




许可,愿意:首~(点头答应)。骨头上附着的肉:~綮(qīng )(筋骨结合的地方,喻重要的关键)。中(zhòng )~(喻言论正中要害)。……



汉语拼音:shuí kěn






  1. 哪里会。

    元 本 高明 《琵琶记·牛小姐规劝侍婢》:“[丑白]不游赏,只怕消瘦了你。[贴唱]把花貌,谁肯因春消瘦?” 元 睢景臣 《哨遍·高祖还乡》套曲:“只道 刘三 谁肯把你揪捽住,白甚么改了姓更了名唤做 汉高祖 。”



  1. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? ' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me! '


  2. I sometimes try my acquaintances by such tests as this -- Who could wear a patch, or two extra seams only, over the knee?


  3. Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?


  4. or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?


  5. Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?


  6. Everyone wanna a pay raise, but nobody offered to bell the cat and ask their boss for it.


  7. Which of you will listen to this or pay close attention in time to come?


  8. Now, part two, Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send?


  9. Give me, O God, the pledge you demand. Who else will put up security for me?


  1. 谁肯那样子轻言放弃?

    Who gives up just like that?

  2. 这事谁肯听从你们呢?

    And who will listen to you in this matter?

  3. 谁肯为我起来攻击作恶的。

    Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?

  4. 谁肯为我站起抵挡作孽的。

    Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

  5. 人无诚信, 茕茕孑立, 谁敢信任?谁肯帮助?

    A man without sincerity deserves no belief and help from others.

  6. 谁肯让一座这样得华厦倾颓。

    Who lets so fair a house to decay.

  7. 谁肯让一座这样的华厦倾颓。

    Who lets so fair a house to decay.

  8. 不该得的多得半文就是多, 但是谁肯满足?

    What is many? Taking more by half cent is too much. But who will be content with it?

  9. 因为谁肯向一个喋喋多言的人自白呢?

    for who will open himself to a blab or a babbler?

  10. 谁肯为我起来攻击作恶得?谁肯为我站起抵挡作孽得?

    Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?

  11. 谁肯为我起来攻击作恶的?谁肯为我站起抵挡作孽的?

    Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?

  12. 谁肯为我起来攻击作恶的。肯为我站起抵挡作孽的。

    Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?

  13. 你们中间谁肯侧耳听此, 谁肯留心而听, 以防将来呢?

    Which of you will listen to this or pay close attention in time to come?

  14. 谁肯把广告费白白扔在这没人光顾的网站上?

    Who is willing to throw away the advertising in this website do not patronize people on?

  15. 你们谁肯做一根芦管, 在万物合唱的时候, 你独痴呆无声呢?

    Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison?

  16. 谁不肯给她卖衣服的现金?

    Who won't give her cash for the clothing?

  17. 谁不肯这样做的就很明显是小偷了。

    Anyone who doesn't see this as a great offer is obviously the thief.

  18. 你有来言,我有去语,两人吵闹起来谁又肯让谁呢?

    Words engendered words, as they always do.

  19. 但他们谁也不肯这样。

    But neither of them wants to.

  20. 最初谁都不肯听他的。

    No one listened to him at first.

  21. 谁都不肯帮忙, 他感到诧异。

    He express surprise that no one have offer to help.

  22. 争执中的双方谁也不肯妥协。

    Neither side in the dispute inclined to compromise.

  23. 谁也不肯负责作出明确的答复。

    Nobody committed thenselves to a definite answer.

  24. 谁也不肯负责作出明确得答复。

    Nobody committed thenselves to a definite answer.

  25. 雨下得很大, 但我们谁也不肯停止干活。

    It was raining hard, but none of us would stop working.

  26. 他要他们休息一会儿,但谁也不肯停止干活。

    He urged them to take a rest. But none of them agreed to stop work.

  27. 如果你们谁都不肯放开礼服 这就是唯一的办法

    it's the only solution if neither of you will let go of the dress.

  28. 尽管他们与敌军力量悬殊,战士们却谁也不肯退却。

    Although they were outnumbered by the enemy, the men refused to give ground.

  29. 头一年, 这些人个个刀枪不入, 谁也不肯去采血。

    The first year, these people everybody invulnerability, who also refused to go to blood collection.

  30. 安妮和菲尔默默地较上了劲,谁也不肯离开。

    Annie and Phil were engaged in a silent battle of wills, each refusing to leave.