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1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……
汉语拼音:yào zhǐ
亦作“ 要指 ”。主要的旨趣、意思。
《史记·太史公自序》:“愍学者之不达其意而师悖,乃论六家之要指。” 唐 白居易 《三教论衡》:“其义难明,请言要旨。” 清 曾国藩 《送唐先生南归序》:“反之躬行实践,以究羣经要旨,博求万物之理。”
Moreover, we recognize that the very idea of these universal rights presupposes the equal worth of every individual.
还有,我们认识到,这些普遍通用的权利的真正要旨,就是要求以每个个体拥有同等的价值为先决条件。Thus, in designing the body of the presentation, you develop what you want to say about each of these main points or ideas.
所以,在设计演讲正文时,你详细阐述任何你想说的有关每一个要点或要旨的内容。The very essence of his job was to remain perfectly calm and detached, even in an emergency, so as not to alarm the pilots he was directing.
他从事的工作的要旨就是要保持完全的冷静和不受干扰,哪怕遇到紧急情况,这样就不致于使他引导的飞行员惊慌失措。His management thesis seems to boil down to a plea for authenticity - which is an old idea, and a soppy one at that.
他的管理要旨归根结底似乎是在主张一种本真状态——这是个老掉牙的主意,而且有些婆婆妈妈。Mr Brahimi's central recommendation was the creation of multinational brigades around the world ready to deploy at short notice.
普拉希米建议的要旨是在全球范围内组建几支随时准备好在短期内迅速展开部署的旅级多国部队。As the lecturer wandered from topic to topic , we wandered what if any point there was to his discursive remarks .
那个讲演者的话题漫无边际,我们搞不懂他那东拉西扯的演讲到底有何要旨。So, write an elevator pitch pitching yourself and learn it, at least the tone and general thrust of it.
因此,写一则推销你自己的电梯推销言论并学习它,至少学习其中的风格和大概的要旨。Only a few students in Mr. Parker's composition class are said to have really captured the essence of the essay.
据说在佩克先生的作文课上只有几个学生学到了小品文的要旨。of Obama's "State of Union" address is to put the effort of enhancing economy and employment rate as priority.