











汉语拼音:nǐ qíng wǒ yuàn



  1. It was his only publicly investigated affair and an inquiry, by outside lawyers, concluded that the relationship was consensual.


  2. United States and Russia to join the two countries and ASEAN, "your situation I would" result.


  3. or was it consensual sex? what?


  4. we've both really enjoyed each other,


  1. 我那年轻的女王,为你我愿背负三世的荒凉。

    I the young queen, for you I would bear iii's desolate.

  2. 你这样对我我还情愿留下。

    I allow you to treat me this way and still I stay.

  3. 为了让你高兴我愿做任何事情。

    I will do any thing to happify you.

  4. 如果全世界都背叛了你, 我愿为你背叛全世界。

    If the world forsaked you, I would forsake the world because of you.

  5. 我愿你对他作合宜让步。

    I wish you would make a proper submission to him.

  6. 我愿你有个儿子,你是个伟人。

    I wish you a son, you're a great man.

  7. 如果你是我眼中的一滴泪, 因为害怕失去你, 我愿从不哭泣!

    If you are a teardrop in my eyes, fo fear losing you, I would never cry!

  8. 新春伊始,我愿你健康、快乐、美丽!

    Chinese New Year begins, I wish you health, happiness, beautiful!

  9. 我愿你在雨后水塘里尽情欢跳。

    I hope you jump in rain puddles.

  10. 我愿你快乐的而且有新的明亮未来。

    I wish you happy and have a new bright future.

  11. 我劝你活得清白,我愿你死得安宁。双重谓语,

    I advise you to live sinless and I wish you to die tranquil.

  12. 宝蓝色和褪色的牛仔裤, 我愿你找到你的梦想。

    Saphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams.

  13. 欢迎海内外宾客的到来,愿你我携手,共创未来!

    Welcome everyone's presence, and join hands in creating the future!

  14. 亲爱的,我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健康,正如你的魂兴盛一样。

    Beloved, concerning all things I wish that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.

  15. 我愿使自己的想法和你的想法一致。

    I will reconcile my way of thinking with yours.

  16. 语言不过是一种交流得工具!愿你我得交流从心开始!

    Langlish is a tool for exchange! And I hope the exchange of us is from the bottom heart!

  17. 我愿将此剩货照成本卖给你。

    I will sell this remnant to you, at cost.

  18. 如果你不在意的话,我愿喝点矿泉水。

    I'd rather have some mineral, if you don't mind.

  19. 我愿是那滴露水,如果你是一束阳光。

    I'll be the dew, if you are sunbeam.

  20. 你愿在生命的溪流中与我沐浴吗?

    Will you bathe with me, in the stream of life?

  21. 我必须告诉你我为你的行为而感到难为情。

    I must let you know that I am very ashamed of your behavior.

  22. 愿,人间的真挚感情沁入你我心脾。

    May sincere feelings of mankind refresh our hearts.

  23. 你愿不愿意今晚到我家参加晚会?

    Would you like to come to the party in my house tonight?

  24. 你愿不愿意读一读我的新书并给以评论?

    Would you like to read and criticize my new book?

  25. 你愿不愿意什么时候让我为你读一读圣经?

    Wouldn't you like me to read the Bible to you sometimes ?

  26. 我愿溺死在这仲夏夜的迷梦里, 和你在一起。

    I'd love to be drowned in the midsummer night's dream, with you.

  27. 我愿竭尽所能,用双手帮你完成所有的梦想。

    I'll give you everything I can. I'll build your dreams with these two hands.

  28. 你要不是醉醺醺的, 出口伤人, 我愿把一切都解释清楚。

    If you weren't so drunk and insulting I could explain everything.

  29. 如果你愿意写这篇文章,我愿过目,并加以润色。

    If you will write the article, I'll go over it and touch it up for you.

  30. 我愿去任何地方,愿做任何事,只为轻触你的面庞。

    I'll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face.

