


宽而平:平~。~荡。~直(a.平坦笔直;b.坦率)。~途。心地平静,没有隐瞒:~白。~然。~挚。~诚。~率(shuài )。“坦腹”的简称,指女婿:~床。令~。……


1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:tǎn rán








  1. 平直广阔貌。

    汉 阮瑀 《为曹公作书与孙权》:“则 江 表之任,长以相付。高位重爵,坦然可观。” 唐 刘禹锡 《成都府新修福成寺记》:“ 益城 右门衔大逵,坦然西驰,曰 石笋街 。”《宣和遗事》前集:“掘深数尺,不见龟蛇,下视其穴,深不可测,遂下棺葬埋。平明视之,四望坦然,不知葬所。”

  2. 形容心里平静无顾虑。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·安塉》:“怡尔执待免之志,坦然无去就之謨。” 唐 元稹 《捉捕歌》:“主人坦然意,昼夜安寝寤。”《儿女英雄传》第二八回:“笑得 华忠 倒有些不好意思,他却坦然无事的扶了个婆儿一路进来。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“冬至的祭祖时节,她做得更出力,看 四婶 装好祭品,和 阿牛 将桌子抬到堂屋中央,她便坦然的去拿酒盃和筷子。”

  3. 安定。


  4. 显然。

    三国 魏 嵇康 《明胆论》:“此理坦然,非所宜滞。”



  1. I felt disgusted at the little wretch's composure, since he was no longer in terror for himself.


  2. There's always a cause and a consequence in life. If I have done something bad before, I have to take whatever consequence with ease!


  3. It could not have been very easy to be right and careless with such a secret in her heart.


  4. I began to open to face reality, no longer looks as their peers in the status and dignity to look at all the symbol.


  5. She was frank, because she had nothing to conceal, assured because she knew of nothing to be on her guard against.


  6. He pursued them, and passed safely; even by the way that he had not gone with his feet.


  7. Their roar is like that of the lion, they roar like young lions; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no one to rescue.


  8. Some people, you must be calm in the face, something can only be buried in the bottom of my heart, become the most precious memory.


  9. We need to scope out a woman belonging to its own way, frankly accept life conferred by all.


  1. 我坦然接受

    The likes of me abide.

  2. 坦然和尚塔。

    The pagoda of the Buddhist monk Tan Ran.

  3. 他坦然面对死亡。

    He is facing death calmly.

  4. 她坦然自若。

    She is fully at ease.

  5. 能坦然接受这一切

    for being okay with it.

  6. 我们只需要坦然面对

    We just gotta keep our game faces on.

  7. 对饥饿的坦然接受态度

    stoic resignation in the face of hunger.

  8. 想说的说完了, 坦然舒畅。

    If time goes back, I will tell him I love him too much.

  9. 医生们已经能坦然面对死亡。

    Doctors become inured to death.

  10. 他坦然地表示惊讶, 问道。

    he demanded in frank amazement.

  11. 掌握自己得心灵, 或是坦然地

    The uses of my soul, nor lift my hand

  12. 掌握自己的心灵, 或是坦然地

    The uses of my soul, nor lift my hand

  13. 领导层坦然地接受了失败。

    The defeat was taken with equanimity by the leadership.

  14. 坦然、勇敢的心情……战胜了痛苦。

    A frank courageous heart...triumphed over pain.

  15. 他们分手时他表现得很坦然。

    He had been stoical at their parting.

  16. 我知道我能无所畏惧, 因为我内心坦然。

    I know I can walk tal because I'm innocent.

  17. 落红无数,还是不能坦然面对。

    Fallen flowers numerous, or not comfortable with.

  18. 当林妮望着她时, 她坦然一笑。

    She smiled broadly at Lini's stare.

  19. 帮助了别人, 我的心情无比坦然。

    Helping others, I feel extremely calm.

  20. 他很坦然,没有一点儿不安的样子。

    He's calm and completely at ease.

  21. 任凭他将我吞没,坦然迎接惧意!

    I gave myself upo be scared and devoured!

  22. 无论爱情有多么远, 我亦心坦然。

    Regardless of love has how far, my heart also confident.

  23. 我很高兴你对这种事这么坦然。

    I'm glad to see you're taking all this with a grain of salt.

  24. 也许维奥莉特足够成熟,能坦然面对

    Maybe Violet is mature enough to be comfortable.

  25. 唯独一个小和尚与师傅坦然相对。

    Only alone a small bonze and master calm are relative.

  26. 面对贱狗们越来越大的压力,我坦然

    Although facing more and more pressure from cheap beasts, I feel it just another day

  27. 我很坦然, 要对自己有信心嘛, 对不对?

    I was calm. I had to be confident of myself.

  28. 面对贱狗们越来越大得压力,我坦然

    Although facing more and more pressure from cheap beasts, I feel it just another day.

  29. 马先生从未坦然地说过他的苦恼。

    Mr. Ma never told his troubles with an open heart.

  30. 面对我得镜头,有得孩子好奇,有得平静坦然。

    Facing my camera, some kis curious, some peaceful.


  1. 问:坦然拼音怎么拼?坦然的读音是什么?坦然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坦然的读音是tǎnrán,坦然翻译成英文是 calm



基本解释 1. 坦白,心安,神情坦然 2. 平直广阔的样子 反义词 忐忑 惊惶 近义词 平静 安然 坦荡 淡然