







汉语拼音:gēn zhì






  1. 彻底追究。

    宋 苏轼 《乞将台谏官章疏降付有司根治札子》:“降付有司,令尽理根治,依法施行。” 宋 陆游 《上殿札子》之一:“前日数十条,或曰当置典宪,或曰当议根治,或曰当议显戮。”

  2. 彻底治理。

    毛泽东 《为抗洪抢险斗争展览会题词》:“一定要根治 海河 !” 康濯 《东方红》第三章:“听说 刘成旺 还早有一颗根治水旱的决心,不过他那决心在单干时期显然是无从实现。”



  1. And he said that if there is one stutterer have been 'radical cured' in the world, you were wrong.


  2. Very regrettable, at present had not seen the conclusive evidence proved keeps out the urine sickness is may permanently cure.


  3. Traditionally, the traumatic open radical prostatectomy procedure was the only treatment option available.


  4. Later Hubbard said that Scientology eradicated cancer and was the only specific cure for atomic-bomb burns.


  5. Objective: To found a way of radical cure of relapse of postoperative hircismus .


  6. And, wonderfully, women who had the sentinel node biopsy alone did just as well as the women who had the more radical operation.


  7. I took him to the veterinarian a few days ago and learned that he needs some minor surgery to fix the problem.


  8. Young patients affected by an early-stage invasive cancer of the cervix are usually treated by surgery.


  9. All day long. And there is no definitive cure, though biofeedback techniques and some medications may help.


  1. 根治支气管炎

    effect a radical cure of bronchitis.

  2. 休止期根治

    radical treatment in resting stage.

  3. 如何根治纤维瘤?

    How to effect a radical cure fibroma

  4. 腋臭根治术

    Hircismus radical operation.

  5. 外阴根治术

    radical vulvectomy.

  6. 根治术后放疗

    Postmastectomy radiotherapy.

  7. 如何根治甲沟炎?

    How to effect a radical cure paronychia

  8. 腮腺癌根治术

    carcinoma ofparotid gland radical cure.

  9. 前列腺炎能根治吗

    Can prostatitis effect a radical cure

  10. 一定要根治海河!

    The Haihe River must be brought under permanent control!

  11. 这种病很容易根治。

    This disease could easily be rooted out.

  12. 女阴癌根治术

    Basset operation.

  13. 根治性颈清扫术

    radical neck dissection

  14. 根治沙尘暴新方案建议

    Suggestion on new complete treatment of sandstorm

  15. 慢性咽炎可不可以根治?

    Chronic pharyngitis but in order to effect a radical cure ?

  16. 能根治的高血压非常少。

    Curable hypertension is very uncommon.

  17. 能根治得高血压非常少。

    Curable hypertension is very uncommon.

  18. 胃癌根治术后胃瘫

    gastroparesis caused by radical operation for carcinoma of stomach

  19. 这些医生都无根治良方。

    The doctors couldnt bring about a real cure.

  20. 病人在医院得到了根治。

    The patient got a radical cure in the hospital.

  21. 根治式外阴切除术

    radical vulvectomy

  22. 根治切除术用于趾骨肿瘤

    Radical resection for tumor of phalanx of toe

  23. 乙状结肠癌根治切除术

    Radical resection of sigmoid colon cancer

  24. 根治黄河断流的基本途径

    The basic way of bring the Yellow River cutoff under permanent control

  25. 根治性胃大部切除术

    Radical subtotal gastrectomy

  26. 高校教师语言暇疵与根治

    Harness Language Flaw of College Teachers

  27. 目前仍无有效得根治方法。

    There is still no radicle cure method for that.

  28. 目前仍无有效的根治方法。

    There is still no radicle cure method for that.

  29. 现在还没有根治癌症得办法。

    There is no radical cure for cancer.

  30. 糖尿病不能根治但可以控制。

    DM cannot be cured but it can be controlled.


  1. 问:根治拼音怎么拼?根治的读音是什么?根治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根治的读音是gēnzhì,根治翻译成英文是 bring … to an end

  2. 问:根治疗法拼音怎么拼?根治疗法的读音是什么?根治疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根治疗法的读音是gēn zhì liáo fǎ,根治疗法翻译成英文是 curative treatment

  3. 问:根治切除术拼音怎么拼?根治切除术的读音是什么?根治切除术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根治切除术的读音是gēn zhì qiē chú shù,根治切除术翻译成英文是 radical excision

  4. 问:根治外科手术拼音怎么拼?根治外科手术的读音是什么?根治外科手术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根治外科手术的读音是gēn zhì wài kē shǒu shù,根治外科手术翻译成英文是 radical surgery

  5. 问:根治性乳房切除术拼音怎么拼?根治性乳房切除术的读音是什么?根治性乳房切除术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根治性乳房切除术的读音是gēn zhì xìng rǔ fáng qiē chú shù,根治性乳房切除术翻译成英文是 radical mastectomy

  6. 问:根治性子宫切除术拼音怎么拼?根治性子宫切除术的读音是什么?根治性子宫切除术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根治性子宫切除术的读音是gēn zhì xìng zǐ gōng qiē chú shù,根治性子宫切除术翻译成英文是 radical hysterectomy




【读音】gēn zhì


【出处】宋·苏轼《乞将台谏官章疏降付有司根治札子》:“降付有司,令尽理根治,依法施行。” 宋·陆游《上殿札子》之一:“前日数十条,或曰当置典宪,或曰当议根治,或曰当议显戮。”

【示例】毛泽东《为抗洪抢险斗争展览会题词》:“一定要根治海河 !”