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Gray matter has more fluid than white matter, making it easy to distinguish between the two.
灰质比白质含有更多的液体,因此很容易在这两者之间区分。But the researchers also found a greater volume of grey matter in the hippocampus of older adults who used spatial strategies.
研究人员还发现,使用空间策略的老年人其海马体灰质的体积更大。And they found a noticeable increase in gray matter volume in the regions known to be related to color vision and perception.
通过对比,他们发现了色彩视觉以及感光区域中的大脑灰质的显著增加。Grab a whole-wheat muffin or slice of toast with a scrambled egg and cup of berries for a breakfast that'll jump-start your gray matter.
早餐吃全麦松饼或者一片夹着煎蛋和果酱的面包,这将启动你的大脑灰质。The only machine we know of that can reshape its internal connections is the living gray tissue we call the brain.
我们知道的唯一一台能重塑自己的内部连接的机器就是我们称为大脑的活体灰质组织。In one experiment, elderly subjects showed increases in gray matter in certain parts of their brains after they were taught to juggle.
在一个实验中,在被教授了变戏法之后,老年被试者的大脑特定部分的灰质区显示出增长。He observed that the axons in his samples ended in the gray matter, and that their endings were consistent with the location of dendrites.
他发现,在他的标本中,轴突最终终止于灰质,并且它们的结合位点与树突的位置相一致。The outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cortex (also known as "gray matter" ).
大脑外层叫做皮质(也称“灰质”)。It was confirmed that the oil shale ash met the requirement of the standards of pozzolanic admixture and could be as cement filler.