






1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


1. 悦 [yuè]悦 [yuè]高兴,愉快:喜~。愉~。和颜~色。心~诚服。取~于人。使愉快:~耳。赏心~目。姓。……



汉语拼音:liǎng qíng xiāng yuè








  1. Cherish you now have sexual gratification, do not hurt the person of your infatuation, waiting for your special situation in that he (she)!


  2. Seems to sexual gratification is important. Dream it, it seems to wake up . . .


  3. All say that emotions makes the Yue would be cheerful, but she didn't do so!


  4. If he lives that "must" mutual accommodation, you must not be "never" put aside arrogant.


  5. Love is a dream shared by two. Marriage is the joy of the dream come true. May married life fulfill your dreams. Congratulations!


  6. With a HouFangYu LiXiangJun is the prince charming is a young, pian-pian amorous brothel owners, the herself, crazy bees in worship.


  7. Love only takes mutual affection , but marriage takes responsibility and obligation too.


  8. The two lovers exchange solemn vows and pledges without any impurity.


  9. Hoping two of us can be loving, caring, and tolerant to each other until we get old.


  1. 两情相悦电影海报

    Two of a kind Movie Poster

  2. 两情相悦有乐

    TWO of You Love Each Other Valentine.

  3. 我更喜欢两情相悦的恋爱

    I prefer to be in a relationship because both people choose to.

  4. 他们两情相悦,走到一起是理所当然的。

    They love each other, thus it is only natural for them to be together.

  5. 他们两情相悦,走到一起是理所当然的。

    They love each other, thus it is only natural for them to be together.

  6. 多数的爱情故事是述说二人两情相悦。

    Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other.

  7. 似乎两情相悦很重要。一场梦吧,好像该醒了

    Seems to sexual gratification is important. Dream it, it seems to wake up.

  8. 在一个真正的爱情里,两情相悦,互相信任是主旋律。

    In a fully loving relationship, mutuality and trust are the themes.

  9. 你们在一起走过了许许多多的日子, 两情相悦, 日久弥坚。

    You once went through a far jounery and you were strong.

  10. 没有比两情缱绻更美的天堂。

    There is no heaven like mutual love.

  11. 男女主角由偶然相遇而两情绻缱, 以玫一发不可收拾。

    Sada is employed as maid servant when Kichi is her master.

  12. 这对小夫妻恩恩爱爱,两心相悦。

    The young couple was affectionate and happy with each other.

  13. 沙伦和特里两人谈情说爱已经有六个星期了。

    Sharon and Terry have been going out for six weeks.

  14. 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。

    Durable love keekps without living together day and night.

  15. 两情若是长久时, 有岂在朝朝暮暮。

    If love between both sides can last for age, why need they stay together night and way?

  16. 两情若是长久时,又岂是朝朝暮暮。

    If love between both sides can last forever, why need they stay together night and day.

  17. 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。

    If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day.

  18. 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。鹊桥仙秦观

    If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day.

  19. 富有浓厚诗情两画意

    rich in poetic and pictorial splendor

  20. 好让同伴们按捺不住羡慕之情,看得两眼直发呆。

    and sear the eyeballs of all his companions with unappeasable envy.

  21. 两种情況大致相似。

    The two situations are roughly analogous.

  22. 两人眉来眼去,以目送情。

    The two of them exchanged amorous glances and clearly made known their passions.

  23. 法, 德两国的图书馆学, 情报学教育

    On the library and information science education in France and Germany

  24. 应用两厢情提高奶牛受胎率的试验

    Experiment of Raising Conception Rate Using Liangxiangqing in Dairy cow

  25. 两家做了几辈子邻居,素来情分好。

    The two families have been neighbours for generations and have all along been on amicable terms.

  26. 诗的前两行描写了落寞旅人的愁情。

    The first couplet describes the grief of solitary traveler.

  27. 这真是居家旅游两相宜,冷暖总关情啊!

    It is really good for family and tour, keep you carefully!

  28. 略论诗学史上两次情典的直接冲突

    Double Direct Conflicts about Affective Allusion in the History of Poetry

  29. 这两个人晚年时互通信函,诉说怀旧感伤之情。

    In old age the two men wrote each other wistful letters.

  30. 咱们两个人只管注意些小事情就算了,不管大事情。

    You and I keep on attending to trifles instead of what's important.

