







汉语拼音:gǔ dòng









  1. 鼓之使动;吹动。

    南朝 梁 刘孝标 《辩命论》:“鼓动陶铸而不为功,庶类混成而非其力。” 唐 韩偓 《寄禅师》诗:“万物尽遭风鼓动,唯应禪室静无风。” 宋 苏舜钦 《上范公参政书》:“故诚之感人,如四时之气,鼓动万物,远近无不被也。” 郭沫若 《虎符》第一幕:“在园中徘徊,时时鼓动鼻翼,嗅吸桂花香气。”

  2. 用语言、文字等激发人们的情绪,使人们行动起来。

    《后汉书·党锢传论》:“ 李膺 振拔污险之中,藴义生风,以鼓动流俗。” 宋 王安石 《翰林学士除三司使制》:“高文典策,足以鼓动当世。”《明史·张岳传》:“又陈时政,极言讲学者以富贵功名鼓动士大夫,谈虚论寂,靡然成风。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·记苏联版画展览会》:“他的浪漫的色彩,会鼓动我们的青年的热情。”

  3. 煽动。

    《新唐书·崔群传》:“边鄙无事,乃 羣 鼓动,欲以买直,归怨天子。”《英烈传》第二回:“凡在部下繫红巾为号,鼓动这些愚民,如神如鬼敬他。” 巴金 《沉默集·知识阶级》:“不过校长说有人在暗中鼓动风潮,好些学生受了利用。”

  4. 激动。

    《后汉书·齐武王縯传论》:“大丈夫之鼓动拔起,其志致盖远矣。”《朱子语类》卷一三二:“某少年过 莆田 ,见 林谦之 、 方次荣 説一种道理,説得精神,极好听,为之踊跃鼓动!”

  5. 引动。

    明 吴承恩 《采茶歌》:“见如今庭下有桂花飘,麒麟种,凤凰毛,待桃花鼓动 禹门 涛。”

  6. 颤动。

    郭沫若 《洪波曲》第一章五:“尽管是怎样化了石的 广州 ,经受着抗战的大风暴,也微微地有生命的脉搏在鼓动。” 叶圣陶 《一课》:“他跟着他们望去,见一个白的蝴蝶飞舞窗外,两翅鼓动得极快,全身几乎成为圆形。”

  7. 更鼓振响。指夜晚。

    南唐 陈陶 《赠温州韩使君》诗:“严城鼓动鱼惊海,华屋樽开月下天。” 宋 陆游 《城东醉归深夜复呼酒作此诗》:“ 五门 鼓动灯火闹,意气忽觉如 章臺 。”亦指绝早。 唐 白居易 《早朝》诗:“鼓动出 新昌 ,鷄鸣赴 建章 。”



  1. He appeared before me , not as the untiring and incomparable socialist agitator , but as a man of learning .

  2. Instead of governing, he tried to boost national consciousness by promoting the Ukrainian language and trying to revise history.

  3. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff.

  4. Mr. Obama has been trying to rally Democratic voters who came out in huge numbers two years ago to elect him as president.

  5. Tim could not stay long in Shanghai. Under the encouragement of him, MA Xiaohui decided to have a try during his stay.

  6. Critics who advocate yuan appreciation in and of itself as a mechanism to reduce trade imbalances are sure to be disappointed.

  7. So, if you do not carry a USB drive on your keychain, these software programs should be encouragement enough to start.

  8. He told them of his plans, and sent them out with messages of cheer to his disheartened people.

  9. Lenovo team to the side, did not do morale much encouragement, but have been together for something.


  1. 驱策,鼓动

    The act of urging.

  2. 鼓动求变革。

    agitating for change.

  3. 鼓动减免税收

    Agitate for a tax reduction.

  4. 战场宣传鼓动

    conducting propaganda and agitation in battlefield

  5. 鼓动反对核武器。

    agitate against nuclear weapons

  6. 工人们在鼓动加薪。

    The workers were agitating for higher wages.

  7. 我被他鼓动了!

    I was egged on by him to do it!

  8. 我被他鼓动了!

    I was egged on by him to do it!

  9. 他鼓动我去碰它。

    He dared me to touch it.

  10. 他们在鼓动反对改革。

    They were agitating against the reform.

  11. 煽动者鼓动人民叛乱。

    Agitators were exciting the people to rebellion.

  12. 工人们愤怒地鼓动罢工。

    Furious, the workers agitate for a strike.

  13. 我听到翅膀鼓动声。

    I heard fluttering sounds.

  14. 他们鼓动反对进行改革。

    They were agitating against reform.

  15. 约翰鼓动其他孩子恶作剧。

    John stirs up the other children to mischief.

  16. 汤姆鼓动 其他孩子恶作剧。

    Tom stirred the other children to mischief.

  17. 他有鼓动群众的力量。

    He has the power to move the masses.

  18. 鼓动支持取消一项税收

    to agitate for the repeal of a tax

  19. 鼓动人们支持某一提案

    to mobilize support for a proposal

  20. 士兵们被鼓动采取了行动。

    the soldiers were stirred to action.

  21. 这个老人鼓动这个孩子去偷。

    This old man inspired the boy to steal.

  22. 他鼓动他的同胞们报仇雪恨。

    He incited his fellow citizens to take their revenge.

  23. 学生们鼓动要更换某教员。

    The students agitated for the removal of a certain teacher.

  24. 不要鼓动学生,回家吧!

    Don't agitate the students and go home!

  25. 有人鼓动他们跟我捣乱。

    They are being set against me.

  26. 你因鼓动谋杀而被捕了。

    You're under arrest for instigation of murders.

  27. 他激昂的演说鼓动了听众。

    His fiery speech agitated the crowd.

  28. 宣传鼓动的时间是那么少。

    There was so little time for agitation.

  29. 他试图鼓动起群众的热情。

    He tried to work up the enthusiasm of the crowd.

  30. 鼓动家们怂恿人们去罢工。

    Agitators incited the men to strike.


  1. 问:鼓动拼音怎么拼?鼓动的读音是什么?鼓动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓动的读音是gǔdòng,鼓动翻译成英文是 rouse

  2. 问:鼓动者拼音怎么拼?鼓动者的读音是什么?鼓动者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓动者的读音是,鼓动者翻译成英文是 mover

  3. 问:鼓动乐团拼音怎么拼?鼓动乐团的读音是什么?鼓动乐团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓动乐团的读音是,鼓动乐团翻译成英文是 The Drums