







汉语拼音:pí qián






  1. 明 代所铸的一种薄而小的铜钱。

    姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第三章:“由各省所铸的钱,钱小而薄,且往往因铜的质量坏而带有麻子,俗称皮钱。”




  1. 那只皮夹子多少钱?

    What's the price of that leather wallet?

  2. 你知道海豹皮大衣多少钱一件?

    Do you know how much a seal coat is?

  3. 我妹妹有一个小巧得软皮钱夹。

    My sister has a little purse made of soft leather.

  4. 我妹妹有一个小巧的软皮钱夹。

    My sister has a little purse made of soft leather.

  5. 我妹妹有一个小巧的软皮钱夹。

    My sister has a little purse made of soft leather.

  6. 买这件皮大衣费了我很多钱。

    This leather coat cost me a lot of money.

  7. 买这件皮大衣费了我很多钱。

    She gave her coat a good shake in the doorway.

  8. 他给她买皮外套花了很多钱。

    It took a lot of money for him to buy her a fur coat.

  9. 他给她买一件皮外套花了很多钱。

    It took him a lot of money to buy her a fur coat.

  10. 他们要抢皮诺奇的钱!

    They wanted Pinocchio's money!

  11. 夹皮沟地主钱大发的房子。

    Jiapigou landlord of the house big money.

  12. 每服三钱,冬瓜皮汤送下。

    Each serving three money, and winter melon soup get under skin.

  13. 皮诺奇交给这只蜗牛一些钱

    Pinocchio gave the snail some money.

  14. 皮特真是个败家子, 卖了房子换酒钱。

    Peter is a black sheep of his family. He sold his house for drinking.

  15. 老剥皮放印子钱,老剥皮强夺我们的田地

    Hes a moneylender, a bloodsucker! He took my farm, the old shark!

  16. 我和皮埃尔借钱买了那串项链

    Pierre and I borrowed the money and bought the necklace.

  17. 皮夹里没有许多钱。这里的皮服可以信赖。

    There is not much money in the wallet. The wear here is always dependable.

  18. 青钱柳种皮甲醇浸提液的生物测定

    The bioassay of the methanol extract from Cyclocarya paliurus seed coat

  19. 披着羊皮得狼, 什么主治医师, 哪个不收钱?

    Wolf in sheep's clothing, what doctor, which do not collect the money ?

  20. 披着羊皮的狼,什么主治医师,哪个不收钱?

    Wolf in sheep's clothing, what doctor, which do not collect the money ?

  21. 那些钱从黑皮袋口一倒出来, 多么金光闪闪啊!

    How the guineas shone as they came pouring out of the dark leather mouths!

  22. 青钱柳种子的种皮构造及其对透水性的影响

    The Seed Coat Structure of Cyclocarya paliurus and Its Effects on Water Permeability

  23. 我将满载皮带扣的巨大集装箱出口,从而攒了不少的钱。

    I save a lot of cash by exporting are not filled to the brim.

  24. 皮尔斯摩根口袋里的钱也只够他侵入林戈的语音信箱。

    Piers Morgan can only afford to hack into the voicemail of Ringo.

  25. 皮尔斯摩根口袋里得钱也只够他侵入林戈得语音信箱。

    Piers Morgan can only afford to hack into the voicemail of Ringo.

  26. 男孩乙你要是有了钱,我就杀了你,把你的皮穿在我身上。

    Dude2 If you had money Id kill you and wear you like a pelt.

  27. 客户需要律师间皮瘤有钱烧也都高调处理案件的情况。

    Clients needing mesothelioma lawyers have money to burn as well, both dealing in high profile cases and situations.

  28. 马钱子碱脂质体的大鼠离体透皮性能和兔皮肤刺激性研究

    In vitro Transdermal Penetration of Brucine Liposomes in Excised Rats Skin and Irritation to Rabbits Skin


  1. 问:皮钱德拉拼音怎么拼?皮钱德拉的读音是什么?皮钱德拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皮钱德拉的读音是Píqiándélā,皮钱德拉翻译成英文是 Picciandra