


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……


1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:bù jì qí shù








  • 【解释】:没法计算数目。形容很多。
  • 【出自】:宋·魏了翁《奏措京湖诸郡》:“或谓官民兵在城内者约二十万,而散在四郊者,不计其数。”
  • 【示例】:去州桥河内周围上下点灯,~。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容人或事物很多


  1. It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages.


  2. All that said, the Ubuntu One team releases tons of source code all the time.


  3. And this great novel has received voluminous comments and interpretations which had diverged greatly since it was published.


  4. That's how the Catholic Church was built, tremendous treasures there, extraordinary valuable jewels and all that.


  5. The moment of birth is not the most special event in a child's life. There are an infinite number of other special ones that follow.


  6. Given how much user activity goes on every day on Facebook, the company has to be working on some kinds of recommendation technologies.


  7. There have been a number of cases where teenagers have become burned after using tanning booths.


  8. There are countless websites available that do the work for you and gather all the best coupons from around the net.


  9. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a topflight staff, travel, and television commercials.


  1. 哇, 那可不计其数了。

    Wow, a countless number.

  2. 哇,那可不计其数了。

    Wow, a countless number.

  3. 申请者也不计其数。

    And we got lots of applicants.

  4. 这些光点不计其数。

    These lights number in the millions.

  5. 我忍受了不计其数的困难。

    I've endured innumerable hardships.

  6. 海滩上的人不计其数。

    People on the seashore are beyond count.

  7. 每日过往客人不计其数。

    There are countless travellers coming and going every day.

  8. 库南打过的仗不计其数。

    Many wars and feuds did Conan fight.

  9. 约翰看马戏花的钱不计其数。

    Jone lost track of the money he spent at the circus.

  10. 他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。

    He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny.

  11. 水灾过後无家可归的人不计其数。

    Its impossible to put a figure on the number of homeless after the flood.

  12. 不计其数的人参加了广场上的集会。

    Countless people joined the rally at the square.

  13. 不计其数的叶子在微风中翩翩起舞。

    An unknown number of leafs are dancing in the breeze.

  14. 不计其数的叶子在微风中翩翩起舞。

    An unknown number of leafs are dancing in the breeze.

  15. 人的疾病有多少多得不计其数。

    How many diseases we are liable to! Their name is legion.

  16. 这座灯塔引导过的船只不计其数。

    This lighthouse has guided countless ships.

  17. 关于这个题目的书籍多得不计其数。

    Books on this subject are legion.

  18. 难道只是为了与那些不计其数怪物而战斗

    Fighting countless, un numerable monsters

  19. 但是,实际之冲突及潜在之冲突,却不计其数。

    But actual and potential conflicts abound.

  20. 人数统一过程改进和变化是不计其数。

    The number of Unified Process refinements and variations is countless.

  21. 战争年代, 暴尸野外得无名小卒不计其数。

    In the wartime, countless unnamed soldiers died on the battlefield.

  22. 战争年代,暴尸野外的无名小卒不计其数。

    In the wartime, countless unnamed soldiers died on the battlefield.

  23. 战争年代,暴尸野外的无名小卒不计其数。

    In the wartime, countless unnamed soldiers died on the battlefield.

  24. 山西发掘出不计其数的坟墓和新石器遗址。

    Shanxi has an extremely large number of excavated tombs and neolithic sites.

  25. 母亲向很多杂志投稿, 写了不计其数的信。

    Mother contributed to magazines and wrote endless letters.

  26. 小行星更是不计其数,可以做一下粗略的计算。

    Knowing that small planets are very common, you can just do the math.

  27. 而整个皇宫里的龙, 就更是不计其数了。

    Considering this, the total number of dragons in the entire palace must be countless.

  28. 最终,他通过卖不计其数的应用软件赚了钱。

    Finally, it made money on the sale of its countless applications.

  29. 我勉强列了一会那些不计其数的股票行情。

    I tried for a while to list the quotations on an interminable amount of stock.

  30. 她写过7本书和不计其数的序言,论文和散文。

    Maxine Greene has written seven books and too many prefaces, articles, and essays to count.


  1. 问:不计其数拼音怎么拼?不计其数的读音是什么?不计其数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不计其数的读音是bújìqíshù,不计其数翻译成英文是 countless



不计其数(bù jì qí shù):没办法计算数目。形容极多。 出自宋·周密《癸辛杂识别集下·襄阳始末》。