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物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……
汉语拼音:bàn biān
《金瓶梅词话》第十九回:“﹝ 鲁华 ﹞颼的一拳去,早飞到 竹山 面门上,就把鼻子打歪在半边。”《醒世恒言·张廷秀逃生救父》:“ 赵昂 依旧包好(银子),放在半边。”
明 冯梦龙 《古今谭概·半边圣人》:“有一士夫性极贪……或讥其吝。答曰:‘一介不与,圣人之道也。’或曰:‘一介不取,君以为何如?’曰:‘学而未能。’曰:‘然则君只好学得半边圣人。’” 郭沫若 《反正前后》第一篇三:“ 中国 闹洋学已经闹了好几十年,一直到现在就连‘科学’的‘科’字都还说不上半边。”
One of the long sides of its rectangular, plastic body has a thick, rounded edge that makes the device look like a folded-back magazine.
其长方形塑料机身的长端一侧有一个较厚的圆弧形边缘,使得整个机器看上去就像一本卷起半边的杂志。Moreover, the concept of "Half the Sky" should be persisted in the political system in the "post-women's liberation" period.
“半边天”的理念更应该在“后妇女解放”的中国社会在性别政策方面出现变化的现实中,在制度层面上得以坚持。It seems that this particular half is the seat of emotions, imagination, and the sense of space.
看起来,这半边脑子是主管情感、想象力和空间感的。while the invalid, half rising from her armchair, watched with horror as the last certainty in which she could have found rest faded away.
病人从扶手椅上欠起半边身子,惊恐地看着她曾指望在其中找到安宁的最后一样切实之物化为乌有=To test his theory, he decided to do something drastic: he shaved off the left side of his mustache.
为了证实这一点,他决定采取一些不同寻常的举动:剃掉左半边胡子。One of Mao's more famous maxims was that women hold up half the sky.
毛泽东有句箴言:女人撑起半边天。During the Lantern Festival the next year, Xu Deyan took his half of the mirror to the fair, hoping that he could see his wife again.
在第二年的元宵节上,徐德言带着他的半边铜镜来到集市上,渴望能遇见他的妻子。women are often said to " be able to hold up half the sky " , especially in recent years , they have behaved very actively.
女性们常被称为是能顶半边天,特别是近年来显得尤其活跃。vegetable nor permanent preservation, what makes you think someone else's life always half the sky Hongtoushan?