




两性结合:~偶。~种(zhǒng)。相互分工合作:~合。~器。用适当的标准加以调和:~料。~制。~伍。~药。~色。~餐。有计划地分派、安排:~备。~置。~给(jǐ)。分~。搭~。把缺少的补足:~套。~乐(yuè )。装~。衬托,陪衬:~搭。……



汉语拼音:sòng pèi






  1. Design Method of Auxiliary Air of Corner Tangential Circle for Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler


  1. 三级配泵送

    three pump allocation.

  2. 那些温室送来时配有通风系统和铝制纱门。

    The greenhouses come equipped with a ventilating system and aluminium screen door.

  3. 需要有一个配电网把能量送到系统的各个部分。

    There needs to be a power distribution networkto carry the energy to the various parts of the system.

  4. 第二, 通过效率化的配送来降低物流成本。

    Secondly, through the delivery of efficiency to reduce logistics costs.

  5. 今天帮他收拾行李送上火车,他不配这身军服。

    Get him packed and on a train today. he's an embarrassment to the uniform.

  6. 加人化学配品后, 将组合物送进烤箱。

    Chemical toppings are added, and the assembly goes into an oven.

  7. 配专用自动送料装置,可实现多层连续切割。

    Adopting specialized material transmission, the multilevel successive cutting can be realized.

  8. 可选配安装底座,达到固定机架,底部过线,底部送冷风

    Optional install plinth enable fixing cabinet, bottom wiring and bottom ventilation

  9. 筛分振动分配机在风力送丝系统中的应用

    Application of Sieving and Vibrating Distributor in Pneumatic Feeding System of Cut Tobacco

  10. 该机配有气动夹袋装置只须人工送袋操作方便。

    This machine is provided with pneumatic bag clamping device, and only needs manual bag feed, so its operation is convenient.

  11. 卡罗琳有辆配有司机的轿车,随时准备送她去伦敦。

    Caroline had a chauffeured car waiting to take her to London.

  12. 送料部分均配有变频调速, 可任意调节送料之速度。

    Some are equipped with feeding frequency control can be arbitrarily adjust the speed of feeding.

  13. 李小姐把随身配带得香囊送给郑公子当定情信物。

    Miss Li gave her sachet to Mr. Zheng as a token of love.

  14. 李小姐把随身配带的香囊送给郑公子当定情信物。

    Miss Li gave her sachet to Mr. Zheng as a token of love.

  15. 李小姐把随身配带的香囊送给郑公子当定情信物。

    Miss Li gave her sachet to Mr. Zheng as a token of love.

  16. 加料口可接风管送料及输送上料,也可直接配线使用。

    The feed opening can connect airblower or conveyor feed the material. also can direct with wiring.

  17. 然而此时, 当地的团总以新磨坊为陪嫁, 想把女儿许配给傩送。

    But this time, the local Youth Troupe with a new mill for the dowry, wanted to send his daughter betrothed to exorcise.