







汉语拼音:cǎo tú






  1. 初步画出的机械图或工程设计图。不要求很精确。

    吴运铎 《把一切献给党·我们的平射炮》:“根据大家的意见和参谋长的指示,改正了草图,制出了正式的大炮图样。” 陈登科 《风雷》第二四章:“ 为群 走到一个小土墩旁站下,从怀里掏出个布包,打开一张水利规划草图。”



  1. Mostly lost in the ceremony was the fact that the genome sequence was not truly complete, but only a first draft.


  2. The sketch can be abandoned at this point, or kept to investigate other areas and optionally to track elements to be authored.


  3. Close your eyes and attempt to identify the sketch by running your fingertips along the raised outline.


  4. The thinness of the sketch in Figure 3 did not bring up the photo in the collection shown in Figure 4.


  5. His creative process differs from that of most designers, who typically sketch something first and then try to make it a reality.


  6. His images originate from his childhood sketches, which his mother always lovingly treasured and encouraged him to keep.


  7. "simply ending every bleeding sketch by just having a policeman come in" (this had been a running joke throughout the whole episode).


  8. I just bought a bunch of apples, put them in a bowl, and drew them for a week or so to simplify the shape.


  9. in a third, sketches for a pair of waterproof apple shoes with television screens built into the toes.


  1. 图样,草图

    A drawing or sketch.

  2. 铅笔画,草图

    pencil sketch

  3. 示意图,草图

    diagrammatic drawing.

  4. 记录性草图

    recording design sketch.

  5. 房屋的草图

    A rough sketch of the house.

  6. 现场草图, 目测

    field sketching

  7. 阵地地域草图

    position area sketch

  8. 摄影测量草图

    photogrammetric sketch.

  9. 草图信息表示

    Sketchy data representation

  10. 分析引擎草图

    Sketch of the Analytical Engine.

  11. 徒手画的草图

    A freehand sketch.

  12. 手绘草图交互

    sketch interaction.

  13. 只是画些草图。

    Just sketching.

  14. 只是画些草图。

    Just sketching.

  15. 设计草图灭点

    vanishing point of design sketch.

  16. 她正在画草图。

    She is blocking out a drawing.

  17. 设计素描与草图

    Drafting and Sketching for Design

  18. 草图识别与规整

    sketch recognition andbeautification

  19. 光掩模草图

    photomask drawing.

  20. 画出房子的草图

    rough out a house plan.

  21. 我手头上有草图。

    I held the draft in my hands.

  22. 他拟订了设计草图。

    He has drawn up the design draft.

  23. 外部的观念化草图。

    Ideation sketches for the exterior.

  24. 内部的观念化草图。

    Ideation sketches for the interior.

  25. 建议修订草图的项目

    Proposed Amendments to Draft Plan

  26. 我给你画个草图。

    I'll draw you a rough map.

  27. 画出新设计的草图

    to sketch a new devise

  28. 画草图是第一项工作。

    So I started sketching.

  29. 我们从涂鸦和草图开始。

    We start from doodles and sketches.

  30. 环艺设计构思草图2。

    Design sketch map of environment art II.


  1. 问:草图拼音怎么拼?草图的读音是什么?草图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图的读音是cǎotú,草图翻译成英文是 sketch

  2. 问:草图拼音怎么拼?草图的读音是什么?草图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图的读音是cǎotú,草图翻译成英文是 rude drawing

  3. 问:草图校正拼音怎么拼?草图校正的读音是什么?草图校正翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图校正的读音是cǎo tú jiào zhèng,草图校正翻译成英文是 sketch rectify

  4. 问:草图系统拼音怎么拼?草图系统的读音是什么?草图系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图系统的读音是cǎo tú xì tǒng,草图系统翻译成英文是 sketch system

  5. 问:草图设计拼音怎么拼?草图设计的读音是什么?草图设计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图设计的读音是cǎo tú shè jì,草图设计翻译成英文是 sketch design

  6. 问:草图识别拼音怎么拼?草图识别的读音是什么?草图识别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图识别的读音是cǎo tú shí bié,草图识别翻译成英文是 sketch recognition

  7. 问:草图合格复印拼音怎么拼?草图合格复印的读音是什么?草图合格复印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图合格复印的读音是cǎo tú hé gé fù yìn,草图合格复印翻译成英文是 draft quality print

  8. 问:草图输入模块拼音怎么拼?草图输入模块的读音是什么?草图输入模块翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图输入模块的读音是cǎo tú shū rù mó kuài,草图输入模块翻译成英文是 sketch input module

  9. 问:草图输入系统拼音怎么拼?草图输入系统的读音是什么?草图输入系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图输入系统的读音是cǎo tú shū rù xì tǒng,草图输入系统翻译成英文是 sketch input system

  10. 问:草图变更记录需求拼音怎么拼?草图变更记录需求的读音是什么?草图变更记录需求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草图变更记录需求的读音是cǎotú biàngēng jìlù xūqiú,草图变更记录需求翻译成英文是 Drawing Change Recorder Request