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汉语拼音:cì yuán
He lives in a world of his own and is known for having a "fourth-dimensional" personality filled with quirky thoughts and ideas.
他活在自己的世界里,在他那被称为“四次元”的脑子里装满了奇奇怪怪的想法。Whenever I listen to this Attunement, I feel as if I am opening myself to the enlivening qualities of inter dimensional light.
当我听这个调音,我感到好像我是将我自己开放给内在次元之光的让人生气勃勃的性质。As you enter into the Magical realms of the Sixth Dimension, you once again awaken to the Creative Power of Myths, Archetypes and Stories.
当你进入第六次元的魔法实相,你也将在神话、范型与故事的创造神力当中苏醒。And as you are on this frequency perceive your link with the network, this dimension is of a mental and mind station.
在这频率中,观想自己与光的网络连接,这网络的次元,是思想与心识的驻扎地。He came from another world or even dimension, and he brought with him the elevated energy of this reality.
他来自另一个世界或者说平行次元,带来了那个实相的高阶能量。We respect your decision to move into a new dimension, even if it means leaving some of us behind.
我们尊重你的决定,去进入一个新的次元,即便这意味着我们当中的一些人将会被留下。That means you have gone above and beyond what you know, beyond your third-dimensional process, and you will be so proud of yourself.
那意味着你已超出你所知道的,超出你第三次元的过程,你将对自己感到如此骄傲。One of the least number of independent coordinates required to specify uniquely a point in space or in space and time.
次元需要确定在空间或空间与时间中唯一一点的最小独立坐标数之一The higher self will slow down as much as you need it to, even until it is right near the third dimension, if that's where you want to be.