  30. 我可不愿为了一毛钱拼写这两个词。

    I aint goin to spell asafetida and Shermerhorn for a dime.


  1. 问:九牛一毛拼音怎么拼?九牛一毛的读音是什么?九牛一毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:九牛一毛的读音是jiǔniúyìmáo,九牛一毛翻译成英文是 a drop in the ocean



九牛一毛,九条牛身上的一根毛,比喻极其微小,微不足道。语出 汉 司马迁 《报任少卿书》:“假令仆伏法受诛,若九牛亡一毛,与蝼蚁何以异?” 唐 王维 《与魏居士书》:“然才不出众,德在人下,存亡去就,如九牛一毛耳。” 宋 文天祥 《移司即事》诗:“寄书痴儿了家事,九牛一毛亦云小。”