




劝勉:~志(勉励意志)。~行(xíng )。奖~。勉~。~精图治。姓。古同“厉”、“砺”,磨炼,振奋。……



汉语拼音:gǔ lì








  1. 亦作“ 鼓厉 ”。激发;勉励。

    清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷五:“臣惟亲列行伍,鼓厉官兵,水陆督战。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·钱穀·户头总催说》:“分别奬赏,以鼓励其餘。” 梁启超 《论湖南应办之事》:“乃从而摩激其热力,鼓厉其忠愤。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第九章:“ 万人敌 受此鼓励,倍加勇猛。”

  2. 指振作精神。



  1. And just a few sentences, but a windbag at this moment, in his words, a lot of criticism, but not caring, encouraging.

  2. D: sure, but my teachers always encouraged me to do the best that I could and that helped me a lot. When are your final exams?

  3. To encourage girls to participate in the competition, they decided to give out beach mats that look like the front page of the magazine.

  4. As a dancer, I know lots of ways to set men at their ease and encourage them to open up to me.

  5. VMware in particular positioned their products and pricing in a way that encourages you to use the least amount of servers possible.

  6. The kind of love, that encourages people all around the world forget about the fear and fight for the freedom of our friends no matter what.

  7. My daughters began to encourage their children to help them in the kitchen as soon as they were able.

  8. Having married the first time at her mother's instigation, she consulted in her second choice nobody but herself.

  9. They are not a charity, but a means of encouraging a local community to engage with science, technology and medicine as an independent unit.


  1. 多么鼓励啊!

    What a brilliant stroke!

  2. 他需要鼓励。

    He needs stirring up.

  3. 我非常鼓励

    I would strongly encourage.

  4. 表扬和鼓励

    Praising and Encouragement.

  5. 他鼓励我。

    He encouraged me to accept this challenge.

  6. 他需要鼓励。

    He needs encouragement.'

  7. 鼓励地点点头

    nod to encourage

  8. 鼓励创新呢?

    What about driving innovation?

  9. 我们互相鼓励。

    We can inspire each other.

  10. 鼓励企业兼并

    encourage merging of enterprises

  11. 鼓励他们幻想。

    Encourage them to think big.

  12. 鼓励进一步研究

    be incentive to further study

  13. 没人鼓励你

    no one encouraging you.

  14. 鼓励性定价

    incentive pricing

  15. 他鼓励了我。

    He gave encouragement to me.

  16. 鼓励的喝彩声

    cheers of encouragement

  17. 几句鼓励的话

    a few words of encouragement

  18. 多谢你的鼓励。

    Thanks for your encouragement.

  19. 感谢你的鼓励。

    Thank you for the encouragement.

  20. 谢谢你的鼓励。

    B Thank you for your encouragement.

  21. 勤鼓励,慎奖励

    Encourage Frequently, Reward Carefully

  22. 想鼓励团队合作?

    Want to foster teamwork

  23. 多谢您的鼓励。

    Thank you very much for your encouragement.

  24. 鼓励学习的热诚

    to promote the love of learning

  25. 鼓励阅读的办法。

    a way to encourage reading.

  26. 鼓励他人去尝试

    Encouraging someone to have a try

  27. 我们鼓励他即兴。

    We encouraged him to improvise.

  28. 他们总是鼓励我。

    They always give me encouragement.

  29. 我们只缺少鼓励。

    We lack nothing but encouragement.

  30. 有能力鼓励别人。

    You have the ability to motivate others.


  1. 问:鼓励拼音怎么拼?鼓励的读音是什么?鼓励翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励的读音是gǔlì,鼓励翻译成英文是 encourage

  2. 问:鼓励奖拼音怎么拼?鼓励奖的读音是什么?鼓励奖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励奖的读音是gǔ lì jiǎng,鼓励奖翻译成英文是 Incentive Award

  3. 问:鼓励物拼音怎么拼?鼓励物的读音是什么?鼓励物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励物的读音是,鼓励物翻译成英文是 encouragement

  4. 问:鼓励话拼音怎么拼?鼓励话的读音是什么?鼓励话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励话的读音是,鼓励话翻译成英文是 pep talk

  5. 问:鼓励从众拼音怎么拼?鼓励从众的读音是什么?鼓励从众翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励从众的读音是gǔ lì cóng zhòng,鼓励从众翻译成英文是 band wagon

  6. 问:鼓励储蓄拼音怎么拼?鼓励储蓄的读音是什么?鼓励储蓄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励储蓄的读音是gǔ lì chǔ xù,鼓励储蓄翻译成英文是 promotion of saving

  7. 问:鼓励工资拼音怎么拼?鼓励工资的读音是什么?鼓励工资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励工资的读音是gǔ lì gōng zī,鼓励工资翻译成英文是 wage incentive

  8. 问:鼓励投资拼音怎么拼?鼓励投资的读音是什么?鼓励投资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励投资的读音是gǔ lì tóu zī,鼓励投资翻译成英文是 encouragement of investment

  9. 问:鼓励性区划拼音怎么拼?鼓励性区划的读音是什么?鼓励性区划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励性区划的读音是gǔ lì xìng qū huà,鼓励性区划翻译成英文是 incentive zoning

  10. 问:鼓励性合同拼音怎么拼?鼓励性合同的读音是什么?鼓励性合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励性合同的读音是gǔ lì xìng hé tóng,鼓励性合同翻译成英文是 Incentive Type Contract

  11. 问:鼓励股票期权拼音怎么拼?鼓励股票期权的读音是什么?鼓励股票期权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励股票期权的读音是gǔ lì gǔ piào qī quán,鼓励股票期权翻译成英文是 incentive stock option

  12. 问:鼓励性有效范围拼音怎么拼?鼓励性有效范围的读音是什么?鼓励性有效范围翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励性有效范围的读音是gǔ lì xìng yǒu xiào fàn wéi,鼓励性有效范围翻译成英文是 Range of Incentive Effectiveness

  13. 问:鼓励新发明的组织)拼音怎么拼?鼓励新发明的组织)的读音是什么?鼓励新发明的组织)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓励新发明的组织)的读音是gǔlì xīn fāmíng de zǔzhī),鼓励新发明的组织)翻译成英文是 Dansk Forening til Fremme af Opfindelser...



“鼓励”是个多义词,它可以指鼓励(汉语词语), 鼓励(同名专辑)。